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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

It might be a little tricky to win on a level 1 EU account with no masteries... lol

Yeah, I don't know. It stinks. I hate it when they shut down/limit custom games. I love to practice new champs that I've never played before without worrying about messing up someone else's game, and then they disable that option. I feel like you should always be able to set up a game with no one else in it to practice. There has to be better ways of limiting server traffic than preventing people from practicing on their own.
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Is there a way to get the replays saved on both US + EU clients? When it asked me during installation for the LoL folder I can only point it one way so wondered if there's way to change this after so I can switch around.

edit - nevermind it does it automatically
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Sullla Wrote:It might be a little tricky to win on a level 1 EU account with no masteries... lol

That is probably true. A possible solution if the problem still persists in 12-24 hours would be to impose a "no masteries" rule as well, so everybody can play the contest on EU servers with equal chances.
I am still hoping this is only a temporary measure and will be fixed by tomorrow. bow


Dantski Wrote:One for Seyruun

Bwahahahahahahaha (:

Totally junglemering it up on today's custom session. :D

Just got the RP, yay!
Tanking for the first time, as Amumu.. Picking defensive items at random..

Best defensive items: Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Randuin's Omen. Aegis is almost worth buying even if someone else on your team has one already. It's very gold/inventory space efficient. Banshee's is so OP almost every champ gets it.

Sunfire cape is good, especially for tanks who tend to be in the middle of teamfights.

Force of nature is decent, but only for the 4-6 item slots.

Don't buy thornmail unless the other team has three+ autoattack champs.

Omen no longer rush item, or even core item on many champs, though as before last patch.

Jungle mumu the way Sunrise does it(EDIT: NVM just checked real fail Cull xD) I think is something like cloth armor 5 pots, lvl1 boots, cata, mercs, giant belt, aegis, sunfire, banshees with maybe a hog in there. Glacial Shroud-Frozen Heart is really good on champs that don't need to stack hp(Cho, Alistar for ex.) that also benefit from the cdr. FoN should be never be rushed, like Bruce said. Late game some tanks can build abyssal for team dmg if you have 2+ ap casters. Atma's also good on jarvan among other tanks that could be dps as near last item slot. frozen mallet/phage/hexdrinker good on tanky dps champs as well. Spirit visage still very good. Warmog almost never worth it.

Is omen even good anymore since the CDR and armour rating have been nerfed so much? I'm not convinced.

I think Randuin's is pretty solid but I haven't tried it much since the Heart of Gold nerf. The active is really good (it's basically Sivir's ultimate in reverse). It's probably a toss-up between that and Sunfire for best pure armor item.

This is cute, lame, funny, and cute(yes it deserves 2) all at the same time.

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