Chat with Lord Parkin where we talk plako boycott as well as potential trade missions
Quote:Lord: Got your mail
me:: cool
Lord: Yeah, I was trying to chat yesterday about Locke's plan
me:: ah ok
Lord: I'm interested to hear your view, since you're the only one who didn't broadcast your opinion publicly
me:: oh it's basically what i said in my email to you
i responded first i guess
Lord: I'm obviously slightly concerned about being seen as a hypocrite, yeah. In Locke's earlier chats with me he seemed confident I'm a long way behind Plako. Lately I'm not so sure.
me:: didn't realize everyone was going to reply to all
Lord: ah, ok
I did find something of interest while browsing Wikipedia the other day, which seems to sort-of apply to this situation :P
Basically, only Locke and WarriorKnight seem to be really keen on this whole idea
me:: interesting
Lord: Everyone else seems a bit lukewarm with reservations for one reason or another
But ironically, we might all get pulled into it anyway if enough people set a precident, just because the others don't want to be seen as "rocking the boat"
just looking at it from a psychological angle
me:: sure
looks like it won't matter anyways as adlain is apparently against it
and mackoti hasn't responded
and if the 2 of them don't close borders there's no point in ther est of us doing so
Lord: Adlain? Have you chatted to him or something?
me:: just from locke's email
last email
Lord: I didn't see a response from him
I should read closer
As for the Great Merchant, I'm not 100% sure of the formula but I think you'd get quite a few hundred extra gold from my capital than anywhere else, right? Because of size as much as ToA.
me:: no i don't think so
it's just based on the trade route value
which is 2gpt for every city (i think)
except 3-4 gpt for yours
Lord: well it's increased with ToA
me:: there was a thread somewhere that explained it but i'd have to look at the link
right it's 100% but it's already at 100-150 for our peace bonus
Lord: and as size increases there are certain points where trade route gold increases
right, but no other people will have 3-4+ gold per trade route
me:: right
Lord: I'll set up a rough test to check it, but I'm pretty sure there's a substantial benefit you'll get from sending him to the ToA city rather than any other. Otherwise you wouldn't ask, right?
me:: we could quibble on what "substantial" is
but yes
Lord: Well, I guess the best thing to do is to wait until I've set up a test game so I can conclusively see what the difference would be
me:: ok
Lord: But I'm sure it'll be something of significance
At least 100-200 gold, surely
beyond the next-highest possibility
me:: let's say 200
Lord: there's also the "ease of use" factor
you don't have to go halfway around the world on a potentially me:gerous trek
Well, I'll check in the test later today, but I'd expect it to be at least that
Anyway, it just seems reasonable to figure out some kind of compensation... splitting the difference seems like it might be the fairest way. That way we both win from a deal.
But yeah, I'll have a check and see how much extra it would really be worth
Don't want to go overcharging you
I could also work out some arrangement to grow my city as fast as possible to hopefully increase the yield slightly
I'd probably also be keen to tie it in with some other deal, like a NAP extension to increase the chance you can return the favour later
(i.e. if we get a Great Merchant, which we might with ToA, then we could send him your way with your 4 trade routes per city - also of course splitting the difference, as would be fair.0
afk a bit
me:: is the link i think
it won't matter that i have 4 trs per city
Lord: Not sure which post in particular you're referring to
Really? I was pretty sure GLH increased Merchant yields
GLH+Harbour even more
me:: it's all about what a trade route with the destination city would get in my capital
if i have a merchant, in your city
the yield is based on what a (hypothetical) trade route with your city would be worth in my capital
Lord: Ah, I see
Sent at 16:15 on Tuesday
Lord: Well, I'll check it out anyway
me:: ok
Lord: It would certainly be safer for me to send a Merchant directly to you rather than across other borders anyway
me:: so i'm not opposed to some sort of compensation (though of course i'd be okay with none ;-) )
Lord: hehe
me:: but at some point in the talks about amount of compensation
i'm going to decide that i'd rather not help out one of the people in firstish place and just take less money elsewhere
ya know?
Lord: Fair enough
I'm fine with that, if you'd prefer that
Certainly not going to hold it against you if you look elsewhere
me:: do you have a galley in our sea?
Lord: Nope, not yet
Will do at some stage soon though
Why do you ask?
me:: well one of us will need one to transport the merchant
Lord: Can you transport on other peoples' boats though? Thought that was only possible in teams?
I guess the boat can be gifted back and forth
me:: right
Lord: although that requires OB
me:: you have to gift it
well a trade mission does too, right?
Lord: I thought I read somewhere that Great Merchants can move through borders regardless...
But I might be wrong
me:: well the galley would need OBs
no matter whose galley it is
Lord: yeah
well I'm sure we could work something out