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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

1. Gustaran: 35:37 (Heimer 12:48 / Caitlyn 12:12 / Morde 10:37)
2. Dantski: -:- (Caitlyn 9:30 / Ashe 10:06 / -:-)
3. Sullla: -:- (Caitlyn 9:23 / -:- / -:- )


Deceptus Wrote:No, why? Amumu clears creeps rather fast and his ganks are awesome at level 6, it's just that you can drop low and die to counterjungling but that never happens to me and I run suboptimal runes (Arpen instead of Mpen) on Amumu. If you want to be supercautious, just go back to base a little earlier. Also Despair is good for killing dragon and baron. You also aren't item dependent and you don't have to rely on ganks to succeed (unlike, say, Rammus), so you can spend money on wards without hesitation.

Why does he suck in the jungle?

1) Completely blue buff dependent early. Can't clear rest of jungle without going back without blue buff.

2) Fairly blue buff dependent midgame in jungle too. If you don't have it you have to watch your mana very closely since Amumu needs about 250m to do his spell combo in a gank.

3) Fine base stats and scaling, but not inherently sustainable. His passive gives some tankiness, but he has no lifesteal/hp regen, and so he needs potions. Particularly on the first cycle killing all of the creeps and then respawned wolves and wraiths means you pretty much have to go back.

4) Can't gank before level 4 (or you slow your jungle down more by taking toss early), weak ganker before level 6 (skillshot 1sec stun only), and infrequent ganker after 6 due to long cooldown. A fail gank as Amumu is really costly.

5) Pretty week covering lanes, minimal ability to harrass a champ trying to keep a lane pushed, kite a tower, etc.

6) Physically slow champ, so takes a while moving around to respond to pushes, etc.

To your other points, I disagree that he's particularily vulnerable to counter-jungling in terms of dieing. Post-leash change with Blue you should only be really low after killing mini gollems if you've had an unlucky jungle with my path, and with flash you should be able to escape there. You're more vulnerable to a strong jungler just killing some of your creeps. I agree he isn't terribly item or gank dependent for XP, as long as he's actually left in the jungle, and not running around and then fail ganking.

Ultimately when I say he "sucks" in jungle I'm not saying he isn't viable (I better not be as I main him there). I'm saying there are clearly better junglers (Nunu, Udyr, etc) and clearly better jungle gankers (Nocturne, Rammus, etc). Ultimately having jungle Amumu means the Amumu and the rest of the team both need to adjust their play accordingly, and as long as that happens the champ is quite strong.

Dantski Wrote:While I haven't bought it on Amumu yet, often I find myself stunned or silenced right when I want to ult their entire team. I know banshees helps towards that (if not more!) I was just throwing it out there for discussion.

In my experience between Bandage Toss and Flash I'm usually able to get my ult off. As others said, Banshee's Veil is just more useful and FoN or Abyssal is probably more useful too, so to me it's a case of a "good vs better" item and having only 6 slots wink

Had a pretty good Ashe game for the contest, which I sent off to Gustaran. This challenge is a lot of fun, although it also has me tearing my hair out much of the time. If you miss 2 minions on that first wave, you might as well give up and start over. Frustrating...

I still don't know which champion to pick third. The first two are obvious, I think.
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Sullla Wrote:The first two are obvious, I think.
Yes, Mordekaiser and Heimerdinger ! nod


Ranking updated:

1. Gustaran: 35:37 (Heimer 12:48 / Caitlyn 12:12 / Morde 10:37)
2. Dantski: -:- (Caitlyn 9:30 / Ashe 10:06 / -:-)
3. Sullla: -:- (Caitlyn 9:23 / Ashe 9:49 / -:- )


D'oh! Did a 9.25 (without time deductions) yesterday but I thought it wasn't worth submitting a 1 second improvement. 11 secs on the otherhand is worth submitting.

Unfortunately I don't think there's any way to prove the date (because replays could be renamed) so I'll take the extra second.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

So wait, can we use replay files to get the time, or no? I've just been letting the game save replays as I try different methods and then planning on replaying it and screenshotting then.

Tyrmith Wrote:So wait, can we use replay files to get the time, or no? I've just been letting the game save replays as I try different methods and then planning on replaying it and screenshotting then.

Yes, you can, but you will only receice the bonus seconds for the day you submit your time (or more precisely, the weekday the forum message system assigns your PM to).
And if you happen to win some RP, you will need to upload your winning replays somewhere so we can watch them, but you can do that at the end of course smile

Ranking updated:

1. Gustaran: 35:37 (Heimer 12:48 / Caitlyn 12:12 / Morde 10:37)
2. Dantski: -:- (Caitlyn 9:20 / Ashe 10:06 / -:-)
3. Sullla: -:- (Caitlyn 9:23 / Ashe 9:49 / -:- )


And Dantski takes #1 spot...thumbsup

Ranking updated:

1. Dantski: 28:54 (Ashe 9:37 /Caitlyn 9:20 / LeBlanc 9:57)
2. Gustaran: 33:57 (Heimer 11:44 / Caitlyn 11:45 / Morde 10:37)
3. Sullla: -:- (Ashe 9:49 / Caitlyn 9:23 / -:-)

Edit: Terror Incognita asked for removal of his times due to accidental use of runes.


A little bump for the contest, still no submissions from last time winner uberfish and Sir Bruce ? huh
Remember everybody, just submitting results gives you the chance to win RP smile

Ranking updated:

1. Dantski: 28:54 (Ashe 9:37 /Caitlyn 9:20 / LeBlanc 9:57)
2. Gustaran: 33:57 (Heimer 11:44 / Caitlyn 11:45 / Morde 10:37)
3. Sullla: -:- (Ashe 9:21 / Caitlyn 9:23 / -:-)


4 minute dragons are fun and last hitting for 10 minutes is stressful smile I can't bear the idea of doing it for three different heroes.

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