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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

12 cset=few hrs from now or later than that? So basically when is the due date for the challenge in est time?

Cull Wrote:12 cset=few hrs from now or later than that? So basically when is the due date for the challenge in est time?


IIRC that's 6 hours ahead of Eastern US time, which would make it 6am for you guys, right ?

I chose that time because for me that's usually around the time when the US servers are down for maintenance. So unless Riot pulls some crazy stuff, you have time to submit results until the servers are down for tomorrow's patch.


Ah. I thought it was twelve midnight, not twelve noon. I was going like "OMGWTFBBQ", but now that makes more sense.

Sorry double post.

I try take screenshot, and when I paste it in paint I get black screen. Its in fullscreen mode.

Alright, well since I'm heading off to bed I'll post my last time to finish up the submission:

Sullla: 27:53 (Ashe 9:21 / Caitlyn 9:23 / Master Yi 9:09)

I'm really hoping that's enough to win; I wanted to win this one pretty badly. I've been sitting on that Yi score for five days now, didn't want to give away who my last pick would be. (For the curious, Yi is by far the fastest out of the free champs this week, and I was sure of that before even starting.) However, I think there's a good chance that Cull or Enoch or whoever will have a faster time submitted by the time I wake up tomorrow. So hats off to whoever does put up the fastest time; if it's me, I'll have screenshots and replays up in this thread soon. [Image: smile.gif]
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

10:36 with first-ever game of Yi. Some major mistakes, aside from never having played the champ, included only smiting twice during the game and forgetting to buy at start. Tried him a second time and with what I thought were better masteries and items and managed...10:59 wink

14:00 with Ashe

10:43 with Cait

Total of 35:16

Thanks for the challenge!

Cull Wrote:Sorry double post.

I try take screenshot, and when I paste it in paint I get black screen. Its in fullscreen mode.

IIRC, usually it's the F12 key and the screenshots are saved somewhere in the LoL-folder. From the forums:
Quote:F12 screenshots save to your game folder as .tga files. Free programs that can view .tga files (albiet with alpha patches) are Paint.NET and Gimp.

Prt Scr on games that use DirectX may sometimes return black screens. This has been known for a long time, and this is not the recommended form of taking screenies.

If you still have technical difficulties with the screenshots and read this before the contest ends, just submit your times without them and in case you win we will verify them later. smile

Ranking updated:

1. Sullla: 27:53 (Ashe 9:21 / Caitlyn 9:23 / Master Yi 9:09)
2. Dantski: 28:54 (Ashe 9:37 /Caitlyn 9:20 / LeBlanc 9:57)
3. Enoch: 31:44 (Master Yi 9:03 / Caitlyn 11:07 / Rammus 11:34)
4. Gustaran: 33:57 (Heimer 11:44 / Caitlyn 11:45 / Morde 10:37)
5. Sunrise: 35:16 (14:00 Ashe / Caitlyn 10:43 / Master Yi 10:36)
6. Jowy: 36:59 (Master Yi 11:05 / Mordekaiser 11:32 / Amumu 14:22)

A little over 3 hours left smile

Edit: Added Enoch's score


You are safe from me Sulla because a) I am not that great mechanically b) I got called to a site this weekend so my other times are set using my netbook's touchpad on wireless internet! Got to be one of the first realms beyond contest entries from an archaeological dig though. smile

I am intrigued to hear your setup on the Yi run because I feel that my time for that could be improved by a fair amount. I probably missed more than a wave worth of last hits and hit 99 off the last creep of a wave meaning I had to run madly to find the last creep. smoke When I am back to a real computer I will try it once more and see if I can get it below 9 minutes.

I agree Yi seemed like the obvious winner here. My run got up to something like 560 move speed when I needed it and I didn't take ghost.

Contest /closed smile

Final Ranking:

1. Sullla: 27:53 (Ashe 9:21 / Caitlyn 9:23 / Master Yi 9:09)
2. Dantski: 28:54 (Ashe 9:37 /Caitlyn 9:20 / LeBlanc 9:57)
3. Enoch: 31:44 (Master Yi 9:03 / Caitlyn 11:07 / Rammus 11:34)
4. Gustaran: 33:57 (Heimer 11:44 / Caitlyn 11:45 / Morde 10:37)
5. Sunrise: 35:16 (14:00 Ashe / Caitlyn 10:43 / Master Yi 10:36)
6. Jowy: 36:59 (Master Yi 11:05 / Mordekaiser 11:32 / Amumu 14:22)

GZ Sullla on winning (after all he has told us numerous times in his videos that when you are alone in a lane you should get every single minion kill wink ), but I am going to wait for him to submit screenshots & replays before drawing and handing out the RP prizes.


Oh really? Excellent! jiveI'll post the screenshots and upload all the replays here in a couple of hours. I will also probably throw up a YouTube cast of one of the farming runs, either Yi or Ashe.
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