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Civilization 5 Announced

.: still completely useless.

Only thing I like about Civ5's interface: you can instantly tell the tile yield by looking at the configuration of the dots. Single = 1, vertical = 2, triangle = 3, square = 4. Unfortunately, because tile improvements give a marginal +33-50% boost to yields, your tile/worker management doesn't matter at all.

Nicolae Carpathia Wrote:.: still completely useless.

Only thing I like about Civ5's interface: you can instantly tell the tile yield by looking at the configuration of the dots. Single = 1, vertical = 2, triangle = 3, square = 4. Unfortunately, because tile improvements give a marginal +33-50% boost to yields, your tile/worker management doesn't matter at all. it tricky to know tile yields in Civ4? Ok, I GUESS you can argue it's tough to know whether a tile is a hamlet or a village, but that only matters inside the city screen where the yields are clear. Outside of that there are like 8 tile yields to memorize, which takes like 5 games. Is that a grass hill mine? 1/3/0. On a river now and we have railroad? 1/4/1... Plus, you can always just turn on the "show tile yields" button.

I echo Sullla - the Civ4 interface is quite good. It's fast, it's pretty darn usable, and it provides a lot of info to the player. It goes beyond the in-game interface too, the SP and MP menus provide a lot of options, it comes pre-loaded with lots of maps, it has an amazing soundtrack, it supports a ton of graphical options....IMHO it's held up extremely well for a 6 year old game.

Don't forget there the half dozen permutations of the workshop tile, depending on terrain, techs, and civics. I will give you the fact that the interface is fairly quick, there are a ton of easily accessible hotkeys that let you worker micro very quickly, and you can bring up a ton of useful demographics and summaries. The one thing that annoys me is that grouping stacks in Civ4 is incredibly buggy, its hard to select single units when you have multiple groups on the same tile. Either that or I don't know how the rules for stack grouping works.

^ The stacking mechanic is rather awkward yeah. In fact, it seems to me that for at least 4 out of 5 Civ games, avoiding the prevalence of SoDs has been an important issue for the developers. The first two games (and AC) had the clunky "one unit dies, the whole stack goes" mechanic, the Civ 5 version is *incredibly* clunky. Civ 3 didn't really have a way to deal with SoDs except having one of your own (including bombers to obliterate everything). The collateral damage of Civ 4 seems to work decently, and (Mod-wise) the spell mechanic of FFH gives a definite disincentive to stack.

Good god is the Civ5 version bad. It's not like Starcraft or AoE or CnC where you can just select --> click and your units will path to the spot (eventually (actually they're pretty damn stupid too)), but in Civ5, you'll need to cycle through every single one of those moving units and babysit them until they reach their destination.

Stack grouping is pretty easy in Civ4 if you know the hotkeys. Ctrl-click selects all units of the same type on a tile. Alt-click selects all units on a tile instantly. I agree that this isn't documented particularly well, but it does work very well once you have the feel of things. Turn on group attack (or whatever it's called) on the options menus, then Alt-click and you can attack a city with 100 units instantly. Very handy for MP stuff.
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Yeah, that's the obvious bit, it's just that it gets bugged when you have large stacks, and when you've been combining two separate stacks .ie. a stack of cavalry, and a stack of rifles/cannons. You've never had it bug out when you click to select a single unit, and end up selecting the entire stack?

Civ4's UI only bugs out if you move fast. In the MeInTeam's video's you can see him move fast and have the Civ's UI bug out on him sometimes.

Good luck playing slowly under a blazing turn timer. Enjoy missing half your city builds and watching a warrior walk into your capital!

Nicolae Carpathia Wrote:Good luck playing slowly under a blazing turn timer. Enjoy missing half your city builds and watching a warrior walk into your capital!

lol I can't agrue with that. I just wanted to point out why you and Sullla have different opinions. Its because different things have happened to you.

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