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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Deceptus Wrote:Oh, hey! Guess who's the jungler on the enemy team! If you guessed "a Flash/Exhaust Tryndamere", you win a cookie!

The flash/exhaust Tryndamere who lead the game in minion kills? No, I wasn't guessing that.

MF builds anyone? I usually go with:
Meki pendant -> Chalice (never run outta mana)
Boots (magic res ones)
Mining Pick -> Infinity Edge
Blood Dancer
Blood Dancer

Runes: arp, crit dmg, mp5, magic res

And btw, does leaving during choosing summoners get you a red quit?
Sometimes you can already tell you're gonna lose.. (ie. no tank, insta lock Yi's, all talk japanese and so on)

Is there an updated list of people's IDs somewhere? I'm ub3rfish with a 3

Jowy Wrote:And btw, does leaving during choosing summoners get you a red quit?

On ranked, yes. On normal, you just get a time penalty that prevents you from entering games for a moment.

Jowy Wrote:MF builds anyone? I usually go with:
Meki pendant -> Chalice (never run outta mana)
Boots (magic res ones)
Mining Pick -> Infinity Edge
Blood Dancer
Blood Dancer

Runes: arp, crit dmg, mp5, magic res

And btw, does leaving during choosing summoners get you a red quit?
Sometimes you can already tell you're gonna lose.. (ie. no tank, insta lock Yi's, all talk japanese and so on)

Chalice is usually not a good item, and should not be taken. It provides mana regen, a stat that you shouldn't have to buff on dps champs by buying items, and magic resist that is minimal compared to other choices. Om VERY few champions(only that I can think of is Galieo, and even then...) it may be good. Its a waste for 900+g. Instead of an item that teaches you bad habits(SPAM MANA, who cares I got chalice, SPAM MANA), getting your core build, or dorans is a lot better. Another thing is the double blood dancers. These items are expensive, and provide going boots 3 hp pots not that much dps. One after IE is fine, but two means 6+k spent on items that provide a little attack speed, and crit chance basically. On most dps, I think that, then 0-3 dorans depending, then IE, Last Whisper, Bloodthrister, situtational is about right. I'm basing off what I build usually on ashe. MF might be different a little. For boots, merc trends are usually the way to go, but in some games where they have minimal CC, zerk boots aren't a bad choice all things considered. Runes are up to you, but on mf, apen reds-mana regen(scaling) yellow-mana regen(scaling)blue-apen quints, especially if you having trouble with mana to get a chalice.

Cull Wrote:Chalice is usually not a good item, and should not be taken.

Also, it only beats Tear mana regen when you're below 50% mana. So, if you're really having mana issues, Tear is better since it has more consistent regen AND increases your mana pool.

Still, Ashe/MF/etc don't really need regen if you manage things properly, and nab some mana regen runes.

Also, I personally prefer BFS->IE if you can afford it. I just don't find pickaxe to be cost efficient enough (esp with 3 slots taken by wards, pots, and boots), and I might be a noob but I don't go to base often enough that I'm not close to a BFS.

My Ashe build (and I play her enough that I consider this pretty much optimal, for me at least, at the moment) is ideally:
  • Starting items - Doran's Blade if I'm likely to be vs a caster; Doran's Shield if an AD carry

  • First trip back - Level 1 boots + whichever of Pickaxe/BF Sword I can afford

  • Then rush IEdge ASAP. If you have it by 20-22 minutes, you're doing well. Pick up Berzerker Greaves along the way

  • Then Phantom Dancer (Zeal first, ofc)

  • Then it becomes situational -- usually I'll go Last Whisper after this, assuming they're stacking armour. If not, then something like a Bloodthirster if I'm doing well or perhaps a defensive item (usually a Banshee's Veil) if I'm having trouble staying alive

Cull is right about the Chalice - generally it's a crutch. You shouldn't be running out of mana. I have some scaling mana regen runes as part of my Ashe build - that should be all you need.

He's also right in that Phantom Dancer is not a great item on MF, and two is definitely overkill; I don't even build two on Ashe. Consider that 1) MF already has a passive movespeed boost, and 2) MF already has an active attack speed boost as well, and you can see how unnecessary it is/they are. You're really better off buying more damage or a Veil IMO.

Has anone tried the new Vlad spellvamp build with 3 x Hextech Gunblade ?
Some threads mention it is supposed to be the new FOTM at high elo and that you could heal back lots with e/r...


LoL Contest #3 - Baron must die !

Welcome to LoL challenge #3 ! This time it’s about killing Baron ! I added some bots so farming should be bearable wink

Starts: As soon as the servers are up again! (let's hope Riot doesn't need a day again to unlock solo custom games :-/)

Ends: Tuesday, May 17th, 12:00 (noon) CEST (which is usually around the time for patch maintenance)

Conditions: Start a solo custom game on Summoner's Rift. Add 2 bots of your choice to your team. Add Sivir, Soraka, Malphite, Master Yi and Shen to the enemy team (so you play a 3 vs 5 game). You may kill any bots in order to get more gold quickly.

Goals: Solo kill Baron.

Winning condition: The fastest time wins. Penalty: Add 1 minute to your time for every tower you lose.

a) Champions: Fiddlesticks & Shaco are banned.
b) Items: Sword of the Occult, Mejai's Soulstealer and Leviathan are banned.

How to participate:
As soon as you kill Baron, take a screenshot that shows your your finishing time. Report your times either in this thread or via PM to me. Upload your screenshots somewhere on the net (i.e. ) and send me the link via PM. You may improve your time as often as you like and switch champions as you see fit.

You may deduct 2 seconds from your finishing time for every day before Tuesday you report your result (i.e. if you report Saturday, you may deduct 6 seconds). This is so we get some results flowing in and not have everybody turn in 30 minutes before the contest ends.

What can you win:
As usual, you can win a 10$ Riot Point Code. This time, the code will not go to the winner, but will be drawn again from all participants who submitted a valid result. Hopefully this will encourage even more players smile
If you are the winner, please make a replay available after the contest ends. This way everybody can learn from you smile

Good luck to everyone !


This contest needs Shaco banned.

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