Rawkking Goodguy Wrote:From what I saw during my turn your name is still Keelyn, Kyan. Brian probably made the understandable mistake of sending the wrong save file. I almost sent the wrong file to Gaspar myself.
As a walkthrough for any other players, in a PBEM you should hit enter to end turn when prompted and a save will automatically be generated for you to send to the next player.
That will be located in the saves/pbem/FFH2 PBEMVII (the last folder should be automatically generated along with the save when you end turn) called something like "FFH2 PBEM VIII AD001 to Keelyn.sav" (or whoever is next in the turn order if you aren't Brian Shanahan)
Yeah I did exactly this. Proper save sent. If anyone wants to beat me up over holding up the game PM me and I'll give contact details. But be warned I'll expect pints of beer bought for me after.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.