Luddite: well anyway... i guess we should talk about the civ gamei hope you're not too mad about this, but i founded a city on the border this turn
me: yeah, sorry, I don't want to take up too much of your time
2:38 AM which border?
Luddite: on the border with you, in my east
it's on the northern coast
me: um... I'm really not too pleased with that. We did have a pretty explicit agreement regarding the choke point.
Luddite: i gave you all the cities that we talked about though
2:39 AM this just lets me work the coast
me: I think you ignored (or misread) the key summary, then
2:40 AM Ok, so to summarise, we've got:
- NAP to T210 (1500 AD)
- You won't settle any further cities towards me beyond the canal city
- I won't settle over the coast towards you, except perhaps south of the peaks on the unconnected land
[Luddite: yep, that sounds good]
that's directly from our Skype conversation
Luddite: hmm
me: You explicitly agreed not to settle any further beyond the choke point
Luddite: i guess i was kinda distracted by my war with mackoti when i said that
me: I'm not trying to be a bastard, but I kind of expected you to keep your word :P
Luddite: i really didn't think you would care if i settled a city that would just give me coast there
2:41 AM uyou really shouldn't get mad at me... i've given you ALL the land in between us, and thanks to me you're number 2 in cities without having to lift a finger
2:42 AM me: If it's the site I'm thinking of, then it steals a Sheep from me. And yes, I wanted to found that city.
Luddite: it's not gonna steal sheep, i won't have enough culture for that
2:43 AM me: Look, it's the double standard that gets to me. We make an agreement, then you expect me to honour it by not founding cities on your side, but you deliberately found a city in a place you surely knew would be troublesome even though (1) you agreed not to, and (2) you have plenty of far better spots open.
2:44 AM You can't have it both ways, I guess that's what I'm saying. I had a Settler all loaded up on that Galley down south of your territory, ready to found a city just before we had our convo. After our convo, I unloaded him back on my side and founded elsewhere.
2:45 AM Luddite: well... i should point out then that you would have violated our initial agreement if you had settled down there
me: right, which was why I was checking
2:46 AM I checked to make sure if it'd be okay or not. On the other hand, you just DID very deliberately violate our agreement.
You can't say "I thought you'd be ok with it", because I just sent you a bunch of emails before you founded telling you not to :P
So even misreading the Skype convo doesn't really cut it
Luddite: ok fine... you SHOULD be ok with it becuase i've given you so much already
2:47 AM me: The way I see it, you thought "oh well, he can't do anything about it right now, I'll just violate it anyway"
Luddite: i've given up so many good city sites between us, and focused everything west
2:48 AM me: The thing is, if you'd discussed it with me earlier I likely would have been okay with it. However, you AGREED to give me that site when you agreed to our last arrangement. If you weren't happy with giving me that site, you should have brought it up then, or not signed the agreement. You can't fault me for that.
Luddite: apparently if i hadn't agreed you would have sent settlers across my borders to break the first agreement lol
2:49 AM me: No, I wouldn't
And I didn't
Luddite: you just said you had a settler on a galley ready to go lol
2:50 AM me: Yes, but that Galley also had the option to go for the southern island, which you were ok with
Luddite: to settle in between two of my cities, in land i fought a war to get
me: And I never would have settled without your permission
2:51 AM There's a very clear distinction between considering an option and bringing it up for discussion, vs agreeing to something, having it made clear to you that you are about to breach that agreement, then sneakily going ahead with it anyway
Luddite: alright look, i'm sorry i did it without talking to you first
like i said, i've been way too busy for doing long chats this week
me: You double-moved to take that spot too, incidentally
2:52 AM Luddite: not trying to double move, just finishing my turns while i have time, and it wouldn't matter anyway since you don't have a settler there
in the long run this really shouldn't change much
me: right, but the intention of the double move was to just spite me by founding it before I could do anything
2:53 AM Luddite: i really didn't plan it that way
you can appeal to GES if you think i really broke the rules
me: It changes my perception of you when you don't honour an agreement even after it's made explicitly clear to you. Why are you settling such a crap location anyway, when there are so many other better ones that would put your economy back on track faster?
2:54 AM Luddite: more collosus coast, more economy
it's a site that helps me a lot more than it would help you
me: that's bull, frankly. You can get coast from a bunch of other sites without breaching an agreement
That's bull too, since I could share tiles if I had that spot
Luddite: i'm... settling other sites too
2:55 AM me: Right, so why the need to breach our agreement and make me so mad over such a crap spot for you? It doesn't make logical sense.
![wink wink](
Also, I note that Chariot stack just moved into that new city. You're not exactly convincing me of non-aggressive intentions.
2:56 AM Luddite: the chariots well.. i'm just a little gunshy after dealing with mackoti
me: In fact, arguably an aggressive city plant like that after it was made clear to you that that wasn't ok was a breach of our NAP.
Luddite: if you want to break the NAP and attack me then i guess that's your call
i really don't think this justifies it at all
2:57 AM me: Maybe, but how am I supposed to believe you on the NAP when you just broke half of our agreement?
Luddite: well, you'll notice how my power graph hasn't increased at all in the last turns?
in fact i even deleted some units
me: It's still very high
2:59 AM Not that I'm concerned for my own safety - you can't win a war against me anyway right now, when I have War Chariots and am right next to Maces - but a war between us would drag both of our economies down and hand things over to plako.
Luddite: sure, i agree
3:00 AM me: I don't understand why you seem to be acting so aggressively towards me, as Plako's still the far larger threat. Sure, while he's at war his score temporarily drops down, but with his immense land he'll bounce back and then some once it's over.
Luddite: i really don't think i'm acting that agressive towards you, i'm just trying to rebuild my economy after getting way behind
3:02 AM me: Yes, but your actions speak louder than words. If this site was so important to you you could have pulled me aside and argued your case for getting that city well in advance. You didn't though, you kept it quiet and out of sight - I wouldn't even have seen the Settler last turn if not for sheer chance. That screams "acting in bad faith" to me.
Luddite: ok, sorry, i apologize if i did it in an unfair way
me: Especially since you founded it even after knowing that it was in breach of our agreement and would make me extremely unhappy
3:03 AM Any other cities you're intending on breaching our agreement to found?
Luddite: all my other cities will be west of there, i promise
especailly since you've already filled up every possible city site to the east
3:04 AM me: Ok, I'll hold you to that
3:06 AM I'm still not happy about this city you just founded though. I'd be willing to go as far as reimbursing you a Settler if you gifted it over, even though it was clearly founded in breach of our agreement. That's one option..
Luddite: sorry, but a city is really worth a lot more than a settler at this point
3:08 AM me: Right, but given that you're heavily in the wrong here, I thought you might be willing to consider righting things. A settler has slightly less value than a founded city (until it founds), but it seems unreasonable for you to expect more compensation than that for breaking an agreement in the first place.
3:09 AM Luddite: sorry, but i think you're far enough ahead that you can afford one sub-par city location
3:10 AM me: So basically, it's a case of "You're currently ahead of me, which makes it perfectly okay in my eyes to breach an agreement I made with you to get a piece of your pie. Don't you dare try doing the reverse though."
3:11 AM Forgive me if I see that as being somewhat dishonourable and slimy.
Luddite: um;; i hope that's not the impression you're getting
3:12 AM but, no i'm not going to give you one of my cities just to make you feel better
me: Personally, I prefer to keep all my agreements to the letter, even if I'm behind. I've had plenty of games where I haven't ended up winning, but I didn't resort to breaking deals to try.
3:13 AM One of your cities, planted on land you agreed was mine, in breach of an agreement you had with me, even after you were made well aware of said agreement. Sure.
3:14 AM The fact that you view a righting of the situation as you trying to make
me "feel better" speaks volumes to me
3:15 AM I think we're not talking on the same level here. Your mindset is "first in, first served, f*** the agreement". Mine is "we had a deal, you broke that deal, what can we do to fix things here".
3:16 AM At least that's my impression
3:17 AM Luddite: no my mindset is "wow i gave that guy a REALLY sweet deal... i should at least try to get whatever i can from it, like the water between us"
me: You cannot blame me for you agreeing to a deal you later decided you didn't like.
3:18 AM The blame lies entirely with you in this situation
If you weren't happy with the deal, TALK to me and explain an alternative
Luddite: it's won't even give me land east of my city anyway, so i think it obeys the letter of the agreement
me: Don't go with this sneaky BS
3:19 AM Nope. "You won't settle any further cities towards me beyond the canal city". You can't misinterpret it like that.
3:20 AM Put yourself in my position for a moment. Say I founded a city on that SE peninsula below you across from my land. Would you be pissed? Would you consider that "fair"? Would you consider that a NAP breach?
Luddite: interesting you bring that up, since apparently you were preparing to do that...
3:21 AM me:
rolls eyes for the last time, I had considered it as an option ONLY if you were agreeable. You were not, so it was immediately discarded from my mind as an option. You are deliberately mixing up the "before" and "after" the agreement, and I won't have any of it.
3:23 AM On the other hand, you had clearly considered this city as an option. On the other hand, you didn't discard it as an option after agreeing not to settle that land and being made aware again of that agreement. You are the one who acted deceitfully and broke the agreement here.
Luddite: look we're obviously not going to completely agree on this, and i'm gonna have to go soon
i really don't think you should feel hard done by, by me
i'm not gonna give you that city, but i hope we can work together in the future
me: It's not the site, it's the principle. That you were willing to breach the agreement like this and feel so uncaring about it really makes me reconsider our relationship in the game.
3:24 AM I thought we were very close friends, willing to talk through anything, but now I'm not so sure.
3:26 AM I won't keep you around for much longer. I'll just state again that I think it was a real slimeball move to do what you did, especially considering you probably could have done it without the fuss by just talking to me in advance.
3:27 AM Again, it was the way in which you went about what you did, much more than the actual event of settling the city that was important.
Luddite: ok, sorry
i'll try to do better about communicating in the future, i'm just really pressed for time right now
3:29 AM me: I'll be interested to see how the lurkers see it. On the one hand you were completely in the wrong here, for making an agreement and then directly breaching that agreement. On the other hand, from reading past games it seems the sentiment of some lurkers is that it's ok for the "little guy" to do whatever slimy moves he pleases and still have a shining reputation. Guess we'll see.
![smile smile](
No worries, I've got to get to bed anyway
3:30 AM Stayed up far too late
Luddite: haha ok
goodnight man
me: Night