It seems that there's a heavy battle going on elsewhere too:
4 GG's born in a single turn! 3 of which belong to rego (probably because he hasn't had as many due to not killing anyone) plus one died. India's stack got heavily pummeled, as it was 3-4 times that size last turn. Nice defense rego.
Of course, I want to join in on the fun too.
![smile smile](
StM indeed buffed up defenses everywhere, however he has no fighters nearby on intercept (his 'super' fighter is healing in Agra). That means my two bombers nearby can both definitely strike wherever they can reach. Here's a list of city defenders in the cities I can reach (had to load up the save again for them):
They're all defended fairly well. I can't reach Madras with bombers, so my best units only have 50% odds so that's out. Lahore and Pataliptura both can only be reached by one of my two bombers, so let's go for Agra. I want to get rid of that fighter too.
Sadly I wish I thought to take more screenshots of the battle. It was fairly straightforward though, as after bombing the defenses with ships and garrison with bombers I had 70+% odds with all my units. I did lose 2 tanks and a Marine I think but at those odds this was inevitable:
(and hey, I got to use that mace for the kill, score for filler units)
So, here's the aftermath:
I had to delete my mace unfortunately since I can't let that knight get a free kill. But otherwise mission accomplished.
I won't have enough healthy units to be able to attack anywhere else in the near future, but his only nearby naval units are 2 Destroyers, so I can definitely keep him on his toes. At least until he starts building some Battleships.
And finally the Demographics:
He's still ahead in production unfortunately, but wow, he lost more than a million soldiers from those two battles. That's gotta hurt.