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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Ranking updated:

01. Enoch 18:03
02. Varis Nox 18:49
03. SirBruce 23:34
04. Spellman 25:34
05. Jowy 33:18


First time playing with bots. I used Sivir and Malphite, which was about half right.. Sivirs on both sides had the least amount of deaths, just one each. Also my Sivir was dominating her lane against enemy Sivir+Yi at the beginning, but one weak moment lost us a tower. Malphite was doing OK against Shen+Soraka. Enemy Shen was awesome, he always fled combat just at the right moment and even ganked me once in mid. He also saved many of his teammates. Shen and Sivir seem to be the strongest, but using Shen in this challenge might not work since he'd go out of position too much. Maybe Yi + Sivir?

I played Jax myself. I got Wriggles first (edit: started with Doran blade actually), then ninja tabi, then Madred's Bloodrazor, then Bloodthirster and picked up another vampiric sceptre with extra money before going for Baron. The timing on when to go for it was perfect, just barely beat him. My strategy, however.. obviously not so much lol

By the way, I swear I've seen other bots in screenshots and videos than those I was able to pick. How come I can only pick a few?

Huh, didn't realize TL had an active LoL team. Dunno any of the names though.

FYI: It was EazyPeezyLemonSqueezy
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I think Yi and Sivir are the best bots for the challenge. They are the best at clearing waves fast and that is all that is really needed.

On another note I never realised till this challenge that you get credited for the kills if a fortified turret kills someone. Got a very nice double first blood that way smile

I'll try to take a look at that 5 vs 5 game, guys. Been an absolutely crazy weekend so far. I think I've had maybe one hour of computer access in the past 36 hours...
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I've actually been having good results with Sivir and Soraka. Soraka baits enemy champ into tower and can make sure she doesn't die herself. Plus the bots are stupid enough to get starfall harassed, making my life easier when I side-lane gank.

One game my Sivir bot was Legendary Status again Yi+Malphite. Dunno how that happened...

Contest ends tomorrow smile

Ranking updated:

01. Enoch 18:03
02. Varis Nox 18:49
03. SirBruce 23:34
04. Spellman 25:34
05. Jowy 33:18
06. uberfish 30:36


Did the Baron doggy-style in 19:53 with Nasus.

Lost one middle turret so add on a minute for 20:53, unless we're counting turrets lost by the bots also (unclear, seems a bit harsh?) in which case add on another minute or two.

[Image: baron1953nasus.png]

With Fiddles banned, that means most (all?) spellcasters are out, leaving AD junglers.
Couldn't be bothered to buy the obvious Warwick, so decided to try Yi. Unfortunately he's just too squishy pre-level 18, so I could only manage times of around 23 mins.
Nasus was the next logical step from there, more tanky, but decent damage output and innate lifesteal passive similar to Warwick.

Went with Shen and Sivir bots on my side - the Shen shield when dealing with Baron can be useful and both are capable of holding off the AI reasonably well. Tried Anniebot but she's just too aggressive, need more defensive play.

Something some players might not realise, is that you can manipulate which bot you face in mid, depending on the order you input them.
Recommend putting Yibot in mid, he's squishy, lacks an escape (takes Ghost and Teleport, hardly ever uses Ghost, Teleport just means he gets back faster for you to kill him again) and often overextends.
9 times out of 10 you can get first blood from him in the first wave with the smart application of Wither (or an Exhaust) to increase the number of shots he takes from your turret. The downside of course is that Yi -will- take one of your mid turrets, unless you're extremely cautious.
Went with Ignite and Smite for more Baron damage, like the Fortify suggestion however.

Was typically getting 10-15 kills within 23 mins, so averaging better than one every 2 mins, I'm hoping that's above average...
Baron was generally doable by lvl 16 Nasus with a Madred Bloodrazor + Bloodthirster and a dual pot at around 20 mins. I imagine you can do it a little earlier than that screenshot because I did finish still with 1k health, but there's some variance depending on how much the Baron does his knock-up attack (hurts).

Warwick I imagine is superior though, can probably get away with just a Bloodrazor and an extra bit of lifesteal, say vamp scepter. He has all he needs already, tons of innate lifesteal and an AS steroid skill.
Just wanted to say thankyou to Gustaran for doing these. smile I wish I'd been able to take part in the others.
My only suggestion would be, to possibly extend the comps for longer than one week.
I'm not sure champion rotations create a huge difference, particularly in the case of this last one.


Drop Sight Wards on Baron and he's attack them sometimes instead of you.

Contest is finished !

Final Ranking:

01. Enoch 18:03
02. Varis Nox 18:49
03. Pocketbeetle 21:53
03. uberfish 21:53
05. SirBruce 23:34
06. Spellman 25:34
07. Jowy 33:18

Incredible, uberfish and Pocketbeetle have the same time lol
Congratulations to Enoch, I would love to hear more about your strategy!

And a code 10$ worth of Riot Points goes to....Spellman smile

Thanks everybody for participating, hope to see you around for the next contest!


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