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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Gusturan Wrote:And unfortunately interesting contests without any bots are a little hard to do, if anyone has some good suggestions I would be interested to hear them

I assume you'd rather receive suggestions via PM than have people tlk about them here?
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:I assume you'd rather receive suggestions via PM than have people tlk about them here?

Yes smile


Enoch Wrote:Also after seeing the other results, everyone seems to have farmed the bots hard. My poor Warwick's budget equipment! Oh well at least my run showed that it is possible in a relatively normal game environment.

But it worked. =p

spellman Wrote:But it worked. =p

Yeah I guess there is that!

I realised playing tonight that the phrase I type most in chat is "Please fight at the tower" closely followed by "wait for 5 to fight". Neither of these seem to do any good though. banghead

I don't have any ideas for new challenges but has anyone ever thought about doing a realms beyond 1v1 tournament? Something like first kill or first tower destroyed wins.

Enoch Wrote:I realised playing tonight that the phrase I type most in chat is "Please fight at the tower" closely followed by "wait for 5 to fight". Neither of these seem to do any good though. banghead

Step 1) Play Carry
Step 2) Carry to victory
Step 3) Get out of ELO hell
Step 4) ????
Step 5) Play w/ pre-mades
Step 6) Profit

Step1) Play any champ that you are good at, play with mentality that it is 1v5 in solo q
Step2) Win game

I am not in Elo hell I am just in the land of the smurfs smile I am trying to level up my US account (up to level 12) and most of the games seem to be people on second accounts hunting down my low level team mates! I know my account is technically a smurf as well but I am only up to level 20 on my main so I don't feel too bad.

Anyway my solution to this is pretty much just play Teemo, reasons being

1) I pretty much never lose a lane with him
2) Gives map control, which will never happen otherwise
3) Can split push to victory if necessary
4) You can build like a tanky dps and still do lots of damage
5) Playing Teemo is hilarious amounts of fun (pro tip when escaping a gank using move quick and ghost type "vroooom" in chat)

The fact that no one builds defence or plays tanks at this level does lead to some funny builds though. My last game against a fed TF and Pantheon that just focused me lead to this:

[Image: tankteemo.png]

I stupidly sold wriggle's to start on Bloodrazor rather than keeping hold of wriggle's till I could buy it outright. I had more armour than our Rammus smoke

My US account name is Ahaucan btw if anyone wants to play, I will warn you I am not great...

When watching Sullla vids, whenever he says "I'm not sure what happened there, oh well" or "I don't know what he did there" replace it with "that was fucking retarded!" thumbsup

Jowy Wrote:When watching Sullla vids, whenever he says "I'm not sure what happened there, oh well" or "I don't know what he did there" replace it with "that was fucking retarded!" thumbsup

Haha, you are totally right lol
I was thinking the same thing. "Not sure, if that was the best play" while everbody understands "What a noob".


That's very true... you have to try to be polite though when dealing with other people. One reason I don't Livestream game is due to that very fact, as I'm a lot more abrasive when playing games live. I have Teamspeak set on the "push to talk" feature, and I will say or think a lot of things that don't necessarily get passed over Teamspeak. Anyway, it's a game and we all make mistakes at times, and get frustrated at other people. It happens.

Today is Thursday again, so hopefully tonight we'll be able to get another good RB turnout. I was all set to go last week and had something come up at the last minute. Hopefully that won't happen again.

If nothing else, we can help Enoch level up that American account. That's always fun stuff. jive
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