Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic 5 - Blake's game

As promised here is the report.

Read it here

The victory was Domination in 1589AD.

Nice summary. I'm curious to hear the details about how you recover from the economic straits you acquired during the conquest of India. Did he at least do you the favor of improving a few Calendar resources for you?

Bumped since the report is now up.

Quote:I looove you Mao *HUG!*.

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Quote:What's Gandhi doing in CIV anyway? Don't get me wrong - I'm a big fan of Gandhi because IRL I believe strongly in non-violence but that's exactly why he shouldn't be in CIV which is fundamentally a very violent game. It'd be like having a computer game called Telletubby Snuggle bunnies where the objective is to hunt down the other players and hug them, starring Mao, Hitler and Stalin. I looove you Mao *HUG!*.

I have no idea what this means, but it sure had me laughing. lol

More seriously, like Blake in this report, I do not like to burn cities down. You will almost never see me raze a city unless it was engulfed by another civ's culture and unsustainable. It seems to me that if you went to all the effort of taking a city, you might as well keep it to get some kind of a benefit out of it! I'm sure that's why a lot of players finished faster than our games here (but also why Blake and I had some of the fastest Domination victories smile ).
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Sullla Wrote:I have no idea what this means, but it sure had me laughing. lol

As for why those civ choices, those were the same civs from the original Civ3 Epic Five. Epic Six included Babylon and the Zulus, though, so that is not the exact same batch there.

- Sirian
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