As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Dwarf Fortress Succession Game

There have been a number of rumblings of possible interest in a DF succession game, and I thouht it was worth bringing up in its own thread and seeing if the interest it there.

So who would be interested in playing?

Settling location

Meet the Dwarves - Take 1
End of Spring Year 1 - Take 1
End of Summer Year 1- Take 1

The Settling and Early Months - Take 2
The First Trade
Year One Summary

I was thinking about posting on myself. Basically something like limit 50 Dwarves, no children. Conquer and colonize the HFS?
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

I'm up for a DF succession game, assuming you don't mind a relative noob who is still climbing up the steep part of the learning curve.

(last night's lesson: make sure you check the z-level below your moat for rooms *before* flooding the moat with water. banghead
hrm. Actually probably better to check before you start digging the moat.)

If you want to, I can give advice. Also, it would be fun to roll a Volcano Fort so I can play with some magma traps. Also I'm thinking about a cap between 50 and 100 dwarves iwth no children since we'll be naming them after people on the forum and we don't need any unhappy thoughts.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

I've read about it, taken a look at it, and even poked around with a stick once or twice.

I will enjoy lurking thoroughly.
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

Brackard Wrote:I've read about it, taken a look at it, and even poked around with a stick once or twice.

Did you leave with a stick or a torch lol

antisocialmunky Wrote:If you want to, I can give advice. Also, it would be fun to roll a Volcano Fort so I can play with some magma traps.

From what I've been able to gather, all forts have access to magma in 0.31.25 but you may have to dig a *long* ways down....probably just as well, I'm still getting a handle on water safety. wink

Advice is always welcome. smile

IIRC, water below the well can be really far down and it'll still work.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Man, I'm still super noob at DF. I barely figured out how to setup a military.

Eh, why not. I'll sign up, as long as you don't plan a 48h turnset turnover cycle or something equally insane.

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