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Dwarf Fortress Succession Game

Get a king ( or queen ) and survive a year after that sounds good.

About starting gear.

We need about 100 booze to last us till autumn, split equally between all kinds. We should also get similar amount of food, 1 each of 2p worth meat topped up by turtles. This will give us high initial number of barrels.
We need seeds for Plump Helmets - 25, 5x5 plot. No more, they'll start multiplying pretty soon. This will feed us.
We can also get Sweet Pods and Dimple Cups in similar numbers. This will do for brewing. And if we start running low on helmets we can cook spare booze
I'd go for male and female war-dog instead of normal dogs.
1 Copper Pick
1 Copper Axe
Buckets, Rope, Splints, Crutches, Bandage.
If we're taking chickens make sure to get a cage.
And another cage for cats.
5 each of leather and cloth ( for early fey moods )
10 empty bags for extra seeds.

antisocialmunky Wrote:Well, the thing about DF is that there are no real victory conditions.

Yeah there is. Either horrible lava disasters while obsidian working or spawn demons.

Quote:Yeah there is. Either horrible lava disasters while obsidian working or spawn demons.

Those don't sound like VICTORY conditions...
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

Brackard Wrote:Those don't sound like VICTORY conditions...

They are when Losing Is Fun™.

Ok, I think we are pretty much tied down on the settings etc now.

Mist did you want to kick off the game yourself?

Sure. I'll start shortly.

Any lurker wants to be named as a dwarf? Seven slots still open lol

Well, I assume you will name 3 of them for us guys first!

Do dwarves get to set things on fire, explode them, shoot them, otherwise destroy them? If so I'm always up for a bit of virtual destructive-ness. lol

And it looks like maybe there's beer for dwarves? That'd be a plus ... jive
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

pling Wrote:Do dwarves get to set things on fire
As soon as we get magma.
pling Wrote:explode them,
As soon as someone connects said magma to a river by mistake
pling Wrote:shoot them,
Crossbow is every marksdwarf friend.
pling Wrote:otherwise destroy them?
Violently while throwing tantrums.
pling Wrote:And it looks like maybe there's beer for dwarves? That'd be a plus ... jive
Beer, wine, rum, whiskey, ale... You name it, we can most likely brew it lol
Quote:Well, I assume you will name 3 of them for us guys first!
I wanted to wait with us till we get first nobles wink

Mist Wrote:Beer, wine, rum, whiskey, ale... You name it, we can most likely brew it lol

Not so fond of rum, and it's gotta be a single malt if it's whiskey - the rest all sound good. I'm in! lol
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

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