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Dwarf Fortress Succession Game

Ahh forgot about nobles, not got there yet in my game.

(Woo, first post!)

Posting to follow closely, it'll be very interesting to see what happens when the nice folk at RB gets thrown into the insane mess that is dwarf fortress lol Cat biscuits! Goblin right upper arm! Miners channeling the tile they're standing on and falling 8 z-levels! Berserk Dwarven Children!

Yeah, this is going to be awesome. Here's hopping on the wagon to be one of the initial seven (Name a dwarf after me please :neenernee)

We arrived!

After some extensive searching...

There was no suitable good-aligned site. They were all either freezing or with aquifer. Goodbye golden salve plantation alright

Therefore I went for second best options and chose this :

[Image: embark_terrain.png]

Looks like boring stretch of forest, doesn't it? Well, looks are deceptive :neenernee

[Image: embark_elevation.png]

There's some elevation in this baby jive Grade 7 cliffs are rare on a fully forested terrain and if we feel like it, we can sculpt one hell of a fortress from this beauty.

Apart from that we have plenty of wood and other vegetation, ample amount of soil, guaranteed flux stone and a river.

The neighbourhood ...

[Image: embark_neighbours.png]

... is good with no nearby goblins. Our former homes ....

[Image: embark_civilisation.png]

... are close, so if it comes to fleeing, we won't have far wink

Therefore we equipped ourselves as listed below

[Image: embark_equipment.png]

(+2 cages, +2 war dogs, +2 cats, +c.a. 40 different samples of cheap meat )

And of we went

[Image: embark_embark.png]

Pre-empting questions, true dwarf doesn't know limits and his dictionary does not have the word "Beyond" lol

I have no idea how this crazy game works, I'll be watching closely... smile

I would be interested to see what all our dwarves look like and see what you make of the starting area.

Also I assume you build fortresses on a layer pder function approach, or do you keep it all on 1 or 2 layers?

Ah, nice surprise to see a game of DF!
I tried that game a few (uh, ok actually two times :D) and found it too difficult for time-beeing smile
I will be lurking with interest. Good luck.

Mist Wrote:Sure. I'll start shortly.

Any lurker wants to be named as a dwarf? Seven slots still open lol

I request an appearance by Cheri Littlebottom:
[Image: Cheery_Littlebottom.highlight.jpg]

Ye'll probably need an alchemist at some stage.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

I would be happy to be a dwarf! Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go...
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Well apparently DF will not tell you that you are out of diskspace and instead just corrupt your save.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Mist Wrote:Sure. I'll start shortly.

Any lurker wants to be named as a dwarf? Seven slots still open lol

ME! Just don't make me fish and die horribly to fishes.

Also, don't forget to disassemble the cart for raw materials!

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