Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic Forty-one: Balance of Power


now that the turnout for this Epic was really disappointing, I think we may need some new faces to prevent this tournament from dying off. Ideally, SG teams playing here should mostly consist of players who otherwise wouldn't have played the Epic - no sense in this if the teams would suck away the few regular players we still have. smile

When/if the next Epic will be announced, I'd be happy to organize teams, both at CFC and with players from here who know they won't be able to play the Epic alone. The question remains if the sponsor(s) like this idea or not. The Epics tournament was originally designed for single players who accept the rules, both written and unwritten, we follow here. SG teams might move this to a direction not desired by the organizers. And people might be scared away if they know they have to compete with whole teams, which would be the last thing we'd want to happen.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Just to give thanks and 'continue the good work' to the Epic team.

I started this Epic, far too late, and played until mid- Industrial Age (RL with works and Football + some SG took far too much of my time).

Up to now, I played in more than honorable (never declare and even in the 2 sneak attacks, never fight further than my borders, refuse all the flips...)

Game is in the bag (just get the Darwin-Hoover) and start draining serious cash from the top AI

France and Russia are the top dogs, despite being (or having been) at war with all their neigbours.
Spain and Netherlands are desesperatly last (at war all the time with who ever, neglecting any cultural buildings) but at least holding their possessions.
Prussia is now reduced to OCC despite my attempt to slow down russian troops with mobile partial blockade (but nothing to do against sea invasion...).

Ratio Last4/Top4 was around 0.8 at beginning of Middle Age and Industrial Age, but since Prussia would have been eliminated, the last 2 would have been worst.


I think we could balance the teams pretty well. Additionally, I think a lot of people play the games for the sake of the play and to see if they can beat a certain variant under certain rules, then see how they match up against others. I don't think they don't necessarily play for the win. (Well some people do, and that's how all the exploits are discovered :rolleyes: )

"I hope more reports will be posted today, and I'm looking forward to the statistics you had planned to make!"

Well, we only have 3 games that were played competitively and won, 1 more that was played competitively but retired (mine). I expected at least 8 games to make statistics, so I will not do it.

Some of the questions I wanted to tackle:

1. How strongly the development of AI civs predetermined by geography?

2. How consistent is the early history of wars from game to game?

3. How consistent is the alliance structure emerging from game to game?

4. How much the power of civs fluctuate in the course of a balance-of power game?



I am sorry to report that I could not find the time to play this game.
Too many real life concerns right now prevented me from playing.

( Being in two SGs sucked all available time out of my spares )

Looks like a fun game to revisit once the holidays start though.


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