Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Beyond Nakedness

Had a quick test with CB, playing Occhi's ET zon, tonite while you were AFK. High lvl of Plague and Poison Javs are pretty deadly in PvP with -3 poison resist. Plague especially was able to drain 1300+ life in a matter of seconds.

We couldn't confirm what % poison damage a partner would take. I would have to test it on someone with my low lvl zon later. Interesting note on how poison works. Any poison done before your life hits the 1 HP mark wont kill you, but a subsequent posion source (such as poison cloud) will.



This should be a fun challenge - I'd love to try this after Slackers is over, if we want to really try to get a team going. I think I'd lean toward a MA Assassin (since I've never tried one!wink, unless someone else desperately wanted that assignment.


It looks like KoP and I are going to start a trial run on Mon-Tues nights in a catch-as-catch-can fashion. Certainly something a little more formal along these lines might be workable after Slackers concludes. However, anyone wanting to join with KoP and I in prior to that would be welcome to give it a shot.

A couple of hours before ET tomorrow sounds good.

Do you know which class you are going with, plans, and name?

It takes me forever to come up with names I like. My BNN when I was playing with Griselda was RodStewWart, and Griselda's pally had the best BN name - BadCompany.

I would probably take another melee class to match you if you decide to go melee. Either start with new character or lvl one to clvl9 at our convenience is ok. Just leave me a note.



We'll give it a shot, again no promises for tonight, but failing that, Mon or Tues next week should be ok.

If I had a good leech bow like Magewrath, I would go 'zon. I figure that would be safest and least likely to be completely bent over by bad boss combos. (No resists on a melee char in Hell could be a bad idea...)

As I don't have such a bow, I picked a werewolf druid. He is up to clvl9 so far. I haven't yet allocated any skills, which made getting to and rescuing Cain surprisingly challenging -- he has base life so far, so pretty much everything causes him to go into hit recovery. Add a cold-enchanted Disfigured champ (ghostly) here, and an extra fast goatman bosspack there, and things got a bit rough on him. I suppose I could have allocated skills, but I figured to wait until we got together.

I got home a bit early so I will also make a clvl 9 'zon and we can decide when we get started which to use. The more I think about it, the better I like the 'zon plan... with the caveat that finding a high-damage bow with mana leech might be a problem. If I go bow route, I can't even use a jav or a melee weapon on the switch either, which is a bummer.

I suppose we can always socket a bow with a pskull, but that feels like a wimpy solution. OTOH I could go thrower, but I'm not sure that improves the leech situation markedly and removes the possibility of socketing.

Static Field - does not do % of PvP damage - Or it could be doing a very small percentage (not likely). It was tested with 2 different strengths of SF on 2 characters (in normal diff and zero lite res) with different amount of HP, simultaneously. Both targets reported about the same amout of damage.

Enchanted - Once cast on partner(s) the effect will remain for its full duration even after:
going hostile
caster left game



I want to try this one. smile

What about:

Blade Fury Assassin

(With sincere hope that this qualifies as a "Ranged Attacker")

The AR issues that my Bow Assassin confronted could be alleviated by pumping Claw Mastery and using Claw class weapons instead of the Blessed Aim mercenary.

Cloak of Shadows and Mind Blast are both annoying to partners as well as useful against the monsters.

A slvl 1 Shadow Warrior can be a substitute for an Amazon's Decoy when the monsters are too numerous. She could be set to cast Cloak of Shadows or set to cast nothing.
"Last seen wandering vaguely, quite of her own accord"

Naked. Can use one weapon. NO charms. (BOOOO, but, nekkid is nekkid.) Must use a curse/skill that can annoy your partners.

Sign me up for a Werecritter/Shockwave Naked Druid, most likely called Red_Backhair(BND) Will have to consider wolf or Bear, and given the issues at hand, I suspect I need to go Bear.

And pray for an ITD weapon. :o

Someone has to do Melee.

Minion? One Bear.

Spirit? Not Sure. Probably HOW.

Lack of Plus Skills and lack of a Merc is going to make Hell damned hard.

I can't see teams of any more than 4 being functionally useful unless we are all low latency. We will also have to escher gogo in Hell.

FF was a blast, but with a bit of lag and six of us, I found that I was having difficulty staying tactically in control. If I am ever in tactical control, eh?

"Think globally, drink locally."

The rules still need tweaking. Most are just minor details that are better worked out in game with the exception of "a plain white shield for meleer" allowance. It is going to be brutal for melee BNs. While brutal is a Good Thing, I feel melee BNs are going to need at least some blocking to make them playable. The wording, or rather, the defining line between melee and some range BNs needs to be worked on. For example, A Lightning Strike Zon falling back to throw (LF, or bow mode). Lets work on that - inputs please.

Quote:And pray for an ITD weapon.

We are going to have it tough so no one is required to be pure or team pure. "Twinking" is allowed smile

Quote:Minion? One Bear.

one low lvl bear that cannot hurt partners much would be ok

Quote:I can't see teams of any more than 4 being functionally useful unless we are all low latency. We will also have to escher gogo in Hell.

I hear you. The good news is while this is a team variant it is not bounded by your usual getting everyone together at the same time week after week, catching up with quests (etc) problems. Most of us have multiple BNs so they can just mix and match jump in and out of games.

Got to run frown



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