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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Sullla Wrote:It will be offline 99% of the time. lol I will be streaming the Game Night stuff though. I still need to figure out the settings to get it to save recordings and all that, so if anyone knows the software, feel free to offer suggestions.

I hope somebody knows that setting, it would be awesome for those of us in a differnet timezone if we could watch all the games from the Tuesday/Thursday gamenight afterwards smile

Jowy Wrote:New members don't get a third page for free.

That sucks frown


Sullla Wrote:Giving everyone only two default rune book page is a crime. Riot should give everyone five of them as a minimum. You literally cannot play the game effectively with the default setup. It's practically a necessity to buy the 7-page bundle, because buying more pages at 6300 IP each simply is not practical.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves with Riot. Their penny pinching in this area is just ridiculous. :mad:

Oh, it's annoying, but this guy makes a good enough point for me not to worry.

I have 4 runepages, the bonus two gotten from IP grinding. Heck, I even managed to construct a runepage for Warwick that later on turned out to be an almost exact copy of TheOddOne's WW runepage, just a bit more universal (he has it optimized to have more attack speed, I'm happy with what I have). Same masteries too! jive

And right now I have 4 runepages that I can tweak to my liking but they work well. First is for AP carries, mostly Sion. Second is the aforementioned DPS jungler page. Third - is a pretty generic tank page. Fourth - AD carry.

Yeah, I manually bought them. I also have no life, but even if you had a girlfriend, you probably would be able to get the same amount of runepages and a number of really good characters either way. I mean, Ashe is hands down the best AD carry in the game of all time, and she is worth 450 IP. Cheap, decent lane tanky initiator? Malphite. Or maybe a jungling tank initiator? Amumu is your pick. Great mages? Ryze, Annie and Sion. All of them cheap. Or if you never wanted to touch ranked and only preferred to play one AP carry, because just like me you have a man-crush on Vladimir, you'd just grind out the 6300 IP and jumped on the blood mage whenever the team needed an AP carry.

As some of you know, I started playing this game with Zilean exclusively, then I switched over to Rammus, then I learned some more characters. If I wanted AD carry, I'd go Armor pen/Armor/Mres per level/Health and it would be hard for me to lose a lane at the very least. AP carries would get the same deal only with M pen ("WTF where is Mana regen?" - HotshotGG doesn't use mana regen; just conserves his mana.). My junglers at the time were Rammus and Warwick among other people; the first one worked with a generic tank runepage and the other did too, he was just a little bit slower, but could make up for it late game because of tankier stats.

I mean, it's not like any one of us except Speaker/Varis/NumberOneMercury (lol ) is of any superhigh ELO. IP is just a way to get stuff by your own work. You play the game, you learn its intricaties, you get virtual points to spend on some fun stuff, depending on what you want. And it's not like you are useless if your runes aren't 100% optimal. Just itemize differently if you feel like the lack of armor penetration quints is ruining your game, or set up different masteries, or learn a different playstyle.

I mean, if your ambition was to be the number 1 Pokemon master and be as scary with Kayle or Mordekaiser as HotshotGG is with Nidalee, you'd probably buy the runepage bundle anyway because the money cost outweighs the possibilities of getting money through tournaments, for example. Or you could just work in McDonalds and buy yourself a runepage pack for a daily piece of work.

Or you could be a cheapskate like 99.9% people who will never reach anything meaningful when it comes to ELO and just play the game and have fun (! - an art I have forgotten how to do, in fact), even if it involves having constant mana problems with Ezreal or Malzahar or having to run mana regen seals on Shen.

And besides, now that I think about it, everybody should know how to play Ashe or Annie.

[SIZE="1"](looks at his match history)

(doesn't wonder anymore why he sucks at this game)[/SIZE]

In fact? I'm saving up my IP for Vladimir right now. I don't have a single health per level seal. What's that? I don't hear you over the awesomeness of The Seatbelts - Tank. Uhh, that's the name of my runepage, although the song is kickass too. "What kind of braindead moron runs Mpen/Armor/Mres per level/Health on Vlad?", you ask? Well, apparently Salce does, and he's currently 2006 ELO.

Yes, I also would like cheaper rune pages, but I've learned to live with it. Always look on the bright side of life.

That is pretty much how I feel as well. Sometimes it is annoying but having perfectly optimised rune pages is only a marginal advantage over generic ones. Also if you check opponents rune pages you will see even slightly appropriate ones will often give you an edge!

Also as I am a born optimist have a screenshot of spectator mode

[Image: observermode.png]

Enoch Wrote:That is pretty much how I feel as well. Sometimes it is annoying but having perfectly optimised rune pages is only a marginal advantage over generic ones. Also if you check opponents rune pages you will see even slightly appropriate ones will often give you an edge!

Also as I am a born optimist have a screenshot of spectator mode

[Image: observermode.png]

Perhaps it will actually be released soon? I want to believe...

Spectator mode looks pretty awesome...I especially like the gold team total.
Did you guys watch the E3 vid ? I really wanted to take the guy's hat and slap him with it since he mentioned the words "super excited" about 20 times in 3 minutes lol


Oh yeah the screenshot is from the E3 video

Spectator mode looks pretty neat, it has pretty much all the information you could want without being too cluttered. The video says that it is going to be used for the Dreamhack tournament but doesn't say when it is going to be available generally.

The 3 new champions look interesting as well.

Did you guys see LoL was featured in Penny Arcade?

[Image: i-CV2d9W4-L.jpg]

Ctrl-Alt-Del made a better comic on League of Legends IMO
[Image: cadshacoboxespopped.jpg]


Gustaran Wrote:Spectator mode looks pretty awesome...I especially like the gold team total.
Did you guys watch the E3 vid ? I really wanted to take the guy's hat and slap him with it since he mentioned the words "super excited" about 20 times in 3 minutes lol

Deceptus Wrote:I mean, if your ambition was to be the number 1 Pokemon master and be as scary with Kayle or Mordekaiser as HotshotGG is with Nidalee, you'd probably buy the runepage bundle anyway because the money cost outweighs the possibilities of getting money through tournaments, for example. Or you could just work in McDonalds and buy yourself a runepage pack for a daily piece of work.

Or you could be a cheapskate like 99.9% people who will never reach anything meaningful when it comes to ELO and just play the game and have fun (! - an art I have forgotten how to do, in fact), even if it involves having constant mana problems with Ezreal or Malzahar or having to run mana regen seals on Shen.

Yes, I also would like cheaper rune pages, but I've learned to live with it. Always look on the bright side of life.

Sure you don't NEED the perfect runepages to win. Sullla/Cull/Terror would probably farm 50% more than me if even they didn't use any runes at all. My thinking is as follows:

1) I like going perfectly prepared into battle. The reason being that I am not a great player. So having an optimal rune/masteries setup before the game starts will somewhat counterbalance any mistakes I might make. Example: If an all attspeed runepage let's you clear the jungle with WW 25 seconds faster, and your first gank doesn't net a kill you may be still at the same point in the jungle where somebody with suboptimal runes is.

2) I like to support games I play a lot. Sure, there were games like Civ 4 that gave you a tremendous value for your money, but I feel those days are gone.
Nowadays, you buy Assassin's Creed 2 for the PS3 which costs 60$. Next, you realize that they cut 2-3 story missions in advance to sell them to you as DLC. So you pay another 15-20$ for a game that entertains for maybe 15 hours. Therefore I don't mind buying some RP for money if I still get fun out of the game. I mean F2P games only work, if at least some players spend real money or you have ad banners all over the place (imagine the game stops at 15 minute mark: "And here a message from our sponsor, farm more minions with Logitech gear !" )lol

3) I like skins (not all of them though wink ). I believe skins give you a psychological advantage in the game. Elementz once had a post in his blog that in soloQ the team with more skins would most likely win. And I feel that's true to some extent, since usually people who buy a skin know the champion inside out smile


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