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There actually is no question that the sheep site is mine, I actually warned him in a note that I was about to settle there. We chatted briefly about how long it will take him to get the save, he seems to know that we need to not get into a fight to the death at this level.
I agree about Nemedia. One thing is though, looks like MNG has Monarchy now, and so I'm not sure how much of his forces are extra MPs, which has it's own worrisome long-term implications. My missionary will be scouting before he's given I think.
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Hoooooleeeee crap.
Quote:jtgoldsmith: You get the save back yet?
me: Nope, will soon I think.
jtgoldsmith: are you planting on the tile where your settler is at?
me: Erm, one more, the three-food spot.
4:21 PM
That's not going to cause you cultural issues, is it?
jtgoldsmith: No, but I was planning to found that clam/crab double site.
4:22 PM
me: * eyes map * That's a little reachy isn't it?
If it's about the clams I can send you the extra.
4:23 PM
jtgoldsmith: Well, my lurkers were trying to convince me to take my army and grab your gold site, but I wasn't that reachy
4:24 PM
me: Heh, bit of an aggressive greek chorus there.
4:25 PM
jtgoldsmith: You have no idea. LUddite is a crazy warmonger.
me: So I gathered.
jtgoldsmith: He tried to get to chariot rush 7.
me: I noticed in 14 Lew was trying to modderate him.
That's aggressive.
4:26 PM
jtgoldsmith: Here is the deal. I like you. But I cannot let you grab both those seafood in the middle when I have the troops to take and keep that site for myself. I could've already dropped a settler onto the tile where my war chariot is at, but I turned him around because I thought it wasn't worth the trouble.
4:27 PM
If you move your settler, you will find another war chariot and two axes in the fog. I don't plan on bringing them onto your mainland or messing with your sheep city.
4:28 PM
me: Hrm
Bit sticky, the sheep are actually unclaimed as of yet.
4:29 PM
I'd be willing to SIP with the settler though.
Lesee...(looking for screens, hard to remember the resource distribution.
4:30 PM
jtgoldsmith: I won't make any trouble for you if that is the case. In fact, I'd be willing to gift you some troops in exchange for an NAP if you are planning on going after MNG.
me: Fair enough, let's see, I SIP, you get the "extra" arm middle.
4:31 PM
I try to be not an idiot and turn off the autopath when I get the turn open...
jtgoldsmith: I have two gems. I'd be willing to gift you my extra gems until you get a second happy to trade for it free of charge.
4:32 PM
me: That's worth the price of a fishing village.
jtgoldsmith: what is your doubel happy anyway
me: I'll in return try not to dwaddle in getting my extra sugar online.
Yeah, it's sad.
jtgoldsmith: lol
you got boned
with that
me: Well, sugar and silks.
4:33 PM
But you have silks, right?
jtgoldsmith: Yeah, I think so.
It is a shitty tundra silk or something like that
4:34 PM
me: Yeah, I'm going to be heading spokeward for furs, tundrahill furs are nothing to write home about.
jtgoldsmith: But seriously, let me know if you and yuris decide to get frisky, because I can loan some stuff
me: Okay, duly noted.
4:35 PM
It might be sooner or it might be later depending on how willing MNG is to play ball with our contested silver.
jtgoldsmith: I will also agree not to pump any more culture than it takes to maintain my inner most ring on your side
Yeah, those silvers are tasty
me: Yeah, by the way: You should have silver on the hub near you and RL7
jtgoldsmith: Nope, we dont
only silver is by you
We're pissed
me: It's not divy-able by more than one city if it's like the set west.
4:36 PM
Holy crap.
jtgoldsmith: Yeah, the mapmaker boned us good and hard.
me: Well, if I manage to capture the silver hills, I'll remember the gems.
4:37 PM
Might be something I have to dangle in front of Yuri/Maestro though.
jtgoldsmith: Now you know why my lurkers wanted me to take your gold.
me: Yeah
4:38 PM
Whew, that sucks.
No wonder why Gaspar was sensitive to map comments.
I mean, sure, contestable silver is one thing...
It is as it is.
4:39 PM
By the way, how do RL7 seem to be doing?
Two good wonders and decent demos, looks like.
jtgoldsmith: Now are in the food lead, and built Henge and TGL, so very well
me: Hard to tell this far away though.
jtgoldsmith: but they have the worst land I think
me: Huh
4:40 PM
jtgoldsmith: and they are the only expansive civ (so they should be ahead) and they have IND, so they should have wonders
nothing real concerning
We have civs that are better in the end game, so all we have to do is keep up
me: Ironically if they sent an army across the map, the maint wouldn't be bad on the GLH city.
4:41 PM
It's on MNG's left coast, I think.
Yeah, I love exp
4:42 PM
Didn't try it this time, but I'd love to try a Peter game at some point.
4:43 PM
Okay, about to be quitin' time for me to head home. I'll be playing once I get there.
SIP, not building too much culture.
Got 'er.
4:44 PM
Thanks for not listening to Ludd. It kinda would have wrecked my game, and I'd have had to whip into the ground to ensure it wrecked yours too.
I'll let you know how the MNG situation is setting up.
Cheers GES.
45 minutes
5:30 PM
me: Okay, sent on, went ahead to SIP.
Whoa. Just, um, whoa. First off, GES, if you ever read's probably a human psychological quirk thing, but I cannot help viewing you as an enemy for the rest of the game. Now it remains to be seen whether or not that matters...I'm not irrational or overly emotional, and I play to win. As long as I see a chance of winning, I'll go for that chance (and by all means, with hindsight we might be able to say that at this point I had no chance, but who knows). Still, if I do feel like I can no longer win, now I have a preferred target to drag down into the dust with me.
That being said, he was actually probably too cautious. I'm fairly hopeful it didn't show in chat, but I am utterly helpless at this point. I'd have to whip myself hard and still lose a city or two with his mini-stack of 2 WC and 2 axes. Sure I'll take SIP and the crabs sans clams if it means he won't attack. I have a very uneasy feeling that he might still unless I get some more impressive forces to show him soon.
So hey, first military build in forever. And note, too, the research. Flashing cats might be enough to stop any adventurous urges.
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The aforementioned city is already messing with me:
Ah, no Khauranians, I'm afraid not, although it would also be hilarious. I somehow doubt "pleased" would be the best descriptor there. GES meanwhile continues to scout my naked cities with impunity.
At least he's pulled back his other WC.
This forum needs a "whistling nonchalantly" smiley.
In only slightly less grim news someone has finally shot up above me in GNP, and my cruddy other stats are still cruddy.
Whipped a missionary in Nemedia for Operation: I'm Worth More Alive Than Dead To You Mr. Nice Guy. As if the exports above weren't also proving that one.
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Flashing axemen might be a good idea too ;-)
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I'd love to flash axes. Sadly, I don't have any yet. That's gotta change...unfortunately, I lack barracks, so they won't be coming out with any promos, but Ophir and Aquilonia will be finishing current builds and then both pump out axe then catapult.
Unfortunately, even if GES just forces me to retard my expansion, it'll be a net win for him I think. I still have a chance in this game but it's got to be through diplomacy. Hrm. Need to hit up Yuri and MNG, see how expansive/warlike each of them are feeling.
The one piece of good news if that this world's huge maint costs will translate to long-distance captures being a great deal more valuable for me than anyone else. Gives any alliance structures I enter into a lot of flexibility. Well that, plus I seem to be well liked.
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Because it's fun to me, I've dotmapped Greenland. This is the "everyone else ignores the tundra" solution.
My instincts squabble when I see this area. On the one hand, that's a lot of resources, the canals are fantastic, and the silver is invaluable. On the other hand, every player in the game can boat this land, maintenance would be nasty even for me, and outside of the numerous resource tiles and a few mines, the area is fishing-only for growth (which, again, costs some real money). On the gripping hand, of course, I'm still three cities short of settling my own little blob and my lack of infrastructure would tank with any aggressive settling races.
So what, then is the more likely division?
Red dots are likely "contention" zones, weighted for how much conflict they could cause. GES' island is pure speculation based on likely seafood, and Yuri could split his zone in many different directions, even giving the eastern spot to RL7 or GES.
There are some interesting things to note here. First of all, the profitability of these spots goes up considerably for Financial players, although the Colossus builder has probably the most incentive. Giant Red Dot links the entire world, in the galley age at least, so there's a lot to squabble over with it...not to mention the fact that its three resources are all first-ring. Reach to grab, but nice.
Clearly the best city is the double-silver spot under MNG's aegis. Two food (although hill deer aren't exactly thrilling) and a nice defensive hill plant, giving a port that's also fairly sheltered. A lot of politics may revolve around this spot. The GLH builder monopolizing the map's only silver? Yeah right, that will go over well.
Of course, post-astronomy the world inverts and actually the whole area becomes a backwater. I'm actually really curious to see if there is iron up here, which would be evil...or the only oil/uranium, or worst, aluminum. Could the space race revolve around Greenland? That'd be a nice tactical setup right there, but somehow I doubt the game will be decided that late. This is all just something to keep in the back of mind while the game of thrones gets played in the lands of no winter.
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Okay, game, you heard me say I play to win, ignoring emotional reactions, then you give me this...
Mr. Nice Guy is one of the nicest guys...but oy vey. Might have to take up GES' offer.
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So yeah. Pink dot plan #1 for Greenland is in operation.
With GES, it's time to accept that offer.
Quote:tgoldsmith: Did you want some sort of formalized NAP for a while (or some sort of 10 turn cancellation NAP), or are you just trusting me not to break anything?
8:59 PM me: Heh.
9:00 PM Sure, a ten-turn cancellation deal works.
I might take you up on that offer.
Chatting with MNG, we'll have to see.
9:05 PM jtgoldsmith: I am chatting with MNG too. Tell him I said he was a nubcake.
me: Tell him to respond to me.
9:07 PM He just reached for the silver.
9:08 PM In a way that wrecks me even settling for furs.:-P
9:09 PM jtgoldsmith: Silver is insanely valuable on this map
me: Yeah, that's nuts.
Need to get Yuri on this too.
9:10 PM So how many WC/Axes would you be willing to donate (with NAP) for the Mr. Nice Guy gets balanced cause?
9:11 PM jtgoldsmith: What would be valuable to you?
me: Silver would be the payment.
jtgoldsmith: War chariots? Axes?
9:12 PM me: I have cats in two turns, so I have stack busting
jtgoldsmith: Obvious chariots can get to the front faster
me: WC would be best, I can gather the axes.
9:13 PM My current experienced military is chariotry.
9:14 PM jtgoldsmith: How soon do you want to move on him?
me: Depends on how willing he is too move that settler.
9:15 PM He got cocky and covered his settler with a single axe.
I've got a warrior/chariot there, and can speed another chariot there.
9:16 PM I might move if he settles there as soon as his city grows to 2
9:17 PM jtgoldsmith: Well, I could obviously get you the chariot that is in your land, and the other that is on your border by next turn if you need them. Gems for silver would definitely be a great trade, with maybe a good deal on sugar too or something. If you don't secure silver, maybe we just agree that you hit me back with equal hammers in units later (a cat or a landsknecht for 2 war chariots etc)
9:18 PM me: That's a fair deal.
jtgoldsmith: Alright, I can gift them when I get the save back if you want
9:19 PM me: NAP 'till 100, never to use your stuff against you and vice versa.
jtgoldsmith: Sounds good to me
9:20 PM me: If he moves I'll wait a little longer to get a triume into our sea.
I worry about him boating my holy city.
9:21 PM Either way, settler spam is stopping, beatstick is coming out.
I'm at 8 cities as of this turn, so I'm finally at least okay.
9:23 PM jtgoldsmith: 8 cities, nice. That is what I have. That puts you in good stead.
me: Yeah, I realized I was behind.
Ergo, settlers ASAP
jtgoldsmith: As of last turn, I had the most with 8. I will settle 9 this turn and 10 in 2 turns.
9:24 PM me: That's cool
It odd, counting tiles I think you and I are the most distant capitals.
9:26 PM jtgoldsmith: Yeah, probably, post Astronomy
me: Okay, I think I'm calming down enough to not tip him off.
He'll see my power spike, but tell him you've threaten me to grab the site on the arm in between us. ;-)
9:27 PM Not that I'm fussed about it, where I settled is actually probably better.
Now that I think of it.
9:28 PM jtgoldsmith: Yeah, use me as an excuse
me: You can hold on the tade.
He claims not to be following C&D, but you going down the same amount I go up is a little odd.
9:29 PM jtgoldsmith: well, I am not sure has my graphs
I don't have his, but I forgot to ask
9:30 PM me: Hrm
We'll see what he says after dinner.
Mr. Nice Guy was not about to budge.
Quote:me: So yeah...about that silver in between us.
9:03 PM That spot you're on now is not going to work for me.
9:04 PM I'm willing to negotiate, but it's nearer to my capital than yours.
9:07 PM MNG? Hey mate?
9 minutes
9:17 PM me: It wrecks my settle for furs, if you move 2N I can still fit it.
9:18 PM Hatshepsut: sorry, have been out and about
9:19 PM me: That's cool, I understand it.
Hatshepsut: i'll have to look in the game at the spots you're talking about
probably 10, 15 minutes?
me: It trades a clam for a clam
That's fine.
Your cultural trait just crushes me if you settle there.
9:23 PM Erm, d'oh, I meant 2N, 1NW
9:25 PM 1NE would also work if you could limit culture so I could keep my furs.
9:28 PM Sorry, I know it's just hard to work with that +2 culture.
Hatshepsut: oh, i know how that is, i had to do it with CHASM in PB3.
i'm getting in game now so (probably after dinner) i can talk specifics
9:29 PM me: That's fine.
9 minutes
9:38 PM Hatshepsut: okay so i'm looking at the map
9:39 PM me: See my purposed site?
The ice patch next to my clams?
Hatshepsut: the first thing you should know as we begin this conversation is that more than anything else, i value our cooperation thus far in the game
9:40 PM i've even told my lurkers that i consider you #1 on my list of teams that i'd like to ally with, long term
me: Yeah, you've been a great player to work with.
Yeah, I mentioned I'd love to be in a team game with you, been good to work with.
9:41 PM Hatshepsut: thank you so... this is the part of the game where being neighbors gets tougher.
me: Yeah, I understand it.
9:42 PM I actually just posted a dotmap where I was speculating about the tundra divying.
Hatshepsut: so, i am a little short on map knowledge in that area
9:43 PM me: Actually, I'll send you the dotmap.
I was sadly admitting you had the right of the silver. :-(
Hatshepsut: considering i can settle silver now, that's probably right
9:44 PM me: Oh, no doubt about it.
Gaspar's been yelled at for it.
Sent my notional map
9:45 PM You can see your current spot wrecks both of my notional spots.
Hatshepsut: headed to construction?
me: Yep, GES has been pressuring me hard.
9:46 PM Hatshepsut: gotcha
that doesn't surprise me given his reputation
me: Red were my debatable spots.
9:47 PM Well, his WC window is narrowing
9:48 PM So I think it's an itch
So yeah, not much I can do if you force it. :-(
9:49 PM Hatshepsut: so, do you think that's an island south of your deer yellow area?
me: Yeah, think so.
9:50 PM Hatshepsut: so, you can see why that area is so valuable to me, considering that i have gl and all
9:51 PM me: Ah, IC TRs
Hatshepsut: yeah, it would be a game changer for me
me: Hrm, dunno if GES knows about "his" island
9:52 PM Hatshepsut: do you think we all have islands?
me: Hrm. Yuri does, RL7 may.
9:53 PM Hatshepsut: very interesting
9:54 PM me: I thought so.
9:55 PM Hatshepsut: so here's the thing
9:57 PM i'm in a position to settle the fur this turn. that fur is important for my empire as i'm finally growing to become happy-constrained
9:58 PM me: Ah, hrm.
9:59 PM Seems to be hard to reach the clams.
I saw that site briefly but that was actually why I discounted.
10:00 PM Sigh. Do you think you could help me with those extra furs and silver?
10:01 PM If I'm going to push back GES I can probably settle the island soon.
10:02 PM Hatshepsut: i wouldn't mind you taking the island if you kept borders open with me
10:04 PM me: Hrm, and I get extra silver and furs until I hook more up?
10:05 PM Hatshepsut: how about this...
10:06 PM i'll trade you that island, which i expected to settle, for the fur site, which you expected to settle
10:07 PM me: Hrm.
10:08 PM Tentatively, that will work.
My battery is dying, but we can find other deals too.
I would at least like preferred trade status.
10:09 PM SIP if needed. That actually will speed up my Maoi site.
10:10 PM Hatshepsut: sip?
me: Settle in place.
Hatshepsut: looking like 1 south fits my dotmap best
me: Bit bummed, but it's a fairly won race.
The flat tundra?
Hatshepsut: yeah
to be honest...
10:11 PM me: That won't hurt my borders, that'll be good.
Hatshepsut: original plan was the plains sw of that tundra
me: Hoy.
10:12 PM Hatshepsut: +whales
10:13 PM me: That would be a no unless the second silver + furs pay out.
Grumble, I'm sorry, battery dying.
Hatshepsut: okay
i'm going to play out the turn based on this conversation
me: Cool.
10:14 PM Have fun man.
Hatshepsut: alright you too
me: :-)
Hatshepsut: it's been good chatting as always :0
me: Yep, always enjoy it.
Cheers MNG.
Later, after some nice conversation about our families.
me: Heh. Back briefly to the PBEM, do you think you could render any aid against GES?
Heh, I didn't mean that to sound as robotic as it did.
Hatshepsut: do you expect to have to defend against him?
no but i get what you mean.
12:39 AM me: Well, I'm trying diplo, but I get the impression it's a matter of time before he tries something.
12:40 AM I'm turning off the farmer's gambit for a bit, need at least to stop being vulnerable.
Hatshepsut: well you have expanded very well recently
me: Thanks! It's been a point I've been making.
Hatshepsut: well what are you at now... 7 cities?
12:41 AM me: 8, as your imports should show.
Well, 8 as of this turn
Hatshepsut: ah. i've finished the turn so can't re-open diplo windows
going from memory
that's right... you are at 8, yuri's at 7, about to be 8
me: Actually, your TRs have been helping this expansion push on my end too.
12:42 AM Hatshepsut: good, i'm glad to be of service
i'm going to need to send a chariot to find some of your cities to get more international routes
me: Tit for tat, eh?
Hatshepsut: if that's okay for you
yeah, i'll say
me: Actually, you don't need too
I'm trading with all oof your cities, even the unseen.
12:43 AM Hatshepsut: i have 4 cities that aren't getting any international routes. do you know why then?
me: Still'd be hospitable if you wanted to for through...if you could flash it in GES's sight though ;-)
Hatshepsut: lol
i think that would be a good idea
me: Could be your own cities are more valuable.
12:44 AM Yuri OB'd?
Hatshepsut: yep, everyone except ob
ob = ges
me: I'm not enough to fill your TRs...both of us together might not.
Hatshepsut: i'll have to ask GES if he'd be willing
12:45 AM me: Not sure.
Heh, his are actually probably pretty close to you
My southernmost city sees Yuri's borders.
Hatshepsut: probably
12:46 AM me: Toriodal is weird.
Hatshepsut: my easternomost city is 6 tiles from RL7's westernmost city too
come astronomy, this is going to be a crazy map
me: Yeah, the hub wil be a backwater post-astro
12:47 AM Hatshepsut: i just hope that unlike pb3, I can still be relevant into that era
that's my main goal for this game
me: That's all our hopes.
Hatshepsut: well, that and to have fun, screw the rest
12:48 AM me: PB3 seemed like hell.
Hatshepsut: it was a LOT less fun than this game
12:49 AM me: Actual geography is nice.
Hatshepsut: yep
and the diplomacy is natural and easy
me: Okay, the mrs is ready for bed, we'll be turning in.
12:50 AM Take care MNG, here's to more natural diplo and fun turns!
Hatshepsut: indeed! good night... or good morning...
To Yuri/Maestro, meanwhile, I'm cautiously sending up smoke signals.
How's it going in Radioland? I hope it's been fun. I had a proposal for you both, but first, I was wondering if you guys could agree to keep it confidential beforehand. If not, don't worry about it, no hard feelings, it's just details of certain projects that I feel I probably need to keep under wraps.
In other news/trivia, I'm not sure how far north you can see over the ocean, but my southernmost city can now see your borders in the fog! We're actually probably closer neighbors than some, post astronomy. I just figured you guys had been very forthcoming about your own map knowledge, it was only fair to share my own findings.
Until later,
I was being totally honest, Mr. Nice Guy is my favorite player to chat with, and if there was any other way here to do this, I would. But dude, you gotta at least play ball...and no, "allowing" me to settle a little ice patch that you get massively higher benefits from is not ball-playing. Now I'll have to go to war, to at least try and capture the silver, but more than likely to cripple or kill MNG. If he truly wants to remain relevant post-astronomy, I might allow a surrender with strict enough post-war NAPs.
This is all assuming, y'know, I can actually get some traction with Yuri or greater assistance from GES. My MP warfare skills are about zero here, although I expect that at least will change after this. It remains to be seen how much traction I can gain.
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Got back from Yuri:
Quote:[COLOR="Lime"]Hi Commodore,
Interesting! Our northern city didn't expand borders yet, and I sure
didn't realise how close we are post-Astronomy
Life in Radioland is good, but dull; we're currently concentrating on
expansion, so there's nothing fascinating going on, just building
Settlers and growing cities. We're also building Colossus (finally
) and getting ready to start MoM. If there's anything specific you
would like to know, just drop a line, and we will see if we can share
the info
Please tell us your proposal, we guarantee we will keep it secret
regardless of whether we accept it or not
All the best
yuris125, Music Director of Radioland[/COLOR]
So I outlined the problem:
Quote:[COLOR="Yellow"]Hello back,
Glad to hear the Colossus is nearing completion, good luck with it. One thing that I did notice playing the turn this morning is that our EPs are almost matched now at the level of graph visibility. I'll be glad to turn off spending on you guys if you guys can turn off spending on us.I still haven't properly started on RL7.
Okay, here's the proposal:
Mr. Nice Guy has been living up to his name in his dealings with me all game, he seems like a nice person and I would love to be able to work with him all game. Unfortunately, we are also very close neighbors and he has settled rather aggressively into my face on the central "hub", not only claiming the silver but also the furs right next to my spoke, completely blocking any expansion on my part and hurting my happiness resource access very badly.
Now thanks to the excellent planning of your holy city I know you guys have your own land-bridge arm nicely sealed against his creative borders and your own spoke is far enough eastward that MNG will really have to reach to monopolize your own access to furs and deer of the middle. However, with creative borders and the Great Lighthouse, MNG can keep spamming cities to such an extent that soon even your own expansion areas will be threatened, not to mention the fact that by this point he is the clear favorite to win the game (although hardly a runaway). I do not know what sort of NAP agreements you have and I will never ask anyone to violate their word, but if I were to make a move against MNG, how willing would you guys be to support me and add a second front?
I am willing to offer the majority of the territorial gains to you both, including the GLH city if you can manage to capture it. My own targets would be the raze and resettle the hub area in between MNG and I and perhaps to push up our land-bridge to his stone/horses and barb-captured cities.
You can see why I needed this to be kept confidential. If you feel that you can win with MNG as he is now, by all means, turn me down, there will be no hard feelings at all. One other thing is, if you do want to join in I actually don't think immediately closing borders and whipping up a huge army is necessarily the answer. This isn't quite an emergency, just a slowly growing issue to be addressed.
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Bleh, sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, unfortunately, events in-game haven't exactly gone swimmingly:
And yes, stupidly, I actually think I managed to get MNG to settle in a way that messes up my dotmap too.
The diplomatic action, or lack there of, will be seen in the next post, but for now, here's the story of the game in graphs (sans Ranamar's):
Okay, here's the overall situation.
Yuri would love to join me in an attack against MNG, but apparently shenanigans on Ranamar's part, combined with goodly amounts of land still left on his home blob to settle, mean that his current time scale is more gunpowder.
GES, meanwhile, wants to sell me WC for a NAP and me crippling my growth curve in attacking MNG as soon as possible. All the while settling his 11th (!) city in my face and climbing to the top in score. My own newest city is very marginalized because of it.
Finally, MNG is nicely and politely settling aggressively to cut off all of my future potential sites. He is rocking a ton of axes, which is nice against my chariot-based forces, but he's also a tech or two away from longbows. Clearly, he needs to be pushed back sooner rather than later. My plan has just been pushed to GES:
Quote:[COLOR="Yellow"]Hey GES,
So about that offer...sorry it's been a bit, but I've been in negotiations with Yuri to get his help in punching up MNG. Unfortunately, both your score increases and RL7's apparent threats have him nervous and talking about waiting until gunpowder, of all daft things.
In other news, though, I have cats being built and will soon have MC for naval dominance. MNG is garrisoning his tundra silver with...lots of axes. If there any possibility that you could sell me (for future landsknats or maybe even cats if you need to hold off on construction) four WC soonishly (in ~10 or 15 turns)? If so I'm fairly confident in being able to knock him back into his homelands and hold both chokes. Naturally, as soon as I get the second silver mined you could get the silver/gems trade going.
Hope things are going well off east,
We'll see how it goes. Worrisome, I am starting to really stand out in my strongest advantage:
Life is interesting here in cottagetopia. That's still only at 80%, I'm not going to touch full binary as long as my power is this wimpy. Still, the clouds are gathering, and the fate of Hyboria will soon be decided.