Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Ranamar and Lewwyn, ministers for Bismarck of Mali

Played turn 77...

Dale finished its mint. I put it on a market because we're currently either making a significant loss from 60% research or making a significant profit from 50% research, and that's only going to get worse when the golden age ends.

Monarchy came in; next tech is feudalism, which takes 2 turns (both at 60%, which we can only sustain for 1 turn and at 50% which gives us a 14 gpt profit...)

GES gave us a Confucian Missionary. I also noticed that we could take a 1-turn tech detour to get Christianity, if we wanted. I moved it toward the center of our territory. We can figure out where to actually send it next turn.

Played 79, but I'm in a hurry so pics later.

Critical for next turn: (these are also marked in-game)

* Spread Confu in DALE.
* Revolt to Confu.
* Revolt to OR + Vassalage.
* Turn gov in Dale back on (it was tweaked to finish its market)
* Start Dale on missionary

I researched Compass, we can now build Harbors. They are more cost-efficient than markets right now for cities that can build both, due to us being expansive.

SevenSpirits Wrote:Played 79, but I'm in a hurry so pics later.

Critical for next turn: (these are also marked in-game)

* Spread Confu in DALE.
* Revolt to Confu.
* Revolt to OR + Vassalage.
* Turn gov in Dale back on (it was tweaked to finish its market)
* Start Dale on missionary

I researched Compass, we can now build Harbors. They are more cost-efficient than markets right now for cities that can build both, due to us being expansive.

Spred Confucianism in Dale.
Revolted to Confucianism when prompted.
Revolted to Organized Religion and Vassalage immediately afterward
[Image: rbpbem19-t80-civics.jpg]
Turned governor back on in Dale. It's working a bunch of sea tiles.
Started Dale on missionary. 2 turns.

Next tech I set was Machinery. You already know I want to get Optics, and Machinery is handy anyway. Tech rate was turned back down to 50%. (20gpt profit, but we're at 0 and 60% was losing money...)

Also, Gray Havens finished something, so it's starting on a Harbor. I set Minas Tirith to one as well, because it's 2 turns and then it can go back to the market. At 50%, it's 1C short of getting another gpt out of the mint alone because it gets 19C, so it seemed like a good idea anyway.

After the golden age, we go back to being #2 in hammers and food, but we're #1 in GNP, probably in part because of the 50 culture our capital brings in.
[Image: rbpbem19t80demo.jpg]

So, what pictures did you wish I'd taken on T80?

Turn is in again.

Incidentally, was chatting with GES. He'd like to borrow our stone sometime soon, to build Oxford and the Moai Statues. He's estimating 5 turns from now or so.

Played turn

Notable developments:
For lack of anything else to build, I set Barad-Dur to build the Statue of Zeus. If you'd prefer we build something else, well, the Great Wall is 3 turns there. tongue
Turned research down to 40% so we were still running a profit. Machinery came in EOT anyway. (I'm still for going to advocate Optics next because we're working at least one of our whales already.)
Our most recent failgold build was 1 turn out from completing the Great Wall, so I canceled it. I didn't start another one, though, because everywhere was busy building something useful.
Our first missionary finished EOT.
I think we should chop out the one Mint we haven't finished yet. It's building at 1 doubled hammer per turn, currently, with an ETA 15 turns from now.

Played t82.

Started 3 WBs: 2 for whales and 1 for the crab in the new island city.

Lorien built another 96h of great wall. We should probably just finish that in BD about now.

Started Optics, due in 2.

Indecisively sent our first new missionary to edoras. We should whip another missionary next turn in Dale. Get those going fast. Edoras can build them too after its market completes.

As we are completing gold-boosting buildings instead of research-boosting ones, we should in general be having our research rate as high as possible each turn. So we should raise it next turn.

I hired two merchants in the capital to speed up our 6th GP a turn. Unfortunately, it was a prophet, the worst result. So save him for a later golden age. Artists (like the one we got) may find use as culture bombs or may be GA material too. (But not for a while.) Scientists could bulb stuff, Merchants could give tons of money, Engineers could, I guess, rush something. wink But prophets just suck now.

SevenSpirits Wrote:Dear Gaspar: What the fuck.

2 gems
2 whales
1 sugar
1 spice
1 incense

Those are all the happy resources we have. Furs isn't even in reasonable reach. We have walked straight through yuris land and he has at least:

1 gems
2 wine
1 sugar
1 spice
1 dye
2 ivory
1 fur

We have 23 riverside tiles. He has, based only on our limited stripe of vision, 45 or more.

We have ~16 food resources.

He has 12 visible. (This is the stat that is most hurt by our lack of vision by the way. I'm sure he has more than us given the amount of fog, especially seafood ones.)

He has marble (according to another player; maybe not). We only have stone, which is worse.

This level of asymmetry is not OK if the borders are so clearly defined.

Update as we've now defogged the rest of Radioland:

Yuris has 19 food resources, certainly more than us. He has just the 45 river tiles. (Hey, not quite twice as much as us!)

Yuris additionally has another gems and a whale. In fact, everyone has whales. So to summarize, we have on him:

1 whale (quite aside from being crappy, it's a second copy of something everyone has)
1 incense

and he has on us:

2 wine
1 dye
2 ivory
1 fur

Another view:
Ancient era he has +2 happy and 1 tradeable (2 if the other gem wasn't jungled), we have +1 and 0 tradeable.
Classical era he has +11 happy and 3-5 tradeable (there is a gems surplus on the map), we have +6 happy and 0-2 tradeable.
Medieval era he has +13 happy and 3-5 tradeable, we have +8 happy and 0-2 tradeable.

He also has more grasslands, in fact, screw this, I'm not counting anything else.

Random diplomatic correspondence!

Quote:Hi guys,

How are thing going in your empire after the golden age? Looks like
you opened quite a lead, congratulations!

I've got a few question I'd like to ask you. I understand that it
could be classified information, but hopefully you can make the
picture clearer for me

First of all, and I meant to ask this for a few turns: I noticed that
you adopted Vassalage at the end of the golden age. Can you share with
us if you plan some military action in the near future, or if it was
simply to get out of Barbarism?

Secondly, do you have plans for any of the wonders on the horizon?
We're currently working on a mid-term tech path, and it would be very
nice to coordinate wonder builds and include them in our planning

Finally, do you know who founded Taoism by any chance? We got a
"founded in a distand land" message, and are trying to figure out who
got it

I very much hope you can share some info. If you want any info in
return, just ask, you know Radioland people don't have any secrets of
their own smile

All the best
yuris125, Music Director of Radioland

Seven responded:
Quote:Hey, thanks! I wouldn't say we have a lead though. We compared research rates with GES during our golden age for example, and they were very close. And the golden age had almost doubled our research rate... (that's what happens when your basic cottage give 1c instead of 3c (river/fin)).

Anyway, about Vassalage: nothing fancy. We just couldn't reach civil service during the golden age, and Vassalage beats out nothing. (I think it usually saves you money in fact.)

Wonder-wise, I am not sure. Is there anything in particular you wanted? (We got first pick last time, so go ahead.)

Taoism was GES, we have vision of the city where it landed.

Do you have any idea what's going on between Commodore and MNG right now? (Comm declared.)


Quote:Vassalage can definitely save money, so I hope it's doing that for you. Longbows also give a nice sense of security :-)

I'm kinda waffling about wonders. This is a bit of a dead zone. Notre Dame is pretty good, Taj is obviously good, but both of those are kinda next level to me. Yuri and I probably need to brainstorm a little more before trying to negotiate anything.

Sounds like GES might be pushing for Liberalism. We can't beat him, and from what it sounds like you won't be able to either, which is too bad. If you're going to push for it and we can help, let us know.

By our understanding, Commodore is pretty upset about some aggressive settling MNG made. His declaration is intended to get some of that back by force.

Thanks for the quick response! Feel free to ask us if there's anything you need to know in the future.


"pretty upset about some aggressive settling" eh?

Sounds familiar... not that I'd say that to their face. That would be diplomatic suicide. lol

I think we want HBR + Guilds + Astro next. These techs will take us a TOTAL of 12 turns at last turn's tech speed! With these techs we will be a formidable power.

Let's get HBR first so we can get at least one Stables. Astro last so that if we pop a GS, we can use him to bulb the majority of it. (This would be ideal.) And so Stonehenge doesn't obsolete yet.

We may want to add Hunting/Archery too, to get a few Xbows/LBows or at least the ability to build them.


With Commodore:
Quote:Hey Ranamar/Lewwyn/Seven.

Just a couple quick notes:
As you can see, MNG and I are regretfully now at war, and although currently that's only accounted for one blue chariot, more fighting will be taking place unless I get a really good Danegild.
My first sugar is hooked up, and you can expect the next one soon to be available. Gems/Sugar still on? If you guys could spare a crabs of pigs to throw in along with those gems for a few turns you can have the first one.
Finally, I now have your graphs...and forgot to turn off EP spending. Care to make a limit agreement?

May all your ages be this golden,
Quote:Hey Commodore,

Hope your war goes well! We'd talked about silks for gems, is that what you meant? If so, we are on, and we can send a pig your way for 10t as well to be able to trade for the first one. (Let's do that separately so we can cancel it.) Just let us know when you're ready or - simpler yet - offer the trades in-game. You can start your 10t of pig early if you like.

I suspect we switched EP spending over to you when we lost graphs due to you finishing up EP spending on us. (And then we forgot to move it off again, because EP spending is pretty hard to care about.) We'll move it off next time we remember (shouldn't cause you any trouble until then) and hope you do the same.

I'm not interested in an agreement though because, well, you get stuck spending all your EP on some random person who was just the last to suggest an agreement. We don't have EP agreements with anyone.

What does the military situation look like with MNG? I'm curious what kind of troops you both have.


* Let's move EP back off of him onto MNG as soon as we can remember.
* He's about ready to trade silk for gems. Or not. He said "sugar" this time which we don't need of course. IF he still want to do silk for gems though he may also request a pig for 10t if he gives us dibs on his first-hooked silk. So OK either of those deals if he proposes them. (But not a deal involving sugar.)

Quote:Hi Seven,

We discussed the matter of wonders with Maestro, and we would like to
try to get Apostolic Palace and University of Sankore. With our
self-founded religion which we will start spreading shortly, both make
good sense for us. Do you have plans for either of them?

Also, sorry for sounding repetitive, but both these wonders are
stone-based, so if you can give them up to us, I'd like to bring up
the matter of a loan of stone again smile We noticed that you don't have
marble (yet?), and if you need it for any of your projects, we would
be happy to discuss a stone for marble trade. Of course, we don't have
the tech for these wonders yet, so if you can agree, it will be a few
turns before we ask for stone

Let me know what you think

All the best
yuris125, Music Director of Radioland
Quote:No plans for those. With our dearth of luxuries we are eying Notre Dame ourselves, so I'd appreciate a heads-up if you start considering it too.

Btw, AP isn't boosted by any resource. But we can loan you a stone for UoS, sure. When would you want it? Hm, it will be about 15t before we can loan it to you. Let's think of a different payment than marble though; we've already built all the marble stuff we wanted with GES's marble.


* They would like to build AP and UoS. I told them that we would like Notre Dame.
* They might wish to negotiate a loan of stone for UoS.

Played turn...

Set research to HBR.
We could do Hunting *and* Archery on half a turn's worth of research, incidentally. It would barely slow us down to grab those, too.

Founded Númenor on the island. Shuttled Gandalf the White over to garrison because it was convenient. Put the worker on the land bridge onto our boat to transfer over next turn. (Perhaps that should have been marked, come to think of it...) Of course, the mine probably won't be used for awhile due to food concerns despite the dearth of hammers.

Edoras is Confucian. Dale will have another missionary out next turn, too. I sent the one that was finished this past turn toward Barad-Dur. (Wonders are buildings, after all...) He couldn't quite get there, but there was nowhere he could get in one turn.

Using three workers, I finished a chop-and-cottage at Angmar. The Mint being built finished EOT as a result.

Oh, and you'll have to look at the save next turn because I didn't take a picture, but it appears MNG has carefully managed to miss both silvers in his city on the central wasteland. (Perhaps we should call it the ice cap? "Cap" is a weird concept on a torus, but so is the idea of a center of any sort...)

Oh, and I switched espionage over to MNG, although it appears that we're almost out of espionage range with Yuris. (44/44 to see graphs) We'll have to watch that.

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