haphazard1 Wrote:Well, maybe.I am not sure what our choices are exactly -- can you give a quick summary?
Elf Archer 17 gold 29 hp 6 move 5-2 melee 5-4 ranged
Elf Fighter 14 gold 33 hp 5 moves 5-4 melee 3-3 range
Elf scout 18 gold 32 hp 9 moves 4-3 melee 6-2 ranged
Elf Shaman 15 gold 26 hp 5 moves 3-2 melee 3-2 with slow ranged
haphazard1 Wrote:I remember that we also have some scouts available, who are weaker but have very good speed. Do we want to include a couple of these, and use them to grab some villages along the way? They would provide a bit of additional income (more gold left over == more gold for the next scenario) and would also slow the enemy advance a bit as they will take the time to claim the villages from us. Or would our (small) unit support costs prevent us from gaining any income anyway? Probably not worth it in that case.
Just recruiting a bunch of basic elf fighter types, maybe mix in an archer type or two, and we should be fine. If a shaman is available...hmmm, we are not going to have a chance to level him up and healing on a village is more effective anyway. So I would probably skip anything but combat types.
yes that all sounds nice but if we recruited anything but fighters we would lose out on a unit. Thus I made the choice to spam fighters