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I will always play on if there is chance for victory or game is undecided. That is not true for this game. It is impossible at this point for anyone other then Parkin to win game. Parkin has full technology era lead over all other teams. Parkin has naval dominance and can raze any coastal city he wants. Noone can invade Parkin territory and he researches faster then anyone else in game. Right now Parkin can tech Assembly Line and mass crank factoreis in every city so he gets even bigger production edge + infantry to upgrade all rifles. I am not even mentioning corporations which break game further and no one else has any chance to get.

Maybe if everyone in game was against Parkin we would have chance but that is obviously not the case. I spent last 2 days thinking over game from every angle and I dont think it is possible for other teams to win. We can't reach culture before Parkin reach space (or culture himself) and our teams cant muster enough pop to win by UN. Which is also 15 techs away from us anyway. I have zero interest in playing out PBEM#4 game where Parkin is like Krill and plays sandbox with a won game. If you want to do that then replace me and I will give you Civ password.

You realize that Civ is snowball game right? When someone get to far ahead it is honestly not possible to catch up. Ya we can keep going but it is literally pointless. Map is huge so we are not going to die or anything. But what is point? Parkin will get further ahead and then come kill us all with tanks or whatever. Yay. Fun for Parkin I'm sure. Waste of time for the rest of us. Now again I dont care if outcome of game is still in doubt I will always play on until winner is crowned. But... this game is finished. What is point? 4 teams tried to stop Parkin and failed. Of the other teams 2 are allied with Parkin and helping him win. The other 2 are too weak to do anything important (I am sorry Moogle but it is true). We cant turn it around and I wont spend 60-90 min per day working on this, on 36 hour timer no less, in a game that is already over.

As I say above go ahead and replace me with someone else if you want to keep going. plako and Nakor feel the same way (and ASM already bail on game) so I hope you have a bunch of unspoil lurkers LOL.

We should have listened to Luddite.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Lord Parkin Wrote:Well I'd prefer that we play on for at least a little bit, especially if at least one or two other people are still interested. For one thing, Luddite has a stack right on my border that he's obviously been itching to throw at me. (Maybe he already has, I haven't logged in since he played.) Plus surely other folks must be having at least some fun?

Locke, I don't quite understand why you give up the instant I declare war on you without even checking the situation in-game. Seriously, you haven't even bothered to log in this turn yet. If you actually check the game, the situation hardly as hopeless as you suggest.

I just think it's a shame that apparently the majority mindset around here is that as soon as it looks like there's one dominant civ, everyone else gives up on the game. That's not at all what I'm used to - with my regular gaming group, we almost always play through to the end regardless. Sure it's not as much fun for the folks not in first place (although they can still enjoy themselves)... but the point is that over the course of many games, most people will end up getting their turn in the hot seat. How would you feel if, when you finally got yourself into a really nice position in a game and it was your turn to shine, everyone else just gave up and quit? That's exactly why my regular group doesn't give up on games partway through.

I don't know, maybe my expectations are too high, but I would have hoped that playing more than 1-2 turns into a war wouldn't be so much of an issue for some. smile
Oh come on. We're not "giving up partway through". We're not giving up because "it looks like there's one dominant civ". We're just pointing out the obvious- you destroyed plako and Nakor's entire military in one turn, and you're a full tech era ahead of everyone. My "stack that i'm obviously itching to throw at you" is about 30 rifles- that's going to do shit against your machine guns and infantry. I'm just keeping it there because, what else am I supposed to do with it now?

If you really want, I'll keep playing. I'm even going to try and fight you though, because there's nothing I can do. I'll just focus on burning mackoti's cities, and you can burn down mine in turn. It won't really be a game though, just an exercise in frustration.

If you just want a conclusion to the game, nominate yourself for the religious victory and I'll vote for you.

Just to add my thoughts... I agree with ending this game and voting Lord Parkin the winner. I don't see any problem with ending a game once the outcome is clear. We did it in PB2 as well to the satisfaction of everyone (right?). The situation here is even crazier then it was in those days. Spullla was not an era ahead in tech like you are now.

Then again, if you want to keep playing', I'll play my part and do my best to keep you busy as long as possible. I'm ok with that as well, but I don't really see the point.

Locke Wrote:our teams cant muster enough pop to win by UN.
You sure about that? Not by my count...

Locke Wrote:You realize that Civ is snowball game right? When someone get to far ahead it is honestly not possible to catch up.
With NTT it's difficult, yes, but not impossible. If nothing else, gold trading (cheesy or not) can help.

luddite Wrote:My "stack that i'm obviously itching to throw at you" is about 30 rifles- that's going to do shit against your machine guns and infantry.
For the record, right now I have no Machine Guns and no Infantry anywhere.

luddite Wrote:If you just want a conclusion to the game, nominate yourself for the religious victory and I'll vote for you.
That's not an option at the moment because Christianity hasn't spread to every nation yet. I guess it's a possibility, though it would feel a bit hollow.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Locke, would you mind at least playing this turn? Everyone else has already done so, and it'd be nice if I could at least play the start of T203 (if that's to be the final turn of this game) without it being cheesy. Plus you might find by logging into the game (which you still haven't done yet) that the situation is not as bad as you think. You took out quite a few Rifles with just one Redcoat this turn, for one thing. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Just out of curiousity - out of the players (and lurkers) here, how many would be interested in playing in a new Pitboss? How many would prefer to wait a bit? How many never want to play again? lol
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Since you said (and lurkers)...

Well, I already signed up for Pitboss 5, it just hasn't started yet! lol

Lord Parkin Wrote:Just out of curiousity - out of the players (and lurkers) here, how many would be interested in playing in a new Pitboss? How many would prefer to wait a bit? How many never want to play again? lol

Interested in playing in another Pitboss?

Nope. Nothing but PBEM for me unless I am the turnplayer for someone who is doing the planning. No controversy. Less bickering. Less sniping in the lurker thread (PBEM19 doesn't even have one). Moves faster if people are committed.

About the only advantage I see in a Pitboss is the ability for large numbers of teams to play. While I don't completely dismiss that, it is pretty low on the list for me.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Interested in playing in another Pitboss?

Nope. Nothing but PBEM for me unless I am the turnplayer for someone who is doing the planning. No controversy. Less bickering. Less sniping in the lurker thread (PBEM19 doesn't even have one). Moves faster if people are committed.

About the only advantage I see in a Pitboss is the ability for large numbers of teams to play. While I don't completely dismiss that, it is pretty low on the list for me.

There are 19 whole posts in the PBEM19 lurker thread, I'll have you know. And there are even a few not by me. :neenernee
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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