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We just want our throne back Wesnoth SG 2

Doesn't the highest level of sorceress fly too? Honestly, AFAICT, under most circumstances shydes and the highest level of sorceress are just better than mages, but it's a lot harder to level them because shamans do so little damage. You need some mages to cover the special abilities and different damage types, but I firmly advocate the development of more shamans to form the core of our magic-using forces.

I've found two purposes for silver mages: levels where the enemy uses raiding units, to protect back line villages, and to provide a rearguard to catch up on levels where you're running for your life. Neither of these functions are that vital, and both can be filled to some extent with other units. Given my general rule (always go up the promotion path with the maximum number of promotions barring a very good reason to do otherwise), I'd probably go for grand mage.

Has anyone found much use for elvish marksmen? I tend to use rangers more, but I'm not even sure they're that worth it---their best assets are their mobility and invisibility, not their combat ability. I strongly feel that any fighters should level up into captains and marshals, they're not much weaker than heroes and the leadership ability is vital.

fire&ice' Wrote:I think the fighter level might have been my fault

We've got an intelligent resilient or intelligent strong fighter who's only about 8-10xp away from leveling after the last scenario, so don't worry about it; just level the new guy. smile

Iainuki Wrote:Has anyone found much use for elvish marksmen?

castle assults and that would be it

Marksmen and Sharpshooters have their uses. They get more ranged damage than the ranger line, and the trait gives them better chances to hit on the attack when the enemy has good defensive terrain (castles, mountains, etc.). The combination makes them much, much more likely to do at least some ranged damage when attacking -- very little chance of getting a complete miss. They do not benefit on defense, but their ranged damage is so high that almost all attackers will be using melee anyway if they have a choice.

I usually go for a pretty even mix of ranger and marksmen lines when promoting elf archers, as both are useful units.

I prefer rangers, their ZOC lock is just extremely good due to their invisible ambush abilities.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

haphazard1 Wrote:Marksmen and Sharpshooters have their uses. They get more ranged damage than the ranger line, and the trait gives them better chances to hit on the attack when the enemy has good defensive terrain (castles, mountains, etc.). The combination makes them much, much more likely to do at least some ranged damage when attacking -- very little chance of getting a complete miss. They do not benefit on defense, but their ranged damage is so high that almost all attackers will be using melee anyway if they have a choice.

I usually go for a pretty even mix of ranger and marksmen lines when promoting elf archers, as both are useful units.

The thing about Marksmen is... A Red/Arch/Great Mage does approximately the same DPR and does it in fire damage. On the other hand, with an archer, you have less frustration in trying to get casters to level 2.

Similarly, I could compare them to druids, (same damage type; magic accuracy is sort of like marksman, unless the target put themselves on a 20% dodge tile...) and they come out looking better due to having much higher damage potential with the same damage type, but they don't heal.

So, yeah, castle sieges and skirmishing in the woods or mountains.

On the other hand, Rangers are competent line fighters with a nasty ranged attack because they were archers first. (You'll also see me being very fond of the Dwarven musketeers and wanting to quote Heavy Weapons Guy: "Pow! Haha!" smoke)

My decision tree on Elven Archer level up is roughly this:
Strong? Ranger (Ranger gets more swipes)
Dextrous but not Strong? Marksman (Marksman gets more shots)
Neither? Ranger (generally badass)

If we get enough casters, I might skip the Marksman step altogether, though. wink

Iainuki Wrote:Has anyone found much use for elvish marksmen? I tend to use rangers more, but I'm not even sure they're that worth it---their best assets are their mobility and invisibility, not their combat ability. I strongly feel that any fighters should level up into captains and marshals, they're not much weaker than heroes and the leadership ability is vital.

They're very good at clearing out units on defensive terrain, easier to level than mages and get elf terrain benefits which mages don't. The unit upgrade paths are well balanced in my opinion.

[Image: ok6zp.jpg]

3 turns played

tried to recall high level (not maxed) units and most of our loyals

last I didn't see anyone worth the recall gold so I just recruited some fighters and archers

I tried to also keep a large enough group of healers to let mardoc go on his hill exploration.

I didn't try to commit to highly to either side of the path however I may have accidently tiped our hand to the south

fire&ice' Wrote:I tried to also keep a large enough group of healers to let mardoc go on his hill exploration.

Much appreciated smile.

I suppose if our goal is maxxing XP, we needed to go south anyway.

It looks like the archer and fighter on the front lines are the loyal ones - haphazard, be careful with these two! We want them to level, of course, but we really don't want to lose our loyalists!

I'm guessing we have enough troops now to handle everything, but if not we can always recruit more in the southern leader's keep; I'd go ahead and move Konrad out now.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Looks good so far, fire&ice! smile

Yes, need to watch those loyal units carefully, and preferably not get them in 3-vs-1 situations. But they do need to be in the fighting.

If we are planning to use this map to level some additional units (and it sounds like that is the general plan), then we do want to proceed south and stomp that leader first. So a holding action on the road to the northeast will be set up, with some of the healers to keep them strong. The rest of the units can move south and deal with the green forces.

If I am recalling correctly, moving into the hills will trigger ambushes. So claiming the villages is not really possible, at least until we have better control over the green foces/keep. So I will plan to make most of my push along the roads.

I should be able to play after work, maybe 7 hours from now. So there is plenty of time to offer suggestions and ideas. lol

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