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Mooooooo.... wait, wrong animal. Neeeigghhh

[Image: swingset.png]

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So why the hell am I playing Amelanchier of the Hippus?

Quite simple - It sounds like fun!

I didn't want to make an obvious pick or a super power pick - although I considered it. Here are some of the choices I didn't go with:

Kandros Fir - Calabim or Kandros Fir - Sheaim

Upgrade warrior -> Moroi/PZ is 27gp.... Agressive adds C1 meaning Shock or Cover is available at 2xp - if copper is nearby then this is very dangerous.

Cardith Lorda - Luchuirp or Einion Logos - Luchuirp

Bulb Construction + maybe KotE - in test game I had 10 WG's, Barny at C3 and 3 adepts on T75. Einion adds tollerant for flavour.

Varn - Illians

Priest Rush

Cardith Lorda - Clan

Bulb RoK - Soldiers of Kilmorph and city spam. Lots of small cities and farms + conquest + warrens (built by SoK) = lots of troops.

However, I was having a chat with Iskender and I mentioned Hannah of the Hippus... RAI/FIN on the Hippus is amazing. Then Iskender mentioned that DEF adds +10% withdrawal rates so there were 2 more leaders in the running: Garrim Gyr (DEF/FIN) and Amelanchier (DEF/RAI) - wait 95% withdrawal rates on raider horselords....... lol yeah - why not.

Getting 95% withdrawal rates isn't quite that simple though. I read somewhere on civ fanatics that there is a cap of 85% in ffh normally, however, if you upgrade a horseman to a HA you can over come this. Here is an example of how I understand it:

HORSEMAN (25%) + Defender (10%) + Horselord (10%) + Flanking I (20%) + Flanking II (20%) = 85% withdrawal.

Then upgrade to a HORSEARCHER which will increase it to 95% since a HA's natural withdrawal rate is 10% higher than a Horseman.

If I build HA's I will only get 75% as flanking II won't be available.

So I will need to get 5xp on horsemen.

Hey Mardoc,

Just wanted to say that you did the right thing by allowing us to vote on map size however, it was always going to be contentious! lol

Large would be much better for the Hippus, no doubt, but standard is better for those slow moving Sheaim PZ's that Sareln is going to be rushing and cash upgrading for 27gp each. He is concerned because they can't be hasted etc - well, they can't be hasted for a reason...

Heh - I of course have my own interests at heart when I vote large.

At the end of the day - I don't care enough to put up much of a fight so if Sareln still bangs on about standard, do standard.

Standard map size is fine, a shame it isn't large but nevermind.

Here is a quick look at my opponents starting with:

Varn Gosam of the Illians - Serdoa and WK

Power combo if there ever was one. The Illians are uniquely awesome but are usually nerfed by a mediocre leader who is Agnostic making him weak. Add one of the best leaders in the game in Varn Gosam and you get a very very dangerous combo.

World Spell: Stasis - 13 or 14t of nothing... no production and no research. In a recent SP game where I was testing my combo this stopped me going into strike and allowed me to carry on attacking! lol I don't think it will always be that useful though! There are 3 times when I would be considering casting Stasis:

T0 - 6 to really slow down everyone delaying opening workers and growth.

T50 - Anyone not ready for Orthus could be in trouble....

Just before I attack someone - no reinforcements will pretty much guarantee a kill if played correctly.

Unique Stuff: PoW are cool... I expect him to run a priest gambit with most religions. Ice mana, snow everywhere, rituals...

As for Serdoa + WK - both solid players. WK more so as Serdoa has a habit of losing interest in a game he isn't winning. I don't expect that to happen here though as he has imo - the power pick. Serdoa has been critisized in th epast over his brash diplomacy however I got on quite well with him in ffh pbem5, both in war and peace. Not a team I'd like to start next to to be honest.

Early threat ***** Mid threat **** Late threat ****

Kandros Fir or the Sheaim - Sareln and Bob

All about the PZ upgrade and rush. He has made that apparently clear in the tech thread in his comments re a standard map size.

It will cost him 27gp for a warrior -> PZ upgrade. If there is copper easily available - which I expect there will be - this could be nasty. I expect he will go for early festivals and build cheap markets to finance a run at BW and then chaos.

After that there isn't really a lot of synergy between leader and civ. The world spell can be ignored unless the AC really starts to get big and his mages will be gimped by not being arcane or summoner.

Sareln and Bob are both very good players and understand the game better than most. Look at the work Sareln is doing on the pairing mod, or some of the adventures Bob has made... One of their downfalls though is in looking at the bigger picture. They both often get centred on their own civ and forget about the others.

Expect them to be in the running this game...

Early threat ***** Mid threat *** Late threat ***

Kandros Fir or the Clan - Krill and Kyan

Well. I have a startegy for the Clan. But it is with Cardith Lorda. I have detailed it in my 2nd post above.

Kandros Fir will give them Financial and Upgrades. Very nasty when coupled with what is the best building in ffh. The Warrens. I expect Krill to be able to completely abuse the hell out this. City spam with markets to pay for it running RoK and spamming SoK to build stuff followed by mass Ogre kill fest with enough warrior -> axe upgardes to defend yourself. Not to mention aggresive to make 2xp units much more powerful...

At least they don't have a worldspell:

Quote:12:56 Krill: so...everyone out has listed their leaders
just youto go now
12:57 me: bet you can't wait to see....
Krill: Hannah?
12:58 me: heh not quite
she is the best pairing with hippus but i have gone for something a little different. posting it now
13:00 Krill: That is interesting indeed
looks like minimalroads for this game....

5 minutes

13:06 me: yeah - should be a fun game
btw - nice worldspell
13:08 Krill: :D

I love teasing Krill - the trouble is he will turn around and slap you in the face for it... with a tree.

Early threat **** Mid threat ***** Late threat *****

Varn Gosam of the Sidar - Mist and Elimist

Interesting... SPI/CHA on T75 anyone? lol If they manage to survive they will have a very powerful economy. Wane ~ 6 units as GM's and you will be at 100% science for the whole game quite easily. Each one is 7gp so that is 42gpt + 3gpt market = 45gpt * 125% (Money Changer/Bazaar) = 101.25gpt. and so on.

Not sure what they will do for defense though. Mass Divided Souls are quite mobile and PoL spam I imagine. Iskender knows all about this.

As for the players: I don't know Elimist and Mist only a little. Mist's play in ffh pbem2 is well known. He did a good job in the initial rush although it could have ended better. Still - a solid player overall.

Early threat * Mid threat ** Late threat ****

Einion Logos of the Grigori - Amelia

Interesting choice... With adventurers though, why pick Einion? Can only be for Tollerant. Which means he will rush someone. Usually for their palace... but the Grigori palace is awesome... huh

I don't really have anything else to say on this pick. lol

Early threat ** Mid threat *** Late threat ***

Square Leg, I´m going to have to drop out as your ded. lurker for a while. I´ve computer problems (see VII tech thread for details) and don´t know when they will be sorted.

Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Brian Shanahan Wrote:Square Leg, I´m going to have to drop out as your ded. lurker for a while. I´ve computer problems (see VII tech thread for details) and don´t know when they will be sorted.


Hey Brian,

No problem - feel free to drop by once it is sorted. alright


Hippus start with Agriculture. Awesome.

The start will force the issue as some of these can be skipped or become essential...

* Animal Husbandry -> Horseback Riding (Pastures, Stables, Horsemen)

* Calendar -> Festivals (Plantations, Agrarianism, Markets)

* Ancient Chants -> Education (Cottages, Apprenticeship)
-> Mysticism (God King, Elder Council)

* Crafting -> Mining (Winery, Mine, Brewing House)

So if there are lots of calendar resources I will tech Calender, AH and HBR first. If there are multiple gold/gems I will be sorely tempted to go Crafting, Mining first. If there are no special commerces then I will head for Education first.

Ultimately I want to be in God King, Apprenticeship and Agrarianism with a stables build in the capital for early Horsemen production.

I never played FFH, so I generally don't lurk these games, but I just want to say that I laugh every time I see the title of this thread. smile
If you know what I mean.

zakalwe Wrote:I never played FFH, so I generally don't lurk these games, but I just want to say that I laugh every time I see the title of this thread. smile

Glad to hear it! smile If you can't think of anything witty, just post something silly!

Amelanchier of Hippus! Roar!

Iskender reporting for dedicated lurking. smoke

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