T86 finished. The Kashi Vishwanath(Hindu shrine) was built in Canopus this turn, giving us an extra 3 gpt after Regulus gained Hinduism.
We're currently #3 in city count, but overall I think we're doing quite well. We're currently at 8 workers and 6 cities, but our cities are well developed. For example, 3 of our cities have Hinduism, 4 of them have forges, and 5 have granaries. Libraries are the only major building we currently lack that our opponents have.
We're getting caught up on worker labor rather quickly, we haven't had to work very many unimproved tiles. All cities have a one-unit garrison of an axe or warrior. I can see us producing at least 5 settlers by T91, and probably more soon after that. Personally, I think we'll be able to afford such rapid expansion thanks to currency, the Colossus, and courthouses(if needed).
Currency is currently due at eot90(4 more turns) at 100% science. However we have 107 gold on hand and are losing 30 gpt, so we only have enough for 3.5 more turns at 100%. I'll try to squeeze it in on T90, but it may not come until T91. Luckily for us Jkaen just discovered currency and Kuro already has it, so we're getting some nice multipliers.
Current plan regarding the Arcturus workers:
Quote:T86 Francisco and Hernán move onto the forest 1NW of Arcturus.
T87 Lucas puts 1T of road 1N of Arcturus on T87
T87 Francisco and Hernán start chopping the forest. They finish on T88.
T88 Lucas starts building a road on the stone. He finishes on T89.
T89 Francisco finishes the road 1N of Arcturus.
T89 Hernan starts building a quarry on the stone.
T90 All 3 workers finish the stone quarry.
Sirius plan:
Quote:T86 Sirius put 2 hammers into a Hindu missionary.
T87 Sirius builds anything other than a missionary or settler.
T88 Missionary is whipped(77/40 hammers). 37 overflow translates to 29 base hammers.
T89 Sirius resumes building the settler that was whipped earlier(132/100). The forge multiplier leads to 46 hammers from 29 overflow and 8 base production. The city surplus of 9 puts settler production at 187/100 at eot. 87 overflow translates to 69 base overflow.
T90 We start on Moai. We get 8 base production from working both mines, and the forest chop is completed for another 30 hammers. 69 overflow plus 38 is 107 base hammers, and we'll have multipliers of +150%. Moai should finish in one turn with 267/250 hammers.
Quote:Settler finishes eot87.
Another settler finishes eot91.
Our next great person is a maximum of 39 turns away. (If we don't increase GPP production at Canopus and don't produce another GP somewhere else first.)
I'd actually like to build the Statue of Zeus if possible. With Ivory, it will only require 120 base hammers, and Canopus can produce at least 19 per turn, so it won't be much of a detour.
I'm not sure what to build next in Pollux(lighthouse/library/worker/settler.) It currently has 34 hammers of overflow and 17 turns of whip anger. (It needs 2 turns to grow to size 3 again.)
If we chop the forest 1N of Pollux next turn, we can build a worker in one turn with 42 overflow(28 base overflow.) If we chop and build a settler, we'll be at 85/100 at eot. We could then let the city grow a bit if we postpone finishing the settler until we were ready for it.
Regulus just finished a forge this turn. It currently has 15 turns of whip anger and is currently at size 5. It's working 1 unimproved forest(I'd like to work an engineer specialist until we get enough improved tiles).
I'd like to let it grow to size 6 next turn, then start slow building a settler(which will take 5 turns) We'll also be able to finish 2 chops soon and I'm thinking a library or temple would be good.
Denebola is working the fish/gold now. Lighthouse is the obvious next build so the city can grow onto the coastal tiles, and then a library. Whipping might even be appropriate here. Eventually we should put some farms on the 3 grassland river tiles to the east.
Arcturus will grow to size two eot88, at the same time that it finishes its granary with a chop(8 base overflow). After that it will start on a galley, to be chopped or whipped when it's needed. After the first galley, I expect to build several more boats, most likely a second galley, some workboats, and even triremes.
The city currently has 3 workers present and will be seeing some major terrain upgrades soon.
T90 Stone quarry.
T91 Horse pasture.
T92 Corn farm(dry).
As far as exploration goes, we still have 3 units active and revealing territory. Arctic Dawn located the borders of one of Jkioan's inland cities this turn, and is on its way to get visibility of NH's 2 remaining island cities. Meanwhile we once again have visibility on all(8) of Kuro's cities, and our southwestern scout will proceed northward along the coast next. Our other scout found some more seafood on the eastern side of the central sea, and will head south next.
EDIT: I'll try to get some pictures soon. Lately I haven't had much time for it.