Well, everything did not go exactly to plan....
Turn 7
- I decide we can take the blue lich king this turn after all, at least as long as we don't get really bad luck. I send the shyde in first to use her slow attack, reducing the damage for follow up units. Fortunately she gets one hit in. The enchantress follows and hits 4-of-5.

And our arcane rider finishes off the blue lich king.

- I move our last decoy unit, an elf scout, to a tile where no one can reach him this turn. Let's keep this guy alive and distracting as long as possible.
- The main force retreats south towards the keep. There is a bit of hills in front of the keep, it is not perfect for slowing walking corpses. But it will do, and the keep tiles themselves are good for most of our units.
- IBT our decoy survives, and even better five wraiths are chasing him.

- Our arcane/holy water scout takes a serious beating from wraiths.
Turn 8
- Move our decoy south into the mountains (60% defense) where only 2 wraiths can reach him.
- Retreat the main group into the southern keep, making no attacks. I hate wasting daylight opportunities, but we need a better defensive position. And we are just trying to stay alive, so avoiding possible damage is a good thing. I arrange the two healers for mutual support as they are both damaged, and try to squeeze as many other wounded next to them as possible.
- IBT Delfador takes significant damage from wraiths who get more hits than random odds would normally expect.

Our decoy survives again.
Turn 9
- I move the decoy again, trying to keep the enemy distracted. There is no point attacking, as he will only take damage and has zero chance of killing wraiths even in daylight.
- I decide to make a stand during this last daylight turn rather than retreating the main force further. We kill 4 wraiths and a dark adept.

- The main purple undead forces are about to arrive, including a bunch of level 2 units. And green's walking corpses should also engage....
- IBT our decoy survives yet again, although taking some damage.

- Two chocobones attack, one missing both attacks and the other being destroyed by one of our paladins.

- However two walking corpses get lucky and land all 4 hits on our archmage, who is now seriously injured.
Here is the situation as night begins to fall:
- Most of our backline wounded are starting to get back to decent shape, which is good as we will need to rotate fresh wounded out of the front line.
- Watch out for the incoming level 2 units, these are significantly worse threats than the walking corpses. Maybe we should retreat another row or two of tiles? The bonus healing from not moving the backline units has been very nice, though, so up to the next player. Also, green moves before purple and the walking corpses may fill the spaces next to us and make it hard for purple to reach us.
We just need to get through the night turns alive, and this scenario will be over. Don't attack if we do not need to and if it will risk more damage, but hit the enemy wherever it is safe (like ranged attacks on that chocobone).
Good luck, Ranamar!