Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

They're taking Karthus/Cass out until they hotfix it.

I hope Sullla will be back for tonight.

And here I thought I was just naturally kickass Karthus player, having dominated match after match with zero experience.

Someone had a great idea to stack move speed on Skarner. Didn't see his items on the video, but I'd imagine something like Shurelya's, Youmuu's and 3-move boots could fit well for his build. Just pop those alongside your ulti and drag the enemy so far it's a quaranteed kill. Or drag him to your base like the guy on the video :P

Tyrmith Wrote:But he's not recording for some reason... frown

Six recordings up as of early Tuesday morning.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Six recordings up as of early Tuesday morning.

Man I wish more in life worked that way- "I wish my team would start working together" --poof! :D

Tyrmith Wrote:Man I wish more in life worked that way- "I wish my team would start working together" --poof! :D


Tyrmith Wrote:"I wish my team would start working together" --poof!

Enemy Quadra-Kill !

If you are in the US the next edition of Pc Gamer will have a code for the Arctic Caitlyn skin (it will also unlock Caitlyn if you don't have her). Not sure how much the magazine costs but it might be a reasonable deal if you want Caitlyn. Plus one code should work on NA, Eu west and Eu East. November edition on the stand September 13th! lol

Here's aparently what it's supposed to look like ingame:

We had a couple interesting 5s normal games last night.

In the first game, Jaje owned Vlad top as Trundle with the help of several jungle Udyr ganks. The best lesson there, as a jungler, is once you get a kill, force a flash, whatever, continue to lean on that lane. You can really snowball your solo ahead that way.

In the second game, I laned with still-OP Orianna against a 1900 ELO player as Karthus and owned him. I was up 50CS the whole time, and pushed over his tower pretty easily. Unfortunately, he was able to pick up a couple kills and assists on other lanes with his ult, and our other lanes lost pretty hard, and Developed had a really tough time as Shaco in the jungle. The other team was all 1900 and 1500 players, so they just outclassed us overall, and always seemed to come out ahead in every confrontation.

The third game was a funny stomp. I tried the supposedly-OP Garen solo top against a 1700 Brand player, and i killed him 3 times, sent him back with a sliver of health twice, out-CSed him, and took his tower. In mid, Diva was against a 1700 Jax player, and killed him 5 or 6 times as Cassiopeia. Sullla and DevelopedX dominated their bottom lane as well, and Jaje had some nice ganks. We thought this was a really funny game, since Brand and Jax are usually considered to be the top, or at least amongst the top solo laners, and we completely annhilated them. The best comment of the match was by Developed who said, "Garen CS = Hax" because I somehow had the top CS in the game, I guess because the Jax kept trying to fight Diva, so he kept killing him instead of killing creeps.

I guess some of our Normal ELOs are getting pretty high, from all the 5s games we have played, so we are getting matched up against some pretty good players. Teamwork seems to be most important in these high level games, in my opinion.

Anyways, not much of a writeup, but they were some interesting games.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

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