Winter is coming!
Oh wait...wrong fantasy realm.
We get some dialogue about the harsh winter and the suffering of the troops. Konrad and a representative of the troops tell us how we need to stop and rest for the winter somewhere sheltered, but Kalenz complains about the puny humans giving up because of a little snow. Delfador agrees with Konrad that the army will likely desert if they do not rest for a while, but first the local orcs will have to be [STRIKE]annihilated[/STRIKE]convinced to let them rest in peace.
Our forces have been recalled and recruited, and are spreading out to claim villages and meet the enemy. No fighting yet (and probably not for at least one more turn, as this is a fairly large map), so just a quick summary.
I recalled a lot of troops that still need experience, but none that were already at max level. This leaves us a bit short on healers, but we have a druid, three shaman, and a paladin (which we started with, annoyingly, as the "voice of the troops"). Our enchantress and archmage are present, plus a red mage, a couple of elf heroes, etc. I also pulled in a lot of level 1 units with middling XP -- hopefully we can get a lot of these guys promoted. I also recruited two brand new shaman and a fresh mage.
We are running a bit negative on cash right now, but with the large (40+) number of villages on this map that will quickly move into positive territory. Keep grabbing villages as our units advance, we do want to set up positive gold for the next map.
I would divide our forces into three groups:
- A large force going straight north, which will mostly fight the NW leader and his troops
- A large force going northeast into the woods in the center of the map, which will mostly fight the NE leader and his troops
- A small force in the south grabbing lots of villages and then turning north to help fight the NE leader
This last group is pretty much just our two elf scout/rider types -- they should have very little to fight for a while, and should be OK using their good defense and ranged attacks. The other groups should be solid forces with some healing backup, etc. Put more elves into the central forest group for the forest defense and mobility, and more humans into the northern group as the land is mostly more open there.
The two enemy kings are only level 2 orcs, and other than a couple ogres all their troops are level 1. So this should be pretty easy fighting even with our less experienced troops, with good opportunities for shaman and mages to steal some kills.
Good luck!