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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

sunrise089 Wrote:As we've discussed my ELO is ~800 (ok, I did raise it from 699 or whatever the lowest was...yay...). I've reached the point where my average KDA playing a mage mid is like 10. I welcome advice in how to translate this to wins (the coaching mentioned above if you will).

I know I've vastly improved as a player since starting ranked play. I take Sullla's criticism that no one forced me to play ranked the day I hit 30 (on the flipside Riot didn't help by refusing to implement unranked draft mode), but hypothetically if I'm capable of rising to 1200elo via grinding up that might take what using the above examples? 100 games? Duo queue would be ideal of course, but no one has an elo remotely as bad as me to make a good duo combo.

Honestly, my suggestion would be to play a carry jungler. Someone like Nocturne or Master Yi who can 1v5 the enemy team after the team fight. These champs can also split push very effectively. Sometimes, a game is just lost unless you can create an advantage through a pick or a backdoor. Yes, it will probably take a lot of games to rise, but that's an unfortunate side effect of having the initial few ranked games win/lose 50ish Elo a game and new games only with a 10 point gain. The best way to rise above is having a duo partner, since that allows you the potential to win more games.

Without seeing some of your games, I can't really comment specifically on how you could do anything differently beyond the stuff I mentioned in my post above.

Just as another general statement, know that having a good KDA doesn't necessarily mean anything. Kills don't win games, or I would've won my 20/7/X Kogmaw game.

Season 1 Free Champion Rotation Week 61.


When is Season 2? :3

If the new season does start after the patch, ranked play is definitely going to be interesting for the next few days depending on how many people are reset and how the reset affects each player's rating.

sunrise089 Wrote:As we've discussed my ELO is ~800 (ok, I did raise it from 699 or whatever the lowest was...yay...). I've reached the point where my average KDA playing a mage mid is like 10. I welcome advice in how to translate this to wins (the coaching mentioned above if you will).

I know I've vastly improved as a player since starting ranked play. I take Sullla's criticism that no one forced me to play ranked the day I hit 30 (on the flipside Riot didn't help by refusing to implement unranked draft mode), but hypothetically if I'm capable of rising to 1200elo via grinding up that might take what using the above examples? 100 games? Duo queue would be ideal of course, but no one has an elo remotely as bad as me to make a good duo combo.

If you have a KDA of 10 as a mid mage, you should win more games than you lose. If that's not the case, you're either getting unlucky with your teammates (which happens sometimes, so should not be discounted) or you're doing something else fundamentally wrong, like not communicating, not pushing when you should be, or making bad calls/inappropriate calls for the meta. As Varis said, further advice is difficult without seeing specific games.

Also remember that because of the high variance in solo queue, and because your individual output is only 20% of your team's output, a KDA of 10 as mid mage will maybe only directly correlate to a 65% or so win rate (again, plucking numbers out of the air as a wild guesstimate). So you will lose some smile

So I decided to pick up LoL again after a longer break caused by simply not having enough time to play it. I went for a reroll to Europe as I had such a hard time joining those late night gaming rounds anyway, so I'm building up from scratch again. Didn't notice any difference due to the higher ping before but I figured having maintenance during night time rather than day time will be a lot more pleasent.

Here's a few questions for you folks:

1) Did they change the default mana regen somehow? Even without runes and masteries I don't feel half as mana starved as I used to during early game.

2) Gold gain feels different somehow, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Did they change anything there or am I imagining things?

3) Have they done anything bad to my awesome jungle Rammus during the last 7 months or so?

4) Anyone know any good streamers bar TreeEskimo? I'm thinking along the lines of fun/interesting commentary. High level play isn't a necessity as far as I'm concerned.

5) Is there anything else you feel is worth telling me?
"my big strength in this game is that I'm in my sheltered little corner of the map where Sandover can't reach me"

1) Yes, they did increase base mana regen a while back. Mana regen runes are not considered nearly as vital today.

2) Gold gain has had very minimal changes. Very slight changes to gold from towers and dragon, and gold from champion kills leveled out a bit (less gold for ending killing streaks). Not too much different though.

3) Be prepared to shed some tears over Rammus. alright The metagame has changed substantially in seven months, and poor Rammus is now one of the weakest jungle options.

4) You can always watch the videos on my Livestream!

5) Welcome back to the addiction? lol
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Sandover Wrote:3) Have they done anything bad to my awesome jungle Rammus during the last 7 months or so?

I am primarily a jungler (in the 1600-1700 elo range), and this is my view of the current situation:

Riot didn't nerf Rammus as far as I can recall. But let's look at Rammus and another jungler that hardly gets any play time these days, Nunu. Some time ago you would see Rammus banned every other solo queue, while Nunu was a popular pick in top tier 5v5's. Their strength was mainly their powerful ganks (even though Nunu is a bit weaker now after the nerf to Ice Blast,) which would tip the balance in their team's favor. They could both fill roles in the mid-to-late game, but unless they got really fed they would be overshadowed by the farmed carries. Nunu, for instance, turned into a slowing attackspeed-boosting bot.

Since then a new breed of junglers have been released. The most powerful of these are in my opinion Lee Sin and Nocturne. If you look at their early game ganking, both are strong. Lee Sin can clear double golems and gank at level 2, and is a menace throughout the game. Noc usually gets to lvl 4 before he ganks, but his skills are perfect for ganking lanes. Both Lee Sin and Nocturne have great mobility and some form of disable/stuns. But what makes them so much better than the older breed of junglers is, in my opinion, that their strong lane presence is accompanied by the ability to farm well and the ability to carry the game if it goes late. With Nocturne, Lee Sin or the new and improved Gangplank your jungler can become an additional carry, which is very valuable.

This is not to say that Rammus or Nunu are bad or not viable in ranked, but that the new junglers bring more to the table. Another example would be Olaf. Nocturne is better at almost everything Olaf does, which has made the old viking warrior obsolete.

Sullla Wrote:1) Yes, they did increase base mana regen a while back. Mana regen runes are not considered nearly as vital today.

Cool. Explains that one.

Quote:2) Gold gain has had very minimal changes. Very slight changes to gold from towers and dragon, and gold from champion kills leveled out a bit (less gold for ending killing streaks). Not too much different though.

Hm, ok. Somehow I feel I'm getting more than I'm used to, and I doubt my csing got better by not playing for half a year. Guess I'll figure it out eventually.

Quote:3) Be prepared to shed some tears over Rammus. alright The metagame has changed substantially in seven months, and poor Rammus is now one of the weakest jungle options.

LAME! Change it back!

I need to find a new love tool then. Is Shen still good? I played him a lot to. Maybe there are some new (tanky) champs that work well as very aggressive junglers?

Quote:4) You can always watch the videos on my Livestream!

Heh, fair enough. I'll have a look.

Quote:5) Welcome back to the addiction? lol
"my big strength in this game is that I'm in my sheltered little corner of the map where Sandover can't reach me"

Tredje Wrote:I am primarily a jungler (in the 1600-1700 elo range), and this is my view of the current situation:

Riot didn't nerf Rammus as far as I can recall. But let's look at Rammus and another jungler that hardly gets any play time these days, Nunu. Some time ago you would see Rammus banned every other solo queue, while Nunu was a popular pick in top tier 5v5's. Their strength was mainly their powerful ganks (even though Nunu is a bit weaker now after the nerf to Ice Blast,) which would tip the balance in their team's favor. They could both fill roles in the mid-to-late game, but unless they got really fed they would be overshadowed by the farmed carries. Nunu, for instance, turned into a slowing attackspeed-boosting bot.

My Rammus almost always got (Didn't played any ranked games on the NA server but did quite a lot of normal lvl 30 ones.) A few early ganks and the snowball gets rolling. Had a lot of scores in the 20/1/30 region. His versitality was what I really loved about playing him. I used to jungle Nunu a bit for variation as well, so I knew them both quite well. Nunu has the most op voiceover in the game as fair as I'm concerned!

Quote:Since then a new breed of junglers have been released. The most powerful of these are in my opinion Lee Sin and Nocturne. If you look at their early game ganking, both are strong. Lee Sin can clear double golems and gank at level 2, and is a menace throughout the game. Noc usually gets to lvl 4 before he ganks, but his skills are perfect for ganking lanes. Both Lee Sin and Nocturne have great mobility and some form of disable/stuns. But what makes them so much better than the older breed of junglers is, in my opinion, that their strong lane presence is accompanied by the ability to farm well and the ability to carry the game if it goes late. With Nocturne, Lee Sin or the new and improved Gangplank your jungler can become an additional carry, which is very valuable.

So basically the deal is that stronger junglers have been released since. Got it. Gangplank jungle sounds... odd. Need to look into those champions, though I'm holding off on jungling until I have runes set up again. Need to work on my csing anyway, as I used to play more in the jungle than in the lanes. Lee Sin is free at most but I haven't bothered trying him as his skillset didn't appeal to me as a laner.

Quote:Another example would be Olaf. Nocturne is better at almost everything Olaf does, which has made the old viking warrior obsolete.

Olaf was, at best, hardly viable even when I played. Actually don't think I ever did a game as him. No loss there.

Thank you for the jungle update! Much appreciated.
"my big strength in this game is that I'm in my sheltered little corner of the map where Sandover can't reach me"

Sandover Wrote:LAME! Change it back!

I need to find a new love tool then. Is Shen still good? I played him a lot to. Maybe there are some new (tanky) champs that work well as very aggressive junglers?

Sadly Shen is considered even less viable these days. Rammus did actually get nurfed, if I remember right, he lost movespeed from his powerball and his taunt duration was reduced as well? Shacko is another champ that's become abandoned by the community at large. For non-high Elo games Xin works as an aggressive jungler.

Roku is another good commentator on own3d. He's been playing with out commentating recently but some games he does commentary.

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