Welcome everyone to Werewolf 7! Here are the rules; if you have any questions, please take them to the rules discussion thread or contact me privately. I recommend anyone who needs to contact me to use e-mail, my address is RBMardoc at gmail dot com.
I have sent out role-PM's to everyone at this point (containing the rules descriptions found below, no flavor this time), so go ahead and let the accusations fly! I'll be working on a RP post this evening, but don't want to hold up the game itself any longer.
If anyone did not receive their PM, please PM or e-mail me.
1x Devil (limited information, results are either Villager or Special)
1x Void Wolf (same as usual)
1x Double voter (may secretly cast an extra vote for the same target
1x Normal Wolf
1x 1-shot Vigilante
1x Role Blocker
1x Baner
10x Villager
Wolves may either use their power or perform their kill, each night
Order of operations:
Both of these roles come before any other actions. The order only matters if A is blocking B- if that happens, then A goes first and B's power is negated for the night; no one else is blocked.
Wolves may, if they want, grant one another the ability to send in actions for each other. Villagers are of course banned from talking about the game out-of-thread, so it's impossible for them to send in actions for each other. I will accept orders by PM or e-mail, but e-mail is recommended (RBMardoc at gmail dot com). In all cases, the most recent order received will be the valid one.
I expect to resolve each night by needing only to inform the devil of his results, and post a results post in the game thread with casualties. In the unlikely event that the vigilante tries to kill and is blocked, then he will be informed he may try again. No other information will come from me. Aside from the devil's scry result, the only indication of what events occurred will be in the morning's write-up, or in the day's vote tally and death write-up.
Mayor: To break ties, we'll play with a mayor this game. His vote counts for 1.1 votes; he's selected by a vote on the first day and any day the office is vacant, and in the event of a tie, by random selection among those tied.
When a person dies, their role will be revealed.
In addition, we'll borrow the rules from Ichabod:
Current survivors (10):
[strike]Rowain[/strike] Village Roleblocker, killed night one
[strike]Jkaen[/strike] Normal Villager, modkilled Day Three
[strike]Lewwyn[/strike] Normal Villager, killed night one
[strike]Mr. Nice Guy[/strike] Killed Night Two, Baner
[strike]uberfish[/strike] Normal Villager, lynched day one
[strike]Erebus[/strike] Normal Villager, lynched day two
[strike]zakalwe[/strike]Normal Villager, lynched day three
Day One lynch
Night One kills
Day Two lynch
Night Two kill
Day Three lynch
I have sent out role-PM's to everyone at this point (containing the rules descriptions found below, no flavor this time), so go ahead and let the accusations fly! I'll be working on a RP post this evening, but don't want to hold up the game itself any longer.
If anyone did not receive their PM, please PM or e-mail me.
1x Devil (limited information, results are either Villager or Special)
1x Void Wolf (same as usual)
1x Double voter (may secretly cast an extra vote for the same target
1x Normal Wolf
1x 1-shot Vigilante
1x Role Blocker
1x Baner
10x Villager
Wolves may either use their power or perform their kill, each night
Order of operations:
- Void Wolf: The void wolf submits to me by e-mail or PM one name during the night. That player's role, if any, does not work for the night. No one will be informed if they're blocked (except in rare circumstances the vigilante, see below), except that they may not see the results they expect in the morning. The void wolf may block the roleblocker - if this happens, the roleblocker's power does not work for that night.
- Village Role-blocker: The roleblocker submits to me by e-mail or PM one name during the night. That player's role, if any, does not work for the night or the following day. No one will be informed if they're blocked, except that they may not see the results they expect in the morning. If the roleblocker happens to choose the wolf selected to perform the kill, the kill does not happen. The roleblocker may block the void wolf - if this happens, the void wolf's power does not work for that night. If they block each other, nothing happens.
Both of these roles come before any other actions. The order only matters if A is blocking B- if that happens, then A goes first and B's power is negated for the night; no one else is blocked.
- Village Baner: The Baner submits to me one name during the night. If that person is attacked by the wolves, he is not killed. If that person is attacked by the vigilante, he still dies. No one is informed about the exact reason why or person attacked; simply in the writeup there is howling but everyone shows up to the town square in the morning. The Baner is allowed to protect himself.
- Village Vigilante: The vigilante may only use his power once during the game, unless he is blocked, in which case he may try again. During the night, the vigilante submits to me either a name of someone to try to kill, or a 'no kill' message. If he submits a name and is not blocked, that person will die during the night. If the vig targets the wolf who is performing the kill, then that wolf dies and the kill is not performed.
The death will be mentioned in the morning write-up, but with similar flavor to the wolf kill. If he attacks the same target as the wolves, that person dies, and the vigilante's power counts as used. In the event he is blocked on the same night that he tries to kill, he will be informed that night only that he was blocked and may try again. If he does not try to kill and is blocked, he learns nothing.
- Wolf killer: During the night, one wolf is nominated by the wolf team to be the killer. The killer submits a name of a player to me during the night. If the killer is not killed or blocked in some manner, the targetted player dies. This wolf performs the kill in lieu of his alternate power; he's unable to use that power the same night. The doublevoter is disqualified from being the killer if he doublevoted on the preceding day. Although I can't think of a reason why they would do this, the wolves may choose to forgo a kill.
- Devil wolf: The devil submits to me one name during the night. He learns, assuming both he and his target survive the night and he is not blocked, whether that person has a special role or not.
- Doublevoter wolf: The doublevoter may inform me during the day that he is using his power. If there is a Mayoral race, he may use his power for either the Mayor vote, lynch vote, both or neither. I need to receive the e-mail before the end-of-day deadline. He will add one vote to whoever he's voting for - which will appear in the end-of-day tally by whoever he's voting for. E.g. - if he's one of 2 voters for Mardoc to die, Mardoc will be listed in the tally with Mardoc (3), (VoterA, VoterB). Unless of course the doublevoter was blocked or chooses not to use his power, in which case it would be, as normal, Mardoc (2), (VoterA, VoterB). If he uses his power, he may not perform the kill in the following night. If he is blocked during the night, it carries through the next day - but he is not informed by any means except seeing the final tally.
Wolves may, if they want, grant one another the ability to send in actions for each other. Villagers are of course banned from talking about the game out-of-thread, so it's impossible for them to send in actions for each other. I will accept orders by PM or e-mail, but e-mail is recommended (RBMardoc at gmail dot com). In all cases, the most recent order received will be the valid one.
I expect to resolve each night by needing only to inform the devil of his results, and post a results post in the game thread with casualties. In the unlikely event that the vigilante tries to kill and is blocked, then he will be informed he may try again. No other information will come from me. Aside from the devil's scry result, the only indication of what events occurred will be in the morning's write-up, or in the day's vote tally and death write-up.
Mayor: To break ties, we'll play with a mayor this game. His vote counts for 1.1 votes; he's selected by a vote on the first day and any day the office is vacant, and in the event of a tie, by random selection among those tied.
When a person dies, their role will be revealed.
In addition, we'll borrow the rules from Ichabod:
Vanilla PM Wrote:Name, you are a normal Villager.
Current survivors (10):
[strike]Rowain[/strike] Village Roleblocker, killed night one
[strike]Jkaen[/strike] Normal Villager, modkilled Day Three
[strike]Lewwyn[/strike] Normal Villager, killed night one
[strike]Mr. Nice Guy[/strike] Killed Night Two, Baner
[strike]uberfish[/strike] Normal Villager, lynched day one
[strike]Erebus[/strike] Normal Villager, lynched day two
[strike]zakalwe[/strike]Normal Villager, lynched day three
Day One lynch
Night One kills
Day Two lynch
Night Two kill
Day Three lynch
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
Occasional mapmaker