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Werewolf 7 game thread

Ichabod Wrote:But this caught my attention. Especially the bolded word. I don't remember Meiz ever using such a strong word when talking about someone else's reasoning. Maybe I just don't remember well enough, though. But Meiz always seemed to be very friendly with everything... So it sounded strange.
I'm not sure what you meant by this, but what I meant was sad for me (getting lynched for that small reason)

Meiz Wrote:I'm not sure what you meant by this, but what I meant was sad for me (getting lynched for that small reason)

Oh, then I totally misunderstood. Sorry about that.

Cross posted with scooter. IMO Zakalwe has explained his reasons and reactions well, so your accusation surprises me quite a bit. Getting desperate, or do I just have some strange bias on getting so big villager reads from Zak? smile I think of the first, since Zakalwe acted clearly different on WW3, where he was a wolf. As many said before, his act would be very hard to fake as a wolf.

scooter, I understand that you probably wanted to get that out right now, after your read the accusations, but your arguments are weak.

1) You say zakalwe is inconsistent, but you don't explain in which way he is. Or maybe I don't understand how you use the word inconsistent. But for me he is very much playing like expected from him on day 1.

2) He explained why he attacked TT and I think it is understandable.

3) He explained why the uberfish-ploy was bad villager-play. Not that you can't still get some information out of it. But it leaves the village very confused and if uberfish is a villager he made himself untrustworthy. Thats bad play. Nonetheless is your reaction to it... interesting.

4) zakalwe is always trying to herd the village when he is a villager. You should know that pretty well. Voting for him based on that is... not understandable to say the least.


5v: Twinkletoes89 ( Meiz, Sareln, Erebus, Jkaen, Roland )
3v: Zakalwe ( Injera, Uberfish, Scooter )
3v: scooter ( zakalwe, Rowain, Serdoa )
2v: Sareln ( Gaspar, Lewwyn )
1v: Rowain ( MNG )
1v: Uberfish ( Catwalk)

Not voted (2): Twinkletoes89, Ichabod


  1. Lewwyn votes uberfish
  2. Gaspar votes uberfish
  3. Mr. Nice Guy votes Roland
  4. Rowain votes Lewwyn
  5. Meiz votes Twinkletoes89
  6. Sareln votes Roland
  7. Serdoa votes Roland
  8. zakalwe votes Roland
  9. Rowain switches from Lewwyn to zakalwe
  10. Serdoa switches from Roland to Rowain
  11. Meiz switches from Twinkletoes89 to Lewwyn
  12. Catwalk votes Mr. Nice Guy
  13. uberfish votes uberfish
  14. zakalwe switches from Roland to uberfish
  15. Catwalk swittches from MNG to uberfish
  16. Gaspar switches from uberfish to scooter
  17. Sareln switches from Roland to scooter
  18. uberfish switches from uberfish to scooter
  19. Injera votes zakalwe
  20. zakalwe switches from uberfish to Twinkletoes89
  21. Meiz switches from Lewwyn to Twinkletoes89
  22. uberfish switches from scooter to zakalwe
  23. Catwalk switches from uberfish to Injera
  24. Erebus votes zakalwe
  25. zakalwe switches from Twinkletoes89 to MNG
  26. Ichabod votes Catwalk
  27. Erebus switches from zakalwe to uberfish
  28. Gaspar switches from scooter to MNG
  29. scooter votes MNG
  30. Roland votes Erebus
  31. MNG unvotes Roland
  32. MNG votes Rowain
  33. Gaspar switches from MNG to Sareln
  34. Sareln switches from Scooter to Twinkletoes
  35. Zakalwe switches from MNG to Erebus
  36. Lewwyn switches from Uberfish to Sareln
  37. Erebus switches from uberfish to Twinkletoes89
  38. Catwalk switches from Injera to uberfish
  39. Jkaen votes Twinkletoes89
  40. zakalwe switches from Erebus to scooter
  41. Rowain switches from zakalwe to scooter
  42. Serdoa switches from Rowain to scooter
  43. Roland switched from Erebus to Twinkletoes89
  44. Ichabod switches from Catwalk to No Vote
  45. scooter switches from MNG to zakalwe

HOnestly, you guys are probably right. I overreacted. Basically I wake up and I see a bandwagon form on me for not posting in my sleep, and that irritated me a bit. I also wasn't going to be near a computer for awhile so I typed that all (this too) on my phone. In related news, voting on a phone is freakin hard lol.

But yeah, I was pretty annoyed, so my instinct was to lash out a bit at zakalwe. The frustrating thing for me is I really have no idea who is a wolf, and I feel like voting for someone and explaining my reasons will be nOnsense no matter what. Please be patient - I know I've played these quite a bit, but I consider myself an experienced werewolf (2 full games of that, 1 of which was really successful) and not so much as a villager where I played a grand total of one day. Honestly, this is way harder than playing WW, and reacting out of frustration before I've had any caffeiene was not a great choice. So rather than further muddy things...

no vote

Well, I have a lot to catch up on. While I do that, however, no vote.

Part of me wants to understand alright

But bigger part thinks you are backing down because of the strong reactions on favor of Zak...
scooter Wrote:The frustrating thing for me is I really have no idea who is a wolf, and I feel like voting for someone and explaining my reasons will be nOnsense no matter what. Please be patient - I know I've played these quite a bit, but I consider myself an experienced werewolf (2 full games of that, 1 of which was really successful) and not so much as a villager where I played a grand total of one day.
I don't think a villager should be that frustrated of not having wolf clues on day 1. It's more than expected.

Meiz Wrote:I don't think a villager should be that frustrated of not having wolf clues on day 1. It's more than expected.

The frustration is because I'm expected to. I managed to get myself on the block largely due to sleeping at night and for having too strong of a sense of humor, and the only way off the block as a villager is to explain yourself and point to someone more suspicious. I tried the first one and it probably won't be believed, and short of making up nonsense, I've got nothing for the second one. So yeah my predicament is annoying lol.

Anyways, I'll vote for Lewwyn as mayor.

To ease scooters predicament abit


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