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Werewolf 7 game thread

Serdoa Wrote:I admit though that you are right here, it would probably be quiet easy to go for scooter and get him lynched. Maybe a little too easy even?
So why am I having such a hard time on this? lol. scooter is not that hard person to attack based on his play so far. So if he's a villager, why am I the only one really trying to push for his lynch? Give me a bit of hand here? lol

Meiz Wrote:I know you're not going to like this answer, but simply don't have excess time to defend Zakalwe. I believe he is capable to answer to these accusations by himself (and has already addressed some of them). But especially this part seems really unfair:

Serdoa Wrote:- stated that uberfish can't be a wolf and still voted for him later, completely ignoring what he himself wrote

There was a quite wide gap between these posts. People can and will change opinions as the game progresses. I think the first was his instant reaction to uberfish's post and second was a comment way later, after uberfish had acted suspiciously?

zak stated quite clearly in post 68 why this play does not make sense at all for a wolf uberfish and later he still voted for uberfish. I tried to explain that in my long post in more detail, but basically ask yourself: If you wrote yourself that a certain play does not make sense for a wolf, do you then later completely dismiss your own thoughts and simply go on to vote for that player?

And if your answer is yes, because you believe - like Meiz - that people can and will change their opinion (all for it, I did it myself) isn't it then a little bit suspicious that zak suspected MNG on the grounds that MNG switched from calling Roland innocent on Day 1 to suspecting him on Day 2?

Guys, I am NOT suspecting zakalwe for voting uberfish and voting Erebus. I suspect him for acting inconsistent, often very anti-villagerish and for accusing people for stuff he himself does exactly the same way.


Twinkletoes (4): Zakalwe, Injera, Sareln, Gaspar
Zakalwe (3.1): Serdoa, Catwalk, Twinkletoes
catwalk (1): scooter
Scooter (1): Meiz
Sareln (1): Ichabod

Not voting: JKaen, Roland

  1. Zakalwe votes Twinkletoes
  2. Scooter votes Sareln
  3. Gaspar votes Sareln
  4. Ichabod votes Sareln
  5. Roland votes Twinkletoes
  6. Injera votes Twinkletoes
  7. Catwalk votes Sareln
  8. Serdoa votes Zakalwe
  9. Meiz votes Scooter
  10. Catwalk switches from Sareln to Zakalwe
  11. Sareln votes Twinkletoes
  12. Gaspar switches from Sareln to Twinkletoes
  13. scooter switches from Sareln to no vote
  14. Roland switches from Twinkletoes to no vote
  15. scooter switches from no vote to catwalk
  16. Twinkletoes votes zakalwe

Anyone have any thoughts on scooter's vote for Catwalk?

My take is that I've found Catwalk's play to be very suspicious, and not really helpful to the village at all, but that it could be a case of simply being a villager than just approaches the game in a whole different manner than I do which makes me hesitant to grab the noose for him.

Also, it would be nice to see your vote Roland.

Serdoa Wrote:And trust me, in PBEMs I am getting accused for acting exactly like that.

*cough* PBEM14 *cough*

I dunno. I don't love the state of the lynch-vote right now, but it does seem ripe for last-minute gaming. I just haven't been convinced on zakalwe. Here's what I agree with: his behavior has been different this game than the last 2 games and he is capable of leading the village easily even as a wolf, and the results have obviously not been spectacular.

What I don't see: evidence convincing me he's more likely to be guilty than TT, or the silent players. It just seems a lot of stuff that's easily twisted depending on how you look at it.

I dunno, maybe I give zakalwe more leeway than I give other players, but I don't think so. If TT were more assured in his defense or scooter less-so, I might be inclined to look at zakalwe harder. I'm just really afraid of throwing away our potentially last mislynch on a Hail Mary.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Serdoa Wrote:zak stated quite clearly in post 68 why this play does not make sense at all for a wolf uberfish and later he still voted for uberfish. I tried to explain that in my long post in more detail, but basically ask yourself: If you wrote yourself that a certain play does not make sense for a wolf, do you then later completely dismiss your own thoughts and simply go on to vote for that player?
Uberfish had painted suspicion against Zak in similar manner than in WW5 (using bad logic), so I do understand why he changed his opinion. I'd do the same.
Serdoa Wrote:And if your answer is yes, because you believe - like Meiz - that people can and will change their opinion (all for it, I did it myself) isn't it then a little bit suspicious that zak suspected MNG on the grounds that MNG switched from calling Roland innocent on Day 1 to suspecting him on Day 2?
MNG voted Roland on day 2 because "he was one of the first ones to make me think innocent... so he must be guilty if 2 of my three guilty suspects were innocent."
Soon after he had listend Roland in his "probably innocent" group,

I actually find it more odd that Zakalwe reacted so strongly on this,

My take on that part of post 400 (from my "wall of text")

Quote:Post 400: Frames Erebus because

- Erebus concluded that Lew was the wolf-nightkill. States that he did the same but that Erebus takes it a step further (we had that explanation with TT on day 1 as well, remember) as he wants us to speculate why Lew was night-killed. True zak, while you only stated that Lew was night-killed, Erebus wanted to investigate why they choose Lew. Can understand why THAT is suspicious for you...

- Erebus asked others to look into this [Lew-nightkill]. Zak thinks he should do it on his own to take credit for a possible wolf-lead he could come up with. Well, that is exactly your playing-style zak, so why are YOU not doing that?

Explains further that he thinks Erebus wanted to get someone to tell us that Lew suspected Sareln so that we would then mislynch Sareln. He votes Erebus.

And I agree that his reaction itself is odd as well.

Injera Wrote:Anyone have any thoughts on scooter's vote for Catwalk?

Pointless? Thats all I can come up with right now. I should look more closely into that but I am tired, sorry.

Quote:My take is that I've found Catwalk's play to be very suspicious, and not really helpful to the village at all, but that it could be a case of simply being a villager than just approaches the game in a whole different manner than I do which makes me hesitant to grab the noose for him.

I agree on that take on catwalk. He is playing completely different then anyone else I know. Trying to outsmart everyone, outsmarting himself in the process (or at least making himself very vulnerable to a mislynch).

I finished reading your text file, Sareln (it worked with Microsoft Word), and coupled with your posts, I think you answered most of my questions. I still find you a bit suspicious (lack of other candidates being a factor), but a lot of the things I was pointing against you don't stand anymore after I read what you posted. I can't vote for you today, being that my suspicion is not strong enough.

But I have to say the opposite about, Catwalk. Here's what I posted about it on the beggining of the day:

Ichabod Wrote:Catwalk: I can't say i ever stopped suspecting Catwalk during this game. Since other players voiced that he's sounding like Catwalk on WW6, I decided to let it be for some time. Now, after rereading some of his posts, I tend to think that we just have very different styles of playing, which makes me suspicious of him. But Catwalk's play has been very consistent. I found some of his remarks and even the way he talks (like adressing some players direclty, but not to ask questions, rather to plan and suggest things that I think shouldn't be made by separate groups) very chaotic, I'd say. But in the big picture, they make sense and connect.

I was worried that he could be trying to hide behind Meiz and Zakalwe, but it seems to be just the way he plays the game. I remember a lot of people suspecting Catwalk, so I want to hear why. Roland and Injera voted for him on day 2 (albeit roland switched to scooter), so why do you think about him and about what I've said?

And that was my thoughts at the moment. But after that, he started posting some pretty weird stuff. He made a 180 degrees change on his stance on Zakalwe, because saying that Zakalwe was innocent at the beggining of the game was a tactical move, and he started agreeing a lot with Serdoa about Zakalwe. I can see that Serdoa has arguments against Sareln, but Catwalk jumped at the boat near the beggining, when Serdoa hadn't showed his whole case. It was like Zakalwe made a significant wolf slip, but that didn't happen. I can't see how just not switching off Erebus on the end of day 2 (or at least commenting on the switch) could make Catwalk change completely his opinion on Zakalwe.

And he insisted with the argument of a "wolf wouldn't do it" and that "his play was weird, but at least consistent". I said both arguments during this game (the first on day 1, the second on my post above) and I feel that Catwalk started using them only after I, and other players, pointed that out. See this post:

Catwalk Wrote:Hey, I'm at least consistent in my play smile Maybe I'm a wee bit unorthodox, you don't learn if you don't try. And I'm going by Gaspar's advice of "bad theories sometimes produce good results", rather than sitting back completely and letting others decide. I haven't gone through much post analysis at all in my suspicions, going mostly by gut feeling and some of the recent posts that I find highly suspicious.

I can't decipher all of Serdoa's accusations right now, but the sheer massiveness of it is enough to make me feel confident he is indeed a villager. Most likely also a dead one tomorrow, given that we're short a baner. Not that this proves zakalwe to be a wolf of course, but it makes me more inclined to listen to Serdoa's points.

It's very similar to what I said about him and I don't remember any such comments before I made my statement about him. I understand that he can have an unusual behaviour, but it's getting too much and too defensive. It seems to be hard to detect flaws on a type of behaviour you can't understand (see MJW wolf last game, where he had little suspicions on him throughout), but I have a feel this is too much.

So I'm changing my vote to catwalk.

I thought this was a pretty good post by Serdoa:

Serdoa Wrote:I think that zakalwe knows very well that he can't sit back and wait, even as a wolf. He has a certain reputation to live up to as you surely have already grasped. I think that he learned in a former WW-game where he was a wolf that he can't fly under the radar, that will be noticed, and so he does try to live up to it - thats why you saw him several times asking about things you yourself found suspicious - but he is not going that last mile necessary. Basically without the inconsistencies I would trust him. But with them + that missing last bit of effort to really catch wolves I don't anymore.

I still don't find Zakalwe that suspicious. My two more suspected players right now are catwalk and TT. After that, Sareln, scooter (his last posts made me suspect him less) and Zakalwe, I'd say. But while I agree that you have a good case Serdoa, with arguments, I think that Zakalwe general play so far doesn't confirm your suspect.

About TT, it seems that some players are suspecting him for not being angry or emotional. I hope there is more to the suspect, because if not, I can't see why to vote for him. I don't know TT that well and I wouldn't make it such a big deal. WHat I think is suspicious about TT is that I can't see how his posts connects one into the other, especially after day 2. Of course, it can be him just changing his mind, but I find it to be too much. I think it is apparent that he doesn't have much time for the game, but his posts seem more quick posts by a wolf, not a villager (it seems that he had to come up with new thoughts in a small time, which caused the disconnection between them).

I'll keep on reading until 2030 GMT, but I'll have to go after that. So, my vote will be definitive after that.

scooter Wrote:2. The late jump off of Catwalk at the end of Day2 was bizarre. Also, I know I'm innocent, so it's hard to believe that Erebus, myself, AND Catwalk were all innocent. Do we suck THAT bad at hunting WW's?? I doubt it.
Is this anything but a jump on an easy target? You're repeating verbatim arguments that have recently been made (the one above made by me, but with a slightly different conclusion). I still have you high on my suspect list along with zakalwe, btw.

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