Who do you think the wolves are? If you're not one, my bet is on scooter + Roland + Sareln + either Ichabod or Gaspar. Not going to change any votes at this point, though. You could still be hatching a wolf ploy to get one villager to change a vote and then have the wolves pull something at the last minute.
All this late suspicion really cuts deep guys. Or at least it would if it weren't a pair of wolves trying to cast suspicion prior to a future potential mayor vote.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
Injera was voted Mayor Twinkletoes was lynched! Twinkletoes was a Normal Villager!
With this lynch, the wolves' voting power is now greater than that of the rest of the villagers combined, and they win the game. See you over in the discussion thread!
What, you wanted to know who they are?
For once, the village decides to act with unity. Injera is elected mayor, and all the villagers except Twinkletoes line up behind him as their selected target. He protests that this is a mistake, but no one is listening.
As he hangs, and remains human, a final cry of disbelief goes up! What? He had to be a wolf! I don't think I believe in werewolves anymore!
[SPOILER]scooter steps up, transforming into a furry face, however. "You really should have lynched me - I'm the least of the wolves, but at least I am one. He grabs Meiz by the throat, and finally gets his revenge for dealing with suspicion all game long.
[SPOILER]Roland starts talking about the nature of the wolf, as well, in an extremely long speech, as he gradually transforms. He mentions that he was the Void Wolf, in passing. He eventually decides to latch on to Catwalk, and drags him off into the bushes.
[SPOILER]Ichabod is short and to the point. Yep, I was a wolf, a veritable Devil. He lunges and grabs Injera, and starts tearing him limb from limb.
[SPOILER]Gaspar steps up, last. In an apparent rage, he shouts out that he was Doublevoter, and grabs the last of the villagers, Sareln, for a quick snack.[SPOILER]Despite rampant speculation in the lurker thread, Mardoc was innocent! A neutral arbiter, watching master wolves at play
As the sun sets and the moon rises on a deserted village, these wolves contentedly lope off to find another village. That was fun! they growl to one another. Let's do it again someday!
Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed yourself .
Great game everyone. Sorry I botched the last pick, though I don't think it would have made much of a difference in the end. Excellent job by the werewolves, we never had a chance.
Injera Wrote:Great game everyone. Sorry I botched the last pick, though I don't think it would have made much of a difference in the end. Excellent job by the werewolves, we never had a chance.
Not your fault TBH. 50/50 and you missed. C'est la vie.