September 27th, 2011, 14:57
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Does that mean there's room at the bar for me?
Hi Erebus! How's it going?
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September 27th, 2011, 15:01
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A tall, handsome and incredibly stylish figure sauntered up to the bar and ordered a drink, before turning his attentions to the ladies in the room.
Hello, ladies...
His voice was like melted chocolate, deep and rich.
I know you're all wondering the same thing: how does a guy like me wind up in a place like this? Well, that's a long and unbelievably erotic story. But we don't have time for anecdotes, no matter how sexy they might be. There's business to attend to, and I'm not talking about the kind of business where I ask you to slip into something more comfortable...
His award-winning haircut glimmering in the low-light of the bar, he turned to the rest of the group with a cool smile, exuding charm and self-assurance.
Have no fear, my friends. I've faced far greater challenges than this. Why, catching a few homicidal space loonies and repairing a broken portal is what I call a nice, relaxing afternoon. So, let's get these SCUM lynched before teatime, then I'll stop by the nearest asteroid to pick some ice, and we can party the night away.
First up: uberfish
If there's one thing I've learned from all my years as a dashing space adventurer, it's never to trust a gill-breather. The game's up, Fishy.
September 27th, 2011, 15:30
Oh hey this game finally started!
I kicked out the door of my space rocket and grimaced as my space spurs jingled as my I planted my space boots on the grimy chrome surface of the space floor. Looking about the dimly lit space bar I thought back wistfully yet manfully to my space ranch, where dry gusts of cosmic winds lazily rolled the space tumbleweed past the herds of space bulls meandering beneath the burning rays of the four space suns. This tired establishment wasn't no space saloon, but I knew from the rough-and-tumble atmosphere that all the same, before the week was over someone was going to exit the premises riding backwards through a window.
I spit out a phosphorescent wad of space tobacco, clenched a piece of space straw between my teeth, straightened my space ten-gallon hat, and adjusted my space aviator glasses before I moseyed forward. I was a space cowboy space pilot, fastest draw in the Western Quadrant, and right now all I wanted was a stiff drink and pliant space whore. As soon as I hung up my space duster and slid anonymously into a booth at the bar however, it was clear as the space moon that I'd be seeing action tonight of an altogether different nature, with substantially less sex although perhaps a comparable amount of screaming and fluids.
From across the bar, an excitable man turned to glare at me. Before I could raise my brow to get an expression in edgewise, he began to holler, "That's one of them! A Scum! You can tell because his name has too many syllables, trying to confound us!".
"Now just a cotton-picking minute there, Rowain" I growled. "Don't ya'll that all you have to do is drop everything past th' 'Bob'? Perhaps th' space doc should give yer head a look. He can do somethin' for your agitation before you git ventilated in more ways than one."
September 27th, 2011, 15:48
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Great stuff, Bob and WH.
This won't do, though. We need content. I'll start.
Catwalk Wrote:I say we pile 5 votes on assorted riff raff (other than me). Then see if they float or not when we toss them in the water. Tested and true method, can't go wrong with it. I'm voting Injera for voting for me last game (yes, I can and will use that on anyone).
This sounds like a typical Catwalk plot - hare-brained but sincere. It's a pity he's joking.
Injera Wrote:Injera checking in. It's way too early to start picking fights, I need to get a drink first.
The only one not to vote in his first post.
I have to run.
September 27th, 2011, 15:52
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Official Tally - Day 1 - 11 alive - 6 to lynch
3: Injera (Catwalk, Lewwyn, Novice)
2: Lewwyn (Injera, Rowain)
1: Serdoa (Uberfish)
1: Novice (Serdoa)
1: Erebus (Sareln)
1: Uberfish (Winston Hughes)
1: Rowain (Bobchillingworth)
Not voting (1): Erebus
If you know what I mean.
September 27th, 2011, 16:21
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novice Wrote:The only one not to vote in his first post.
Given that I hadn't even received my role email when I made that post I don't think it's very good evidence of SCUMmery.
September 27th, 2011, 20:20
When does the first day end? I was kind of worried that the game might be over too quickly when I finally got around to looking over the voting rules, but nobody is even posting here  I don't want to have to read through a ton of information every day, but it would be nice if someone would say something.
Does everyone finally have a role yet? Also do we know how many SCUM / power roles are in the game? I didn't read much of the sign-up thread before I joined, so I honestly have no idea.
Anyway, back to getting some talk going. I've only ever played in two WW games before, and I was a wolf in the first and a seer who died on the first day in the second, so I don't know what sort of conversation we need to have going to separate the SCUM from the rest. I know that generally the first day is considered a wash and the real hunt begins after the first lynch / night kill results are in and there's actually some real data to work with, but with only 11 players that doesn't leave much room for error. I can't say that I actually have any feelings about anyone yet one way or another, considering how little has actually been said  Perhaps someone will suspect me for writing this post for some reason- that's cool, as long as you post a reason so that the thread actually has some content.
September 27th, 2011, 21:17
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Bobchillingworth Wrote:When does the first day end?
It this rate, it won't.  It ends when we get a majority of votes on one candidate.
I think right now we're caught in a rut- no one has enough of a read to really push on anyone, which leads to no one talking at all...
Bobchillingworth Wrote:Anyway, back to getting some talk going. I've only ever played in two WW games before, and I was a wolf in the first and a seer who died on the first day in the second, so I don't know what sort of conversation we need to have going to separate the SCUM from the rest.
I don't know really, either. My only game was last game, though I lurked a lot of the previous ones. Looking back at that game in retrospect, the real clues were not in the actual votes or who suspected whom, but more trying to find the motivation for why people are doing what they're doing and how they're trying to influence the other players in the game.
Really, though, I'm at a loss for what to do with this game. I have a feeling it will get going eventually, but here on Day 1 there just isn't enough information around for the Space Bar to really get moving in any particular direction, and the SCUM certainly aren't going to stick their necks out to push it along as long as there are other villagers staying mum as well.
Now's when we need the uberfish gambit from last game, at least just to shake things up.
September 27th, 2011, 21:49
Posts: 12,335
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Injera Wrote:Given that I hadn't even received my role email when I made that post I don't think it's very good evidence of SCUMmery. 
That's why I voted for you... so maybe it is?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
September 27th, 2011, 22:03
How'd you know that he was the person who didn't have a role yet when he first posted? Also why would you possibly want to vote for someone who doesn't have a role yet?
On that note, can someone please notify us when Injera does get a role, so that we know that we need to pay more attention to his/her posts?