Lots of posts to catch up on, which is a lot better than no posts 
Just to clarifiy, here's what happened yesterday:
1) I check RB in the morning. The game's started!
2) I look for a PM, no PM.
3) I check the thread, see I need to email zakalwe and do so
4) I post a one-line post checking in
5) I get my role email
In WW7 he admitted to intentionally "buddying up" with zakalwe (and later, apparently, others); I think this was a tongue-in-cheek reference to that.

uberfish Wrote:I'm not sure why the game started without Injera having received a role, but he really ought to have mentioned that in his first post.
Just to clarifiy, here's what happened yesterday:
1) I check RB in the morning. The game's started!
2) I look for a PM, no PM.
3) I check the thread, see I need to email zakalwe and do so
4) I post a one-line post checking in
5) I get my role email
novice Wrote:Not rhetorical - is it odd that Catwalk read my post as buddying up?
In WW7 he admitted to intentionally "buddying up" with zakalwe (and later, apparently, others); I think this was a tongue-in-cheek reference to that.