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Just caught the end of a TSM vs TBM scrimmage, Chaox's full Kog build woulda brought tears to Varis' eyes lol

Berserker Greaves
Inf E
Last W
2 Dancers

Although I have never seen Varis build Manamune on Kog, I'm sure he wouldn't mind playing a Kog with those items.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:Just caught the end of a TSM vs TBM scrimmage, Chaox's full Kog build woulda brought tears to Varis' eyes lol

Berserker Greaves
Inf E
Last W
2 Dancers

Although I have never seen Varis build Manamune on Kog, I'm sure he wouldn't mind playing a Kog with those items.

Hm, I definitely wouldn't mind having all of those items at once as Kog'maw.

Manamune is used for more of an artillery AD build, basically sacrificing survivability and utility (such as the slow from a triforce/mallet or lifesteal) for the ability to pelt people with your ult for longer periods of time. It's very much the item you build as AD Kog if you want to play like an AP Kog.

If I was versus all squishies, I would snag a Manamune first since Kog's ult is his best anti-carry skill, but that doesn't happen too often. Otherwise, it's like Manamune on Ezreal. Some people feel like it's a great item on him due to the spammable skill, while others, like me, feel that your gold is better spent on reaching your first big item (IE or Bloodrazor).

What happened to the idea of building a Madred's Bloodrazor on Kog ? IIRC this used to be highly popular item choice. It still synergizes really nice with his W and adds some magic damage to the mix thus making it harder to itemize against him (Thornmail) , doesn't it ?


Bloodrazor seems like a poor item generally to me, in that you don't get much for your money. The magic damage is easily mitigated against (tanks are likely to build MR anyway) and it only seems anywhere near worthwhile if your opponents all have a lot of HP and not many resists. This happens occasionally, but not often. It helps with killing baron too, of course, but there's this awesome item called Wriggles Lantern which costs half as much and does exactly the same thing...

In summary, I think in pretty much all cases Wriggles > Bloodrazor for cost-effectiveness.

Gustaran Wrote:What happened to the idea of building a Madred's Bloodrazor on Kog ? IIRC this used to be highly popular item choice. It still synergizes really nice with his W and adds some magic damage to the mix thus making it harder to itemize against him (Thornmail) , doesn't it ?

The thing about on-hit items is while they always provide consistent damage they also kind of kill everybody at the same speed, as far as I am concerned, and Bloodrazor also isn't that hot of an item in the mid-game except it speeds up Baron/Dragon attempts. I don't know, I figure you either build an AD carry Kog'maw or on-hit Kog'maw depending on your team and stuff.

Also, last Sullla video failed to deliver because I thought about "Photo Finish" as something completely different frown

v8mark Wrote:The magic damage is easily mitigated against (tanks are likely to build MR anyway) and it only seems anywhere near worthwhile if your opponents all have a lot of HP and not many resists.
In summary, I think in pretty much all cases Wriggles > Bloodrazor for cost-effectiveness.

I think you could argue that tanks also build lots of armor, so is a second Phantom Dancer really worth it?
It seems Bloodrazor is not a great first item, but it may be worth building once all champions reach level 18 in a longer game.

So for 3800 Gold you get:

+30 physical attack damage
+25 armor
+40% attack speed
+80 magic damage (4% proc, assuming a champ with 2000 HP)

So basically 110 total damage minimum, plus the attack speed and armor. That number becomes even higher if there are more tanky dps champions on the enemy team.
What I will admit though is that you need to take into account the enemies resistances and your own armor penetration value. Because since you are not going to build extra Mpen on him, but a Last Whisper instead, added attack damage is probably more valuable compared to added magic damage.

@ Seyruun
I need a pony signature once the forum server is working properly again wink


Gustaran Wrote:@ Seyruun
I need a pony signature once the forum server is working properly again wink

[Image: 1c620c6a543f8f7e50a4cf74f61048fa.gif]


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Who says you never get kills with CV?

What really happens when you put point into bear stance:
[Image: 1z6U4.jpg]
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