September 28th, 2011, 08:09
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zakalwe Wrote:For example, going for the GLH with a diplomatic guarantee for open borders sounds like a very viable alternative to me.
Or, well, we could simply focus on expansion and let everyone else fight over the wonders.
As much as I approve of penalizing mack for the threat - I'd rather win. For that matter - even forcing him to race for the 'mids instead of strolling to them would be enough of a penalty, in my mind.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 28th, 2011, 10:49
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novice Wrote:Careful so you don't break your ankle.
For the record, while I think novice was joking here - he raises a valid point. Mackoti does have a past history of breaking some deals when he feels they've not been upheld in proper spirit. Would he attack if we built the 'mids in an underdefended border city? Maybe. Certainly I wouldn't discount the possibility. Now, if we want out of this NAP that's one way to do it. But we definitely can't build them and then wish and hope with a warrior in the city.
zakalwe Wrote:Just to be clear, I'm not really advocating building the pyramids. Not saying it's a bad play, but I would like to hear the case for it. For example, going for the GLH with a diplomatic guarantee for open borders sounds like a very viable alternative to me.
My comment about stomping on his sand castle was just that; an observation. It seems pretty clear he would be gutted if we build it.
(Edit: and by we, I obviously mean you. )
GLH with OB certainly has merit, I suppose my main reason for not wanting to do it is because I did it last game. I've neither built pyramids nor ran a specialist economy in a RB game - that's really my motivation.
Mardoc Wrote:Or, well, we could simply focus on expansion and let everyone else fight over the wonders.
As much as I approve of penalizing mack for the threat - I'd rather win. For that matter - even forcing him to race for the 'mids instead of strolling to them would be enough of a penalty, in my mind.
I don't think we can afford to lose the expansion focus at all. There's more than likely a lot of land between us and our eastern neighbor - I'd like to take all of it.
Played the turn - nothing worth picturing - I'll get that next turn. Whipped the granary in Carne Ahumada overflowing to a Monument. Workers are hooking copper and horses because as much as I like cheap warriors I like not dying more. I'm planning on the next 2 cities being 1W of the Sugar in the south and on the Stone island. After that we'll start pushing west hard.
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September 28th, 2011, 14:24
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FWIW - It concerns me greatly that mackoti has chosen this game to update.
This turn was quiet as well. Made a few tile changes - no rush on growth in CC so it's working the FP cottage while the Corn gets passed over to Agria Dulce to get that settler out faster. Mackoti's backed his Chariot off, though its coincidentally sitting on the tile I intend to settle on.
Exploration out east is revealing some quite sexy land over there. I know we feel like we should push towards mack quickly, but the stuff over there is overall quite nice.
I'm thinking about a PBEM14-style maneuver and skipping mediocre connecting land via boat - think of the Stone City as Crosstown Traffic and the Pink city as Reaper. I can then settle crappy Masters of War style connectors later. I think Pink will be city 7, with the city west of the sugar as city 5 and the city on the stone #6.
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September 28th, 2011, 18:49
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How's our maintenance bill doing? It does seem like a strong site...if we can afford it. Also, that'd be 4/6 cities coastal. You're sure you'd rather have the 'mids than the GLH? Or Oracle -> Colossus?
On a lighter note, it looks like the BOB theory is incomplete or straight-up incorrect.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 29th, 2011, 09:30
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On the way out so short report:
- Stonehenge built in a distant land. If that's not Commodore I'll eat my hat.
- Warrior survived battle with lion.
- Expansion continues apace.
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September 29th, 2011, 21:44
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Let's see if we can be a bit more detailed today...
Sailing in, onto Masonry for the Stone and the trio of wonders it unlocks, at least one of which I'd imagine we will build.
We spied our first Barb warrior today, so the era of no defense is probably over. I retreated De to the PHF he killed the lion on, but if the barb beelines me I'm dead if I can't heal.
I whipped the settler in Agria Dulce, its going to head south towards the "C" in the screenshot that is currently holding Mackoti's chariot. Arroz Frito's Settler completes in 2T. Current Monument build in Carne Ahumada was shelved in favor of a Galley which will be whipped at the earliest convenience. Its unfortunate, but I suspect Carne Ahumada's future with Corn and sometimes Fish and few hammer tiles to be quite bloody. It is sadly currently working an unimproved tile, bad Gaspar.
Otherwise, cottages are going down everywhere. While I sort of have a dream of running at least a part-time specialist economy - when you're popping out cities left, right and center pre-Currency, you need a good chunk of riverside cottages maturing to pay the bills. Currently novice, Pling and Kyan are all cottaging, whilst Mardoc is in position to do so. Only a few thread posters left to name workers after, so moar lurkage plz.
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September 30th, 2011, 10:01
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Cottages, settlers, and workers as the main focus?
I suppose we'll have to let the cities grow a little bit to work the cottages. But that's a decision that makes me much happier about the proposal to expand rapidly eastward into the better land.
My general opinion still holds - grab the good land and trust in an improved production base to buy the defense you need. I don't want to lose out on the bananas and such to the south, but the absolute best thing is to grow massively .
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 30th, 2011, 11:48
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Not a lot to say at T41. Settler south is 3T away. Settler lake is 4T away. Building some light military (couple spears and chariots for mackoti discouragement/scouting.) Masonry in @EOT, debating between Writing and IW next but have to save for a turn so it's immaterial. After the round of growth builds, we'll dial up another round of settlers, one for the Sheep/Ivory site and probably Cows/Clams in the north.
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September 30th, 2011, 12:44
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Turns flying fast and furious.
Whipped in the Galley. Did tile micro. Evaded barb. Picked Writing but saving gold. Mackoti's still on 4 cities. Am now 1st in soldiers with 5 warriors, galley and a spear. 2 Chariots might be Mackoti's whole army. Am only 2nd in CY, don't love that. GNP looks bad because at 0% slider. Approval rate will show I'm whipping harder than everyone else. Well, Commodore could be but Chm + Henge masking it. Think Mackoti and I are playing pretty much the same game right now. Would like some input on Mids because it will start in a couple turns if we're building it. What's everyone think?
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September 30th, 2011, 13:02
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Seriously. WTF is up with mackoti updating his thread? No, seriously.
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