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We just want our throne back Wesnoth SG 2

We are fighting the plainsmen to prove our worthiness. Or something like that. lol

Turn 1

- Recruit some initial troops -- a shyde, a paladin, several elf riders to go out grabbing villages.
- Send our main heroes south to engage the closest grand knight.

IBT the enemies recruit a mix of lancers and bowmen. Pretty much as expected. They all have a base income of 10, and plenty of villages to grab, so they will be sending a steady flow of units against us.

Turn 2

- Continue moving a group south, backed up with new recruits. Start the riders grabbing villages to the north and west.
- Recruit more units: healers, some L2 elves we may be able to promote, mages.

IBT the first couple lancers come up from the southern grand knight. Fortunately most of his units are scattering to grab villages, so we can take out these first couple easily.

Turn 3

- We kill the first lancer (49 more enemy units to go! lol).
- More recruiting, sending some troops west. Grabbing more villages.

IBT the second southern lancer attacks a paladin, and does 39 damage with one hit! yikes Fortunately he missed the other two blows, or the paladin would have died. We are going to take losses, as the enemy lancers can just do too much damage. At least now it is sundown, so they lose their lawful bonus for a few turns.

Our southern situation:

[Image: 23T04.jpg]

The enemy lancer is selected -- notice the huge movement range. frown These guys are going to be nasty, and all the enemy leaders have recruited multiples of them. Fortunately like all horse units they have no ranged attack -- our mages and ranged units can smash them...if we survive their initial attacks.

Note that our cash flow is sizably negative already. Keep recalling and spend all our money while we have it. We can take villages later to get back into balance, and the big money is going to come from early finish bonus since there are a ton of villages on the map.

We have units in the far north and to the west grabbing villages. Keep doing so, but watch out for the enemy lancers moving into range. We don't want these guys to die uselessly to an enemy swarm, so pull them back to the main groups once the enemy approaches. We have the southern group with our main heroes plus some units, and a middle group heading west. I would reinforce the middle group, and maybe send a couple more fast units like paladins down to help the southern group.

Good luck!

The Save - Test of the Clan T04

Looks like this came in yesterday. Anyway, I'm snowed under at work. Please skip me.

Oh, and drive-by comment: Lancers do pierce damage, so they're going to be even nastier against our mounted units than others. On the other hand, they're weak to pierce, so any random elf with a good bow attack should be able to do significant damage the next turn. (Suddenly, I wish we had loyalist pikemen lol )

With Ranamar and Mardoc skipping, I guess its me up

Very good points about pierce damage, Ranamar. I was surprised at just how much damage the lancer did to our paladin -- note that it is much more even than the charge bonus would lead you to expect. frown

The same is true in return, but probably it will be best to use our horse units against the bowmen. And our mages and elves can blast the enemy lancers without retaliation.

Good luck, Jkaen!

Well, despite the warning about the damage the charge can do to the palidans, I managed to lose one to the generals charge. Did mean we have 1 bad guy down.

Built a griffon hit squad as well to accompany the 2 riders. hoping that if the main body draws off all the main troops then these can fly around and assinate the leaders ready for next round.

In the middle the priest of light is badly mauled, but given the kill this turn he will reheal

[Image: top.jpg]

[Image: middle.jpg]

[Image: south.jpg]

And the save

One grand knight added to our forces for the final battle -- nice work, Jkaen. thumbsup

Sad news about the paladin, but some losses are pretty much unavoidable on this map. frown Hopefully we can keep them to a minimum, especially our precious healers. Good luck with the gryphon squad tactic, I have never tried it against enemies with this much mobility.

When was Mardoc due back? I guess we can fit him in whenever he has time once he returns. But until then I guess it is back (already!) to fire&ice.

Well um I finish the turns but I lost us 4 major units and some griffons

I lost us one elvish outrider, two elvish marshals, and one dwarf.

Of the three units from the main block group I lost them one per turn all on defensive terrain.
The outrider died because I didn't realize the leader would leave their castle.
*Well the didn't when I played this one*

[Image: r09y6d.jpg]

[Image: 35lufpi.jpg]

[Image: nxjoma.jpg]

[Image: 8yswoi.jpg]
*those mage of light circles are glitches that happned when I zoomed out and back in*

You should be able to kill those 4 lancers/knights that are latched onto our group right now. No other unit can fight any unit you leave on the low ground.
In the north you should be able to get the kill on that kind although you will lose some griffons.
The south I got confused and somtimes forgot about them so they are not set up to do anything

The save

Sounds like a pretty decent turnset overall, fire&ice. smile Despite the losses. alright

We have lost some veteran units, but no one I would consider truly crucial like healers, top level mages/sorceresses, or obviously our required heroes. If we can kill off another grand knight or two to bolster our forces for the finale, I think we will be able to call this map a success.

I have the save, will play shortly.

haphazard1 Wrote:Sounds like a pretty decent turnset overall, fire&ice. smile Despite the losses. alright

We have lost some veteran units, but no one I would consider truly crucial like healers, top level mages/sorceresses, or obviously our required heroes. If we can kill off another grand knight or two to bolster our forces for the finale, I think we will be able to call this map a success.

I have the save, will play shortly.

you should get one knight this turn

However I think we might just have to kill them all since we were so effective they don't have anywhere near as many units on the field for us to kill as they should

OK, turns played, a second grand knight defeated and added to our ranks for the finale. smile

Turn 10

- Fire&Ice left us well set up against the northern-most grand knight. I kill him off, although we lose a gryphon in the process.
- In the south I gather our heroes together for some healing.
- In the middle I throw everything we have into the battle, and we manage to kill off every enemy unit -- a clean sweep! jive

IBT we lose 2 more gryphons in the north. frown They were left exposed from the assassination attempt, and lancers do horrible damage to gryphons. frown

Turn 11

- Our southern group moves NW, heading eventually for the black grand knight. They are avoiding the two lancers to the south.
- In the north, I try to rescue our wounded elf rider (who is loyal). I send in a master gryphon and kill off the bowman, and the elf rider hits twice against the lancer. This is going to be close....
- In the middle we kill a couple enemies and claim some villages. Up to +9 gold per turn.

IBT our elf rider survives, barely. One more hit from the lancer would have killed him.

Turn 12

- The northern force kills all the remaining blue units, but we are down to just 3 units here: the elf rider and two master gryphons. And the purple enemy is sending a lot of units north. frown There are a ton of villages to be claimed here, but we may have to retreat.
- In the south Li'sar roasts a lancer with the scepter of fire. jive Mmmm, toasty. lol The rest of the group continues west. There is one more lancer around, but it can not reach Li'sar.
- In the middle I decide to hold back out of enemy range and do some healing. Let them come to us, and we can smash them next turn without much risk.

IBT not much. The south lancer heads for Li'sar (and another roasting). The enemy units helpfully move into range of our middle force. smile And purple is sending lots of units north -- maybe we can move against him from the middle force, once it finishes the enemies near by?

Our situation in the middle, plus the minimap for info:

[Image: 23T13.jpg]

Good luck!

The Save - Test of the Clan T13

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