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Our Strategy....You Probably Haven't Heard of It

Dave, can I read that pbem 17 spoiler?

I'm generally with WK. If we see team 1 make an aggressive move to lib, I'd be more than happy to take the opportunity to throw some musketeers in their face.

Shoot the Moon Wrote:Dave, can I read that pbem 17 spoiler?.

Yes, apologies for not being for clear. It's not much of a spoiler at this point in that game.

oledavy Wrote:Yes, apologies for not being for clear. It's not much of a spoiler at this point in that game.

And not very accurate IMO either.

regoarrarr Wrote:And not very accurate IMO either.


Shoot the Moon Wrote:alright

Yeah it's hard not to be a bit bitter about it cry but in the interest of at least providing some objective data, I went back and checked and (as far as I could tell), darrell completed Oxford on T105 and I completed it on T109.

I can't comment on if darrell or nospace (or one of you) is going to win the game or not (not that I really know anyways), but I think had I not had "an unfortunate accident" lol I'd certainly be in the running, darrell's 4 extra turns of Oxford notwithstanding

Darrell's early Oxford was just a side quest he concocted for Krill to keep him interested.

Being Philo won't really speed up Oxford much, at least not due to discounted universities. (Although your "helper" cities will recover more quickly.)
I have to run.

Nothing speeds up Oxford like early Education.


Gah, I opened quite a can of worms here. Let me try to close this matter so we can return to focusing on PB6.

regoarrarr Wrote:And not very accurate IMO either.

I should have used different langage, my point was that it just put him in a strong position and was a very solid play. The GNP spike from his Oxford completion was extremely noticeable in the graphs.

regoarrarr Wrote:Yeah it's hard not to be a bit bitter about it cry but in the interest of at least providing some objective data, I went back and checked and (as far as I could tell), darrell completed Oxford on T105 and I completed it on T109.

I can't comment on if darrell or nospace (or one of you) is going to win the game or not (not that I really know anyways), but I think had I not had "an unfortunate accident" lol I'd certainly be in the running, darrell's 4 extra turns of Oxford notwithstanding

Yours just wasn't as discernable in the demos. What was conspicuous was the massive GNP and production boost you were getting out of your priest economy.

darrelljs Wrote:Nothing speeds up Oxford like early Education.


Quite true... banghead

At any rate, my point was not to call PBEM17 in favor of anyone. I just was using Darrell's play as a example - which I could relate to personally - of a game where an early Oxford was a very strong move and worked out well for the civ in question.

WarriorKnight Wrote:Errr, where are the GS's coming from? I was under the impression that the two you want to create on T133 & T136 are for academies in your's and shoot's capitals, so I'm unsure you could produce them (please correct me if I'm wrong).

I hadn't figured out where to pull the pre-requisite great scientists from at the moment, I was just speaking in broad terms that we would probably use a pair of them to accomplish the majority of the bulb if we wanted to try and pull this off. The scientists I'm producing on t133 & t135 are definitely going for academies in Stringer Bell and May, 1940.

WarriorKnight Wrote:I don't think Shoot or I could make them either we have to compete with your Pacifism + PHI (+ Nat Epic?) specialists.

EDIT: Quite right, I was confused over how great person costs worked in a team game. Thanks for the clarification thumbsup

WarriorKnight Wrote:Don't forget this is AW. If Sulla see's you in Pacifism for a long time, he may sense a opportunity. I certainly won't let sunrise run Pacifism for a long time without attempting to take advantage of that. I'd at least like to have Engineering before heading to paper, and possibly Gunpowder too (although I'm undecided about that).

Certainly not going to be in pacifism longer than five turn bursts. About to post up my civic switching plan for the near future in France's thread, but I'm going to alternate spending time in slavery + organized religion with caste system + pacifism.

As for our tech after banking, I think paper -> education -> liberalism would be the strongest play.

I feel like we'll be strong enough on military for the time being after we have guilds. Knights give us the ability to mount a decent defense and undertake limited offensive action if we so choose. Unless we want to go on offense with musketeers and knights, we don't gain much from getting either tech so early. Team #1 already has a lock on Notre Dame, so the only benefit we get from either tech is strictly military.

How badly do we want a Great Prophet for a shrine?

Short of getting lucky, the only way I can envision getting one, is through one of two methods:

1. Research music, build a temple (+two more) and a Mandir someone, run 3 specialists.
2. Research philosophy, build Angkor Wat + Temple somewhere, run 4 specialists (boosted by AW).

I'm not too hot on either of these ideas. Plan 1 has us researching a fairly worthless tech. We'll only need music eventually as a pre-req for Mil Trad. For Plan 2, we research/bulb a tech we do want (as a nationalism pre-req), and can build AW with 167 hammers thanks to stone (not including OR or Forge Bonus), but it's a pretty crappy wonder to say the least.

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