Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Played the turn and we decided on Monarchy -> Feudalism route. Our next great person is due in 5 turns, and if it is a scientist we are burning him in a GA to enable us a free civic swap into HR & Vassalage. If it is a merchant then we are sending him to mackoti's wonder-full city for a ToA-assissted trade mission.

3 more HAs and a galley finished this turn. So we're up to 7 HAs and a chariot. Speaking of chariot, he's heading into Fierce's lands to scout. I don't plan on promoting him to sentry for another 2 turns, until he is already inside of Fierce's lands.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I played the turn late last night, and I don't entirely remember what I did. Um. Basically I just followed what we had already decided on, and followed your signs.

I put the overflow for Pumping Iron into the Maoi Statues, taking advantage of our newly connected stone. Next turn it can start another horse archer to whip.

Cool, that works well. I am away from my comp until Saturday night so i'm glad you played. Like we chatted about a few days back, i'm sure we want to stack some whip unhappiness to get that army up and running.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:Cool, that works well. I am away from my comp until Saturday night so i'm glad you played. Like we chatted about a few days back, i'm sure we want to stack some whip unhappiness to get that army up and running.

Yeah. Basically we should whip a lot right now, especially in HappyAnniv since it has such an insane food surplus. We can always use HR to make up for any unhappiness.

Here's what our scouting chariot revealed of Fierce's territory. Both of his border towns have 4 axes and 3 spears in them, but his capital is relatively undefended. We could march in with horse archers and impis and take it very easily.
[Image: fiercescout.jpg]

Next turn we'll pop a great person (probably a scientist) and finish feudalism.

That looks very beatable for our HA plan. I'm not able to look at a save until late today, but what is our army count after ending the turn?

After Feudalism we are bee-lining knights, right? So machinery -> guilds ... We're getting close!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

So far we've built 13 horse archers, 2 chariots, 9 impis, and 14 axes. I think we're basically ready to go as soon as we can get all our horse archers down into position.

And yeah, let's for guilds next. We might even be able to start upgrading our HAs from inside Fierce's territory if we can get a trade connection in there.

Nice! Next save i'll take a look at logistics and try to figure out when we can have those troops in place. I figure we keep building troops for a 2nd wave or to help mop-up should the first thrust work as planned.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

All right, turn 93 is in!

Here's what I drew up for logistics:

[Image: Turn093-logisticsmap.jpg]

I figure the blue star is our staging goal. It's out of sight of Fierce, and 2-movers on that tile can reach the hill with a road on the hill SSW of HappyAnniv. They can also reach a lesser tile 2SW of HappyAnniv without any roads - this tile will also be able to fork both cities but does not get the hill defense or sight bonus.

Everything inside the red line can reach the blue star in one-turn of movement. For water tiles, this means units that started the turn on galleys can either unload on the tile, or in the east they can unload inside Long Goodbye and then move to the staging tile.

Everything inside the purple line can reach the staging tile in two turns. Hercules makes it inside this line because we are going to have two roads complete between Hercules & The Villian this turn. Gets a little tricky in the south, but if a galley is waiting 1N of Pumping Iron, then the unit can board on T1, and the galley moves 2N. Then on T2, the galley moves into Long Goodbye and unloads the unit; the unit then can make it to the staging tile. If we unload the troops on shore instead of in LG then it becomes 3 turns to reach the blue star.

Everything inside the blue line can reach the tile in three turns. If we had another galley in the south then units by ConanDestroyer could actually reach it in two - like Pumping Iron they would board a waiting galley on T1, and then unload in Long Goodbye on T2. The southeast corner is also where roads would help the most: if ConanDestroyer & T3 were roaded to Raw Deal then they would be able to reach the staging tile in 2 turns. Whether we choose to do this depends on when we plan to attack; if we attack soon it won't make a difference.

Cities outside the blue line will take 4 turns to reach the staging tile. The only city producing troops that falls in this area is Cactus Jack in the far north. Roading more tiles will not speed up the travel time from Cactus Jack, nor will getting Construction.

So right now we can get our entire army in place in 3 turns. Right now that is:

13 HA
3 Impi (including our medic)
3 Chariot (including our scout)

I'm not counting troops being used as garrisons, nor am I counting the 4 axes & 3 impi currently inside HappyAnniv.

Those three turns give us more time to produce and move units in closer cities, so in total I think we can have the following in position and ready to attack on t96:

HappyAnniv - 2 HA
LG - 1 HA (& 1 Impi with "clever" micro)
Raw Deal - 1 Chariot (or 1 HA if we switch & whip at penalty this turn, but I wouldn't do this)
Hercules - 1 Impi or 1 Chariot (must swap to this on t93)
Pumping Iron - 1 HA
Conan Barbarian - 1 Chariot

That would get us 17 HA, 6 chariots, and 4 (or 5) impi ready to invade on t96.

If we choose to wait another turn and attack on t97, then I think we can get:

HappyAnniv - 3 HA w/ some micro
LG - 2 HA w/ some micro
Raw Deal - 1 HA
Hercules - 1 HA (swap on t93)
Pumping Iron - 1 HA
Conan Barbarian - 1 Chariot
Conan Destroyer - 1 HA
T3 - 1 Impi
Luddicator - 1 Impi / Chariot if we whip this t93 with penalty.
Stay Hungry - 1 HA

This would leave us with 23 HA, 4 Impi, & 4 chariot ready to attack on t97. Plus another Impi or Chariot if we whip Luddicator at penalty.

So what do you think? Do we aim for the earlier attack, or wait another turn and get 4 more units. I'm leaning towards going with the t96 attack. Or do we go for t98 and even more units?

We should decide before playing the turn, as the micro choices are different depending on which turn we want to invade.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I'm going to head out for a run -- sunny day! -- and then play the turn. We got a Gr Sci so I'll spend him on a golden age, and we also have a trade request from NoSpace: he's giving us marble for one of our irons. Hey, NoSpace doesn't have iron! I think we should refuse.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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