Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Astronaut without sin confounds press, invites trio to control civilization

My oh my, Yuri is taking a chance. Leaving 5 workers and an empty iron city there for the taking...
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

spacemanmf Wrote:My oh my, Yuri is taking a chance. Leaving 5 workers and an empty iron city there for the taking...

With the terrain such as it is, could any unit without woody2/guer2 possibly take advantage of it?

Ceiliazul Wrote:With the terrain such as it is, could any unit without woody2/guer2 possibly take advantage of it?

Yes because clearing the jungle above the iron frees up a path for, say, war chariots.
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]


I drafted Tethys, Oberon, and Charon (stacked).

There was no sign of Mackoti's navy. I advanced two spaces west then fell back. I also shuffled our boats around a lot in silly ways. Maybe he'll think some of them have come back with troops. I offered him peace if he pays us 2gpt. Best case is he makes a similar counteroffer and we can accept next turn. Second-best case is he accepts.
[Image: pbem23t93_2.jpg]

[Image: pbem23t93_1.jpg]

Pacisfism is getting pretty expensive with all the drafting. I think it's now surpassed OR in gpt cost.

spacemanmf Wrote:My oh my, Yuri is taking a chance. Leaving 5 workers and an empty iron city there for the taking...

In case this is subject to discussion in the lurker thread, let the record show that we consciously declined to capture 5 workers and occupy the iron this turn. Our warrior E of the Iron (see previous turn's pic) could have done it as he would have been teleported 1S upon closing borders/declaring war and would still be adjacent to the workers.

We do not consider this to be a relationship-less game just because there's no talking. We hope Yuris is with us.

P.S. looks like Sian's going to declare on Fierce any turn now. He upgraded several units on the border to macemen and is continuing to stream catapults towards the front.

Nice work.

I looked at the logistics for our eastern navy. We have 6 galleons, named Enterprise, Endeavour, Discovery, Atlantis, Challenger and Columbia.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot1996.JPG]

In the northern hemisphere, we want to settle Iceland and Triple City. We'll have two settlers on South Island momentarily, and these can board the Enterprise, which is currently at the "93" sign. The path of Enterprise is marked with numbered signs. We can drop off a settler for Iceland on t98 and for Triple City on t100.

Also present in the northern hemisphere is Challenger, which should head north to Enceladus and pick up the worker there. And we have Discovery, which carries our Great Merchant and will be in Last Exile by eot95. And there's a train of four workboats heading southeast, labelled after their destination cities. Note that the second work boat should head to Triple City, and will arrive just in time to net a fish after that city gets artist-expanded borders on t102. The last two work boats in the train will arrive just in time to make themselves useful for Iceland.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot1997.JPG]

In the southern hemisphere, we have Atlantis, carrying a worker towards our iron city of Proteus, Columbia, by the Triple City spot, and Endeavour. Endeavour will pick up a settler, worker, and worker/great merchant from Titania on t95. It can then head northeast. The other galleons (Columbia, Atlantis, and also Discovery) can meet up and ship chain the units to their respective destinations. (We could also speed up the two settlers on Enterprise, but then they'll just outrun their work boats.) The Great Merchant is going to Last Exile, and the other units are going to Proteus / Fur city.

We need one more settler, for Copper City. I guess Triton or Titan can build it. We have a work boat coming from Titania - I think it might be most useful at Copper City's fish. We can build another work boat on North Island for Visigoth's fish. First, Visigoth needs to spawn another warrior, get captured, come out of resistance, and run an artist, so the current work boat is premature.
I have to run.

Awesome. smile

When I see 6 galleons, an unknown number of things that need to go from various points to other points, and a bunch of potential city spots of varying priorities spread vertically across the entire map with our own empire spanning the wrapping point, I get this desperate urge to wing it and hope it's OK when someone who knows what they're doing comes along.

SevenSpirits Wrote:When I see 6 galleons, an unknown number of things that need to go from various points to other points, and a bunch of potential city spots of varying priorities spread vertically across the entire map with our own empire spanning the wrapping point, I get this desperate urge to wing it and hope it's OK when someone who knows what they're doing comes along.

Why do I not completely believe that... =)
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

SevenSpirits Wrote:In case this is subject to discussion in the lurker thread, let the record show that we consciously declined to capture 5 workers and occupy the iron this turn. Our warrior E of the Iron (see previous turn's pic) could have done it as he would have been teleported 1S upon closing borders/declaring war and would still be adjacent to the workers.

We do not consider this to be a relationship-less game just because there's no talking. We hope Yuris is with us.

It's a nice idea. Yuri will feel a lot more comfortable when he has an army of Cataphracts. It really depends on how ruthless he is or how much he wants to win the game as to whether he turns them on the game's runaway leader or not.

I do like the no-diplo format, though. I tried to get it in for both PBEM13 (I think) and PBEM17 but failed.
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

Quote:In case this is subject to discussion in the lurker thread, let the record show that we consciously declined to capture 5 workers and occupy the iron this turn. Our warrior E of the Iron (see previous turn's pic) could have done it as he would have been teleported 1S upon closing borders/declaring war and would still be adjacent to the workers.

I thought if your units were teleported (due to being in someone's borders when you declared on them), that the teleportation used their movement points?

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