Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Mooooooo.... wait, wrong animal. Neeeigghhh

Turn 92

On opening the save I had a mystic meg moment that there was going to be an event waiting for me....

[Image: T92%20%282%29.JPG]

Feck you mystic meg....... alright

rest to follow - dinner ready! jive

Square Leg Wrote:
[Image: Devil.bmp]

Please play I some music, maestro!

Oh, and why am I guarding cities? I need to be out there placing people's figgins on spikes (It's what I do well, plus they're lovely toasted)!!!!! As IPEX-731BA5DD06 off of CFC says "MOAR BALLZ!"
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Brian Shanahan Wrote:Please play I some music, maestro!

Oh, and why am I guarding cities? I need to be out there placing people's figgins on spikes (It's what I do well, plus they're lovely toasted)!!!!! As IPEX-731BA5DD06 off of CFC says "MOAR BALLZ!"

Music was an oversight. I hang my head in shame... I'll see what I can do about your deployment into the field and finding you some of these "ballz" you desire so much! tongue lol

Turn 92 cont...


[Image: T92%20%283%29.JPG]

[Image: T92%20%284%29.JPG]

[Image: T92%20%281%29.JPG]

[Image: T92%20%286%29.JPG]

[Image: T92%20%287%29.JPG]

[Image: T92%20%288%29.JPG]

[Image: T92%20%289%29.JPG]

This is what I spotted when I settled Newmarket:

[Image: T92%20%2810%29.JPG]

Hello hello! Won't be a problem of course for the magnificent hippus military.

here are the demogs at 100% science:

[Image: T92%20%2811%29.JPG]

I'll do a little analysis in a sec


Demogs are not the best right now... cry

That said, I think we have done as well as we could have done up to this point and we are the only civ without any economic traits what-so-ever, so they aren't actually, that bad! Especially when you consider our game plan is to go bonk heads and turn tech off at some point.


Hippus 111
X 166
Y 162
Z 35

Well - Krill and Serdoa are leading here no doubt. They are both financial and Serdoa is in Aristocracy (I pressume Krill is too by now) which means mucho coin. I imagine that Amelia is in last based on comments in the tech thread and score.

I guess this is ok at the moment as we have been a little slow to get our economy going. All in all I am not too upset by this.


Hippus 55
X 54
Y 52
Z 23

We are number 1!! jive Not by much though with Krill and Serdoa close by in 2nd and 3rd. Again, I am assuming that Amelia is in last place based on score - he cannot have enough cities to throw out figures that high. I am happy with this as we will certainly need high production in the long term.

Crop Yield

Hippus 108
X 139
Y 127
Z 52

Those warrens are really starting to kick in aren't they? It won't take long for Krill to make a big lead here if he isn't the one on 139 already. Either way - I think we have done pretty good here - especially considering our next tech will be Sanitation. Iskender - I can't remember if you have said if Serdoa already has Sanitation or not?!?

Overall, pretty decent considering early stasis and the fact that one of our opponents is going to be throwing out settlers like there is no tomorrow.


Hippus 56k
X 128k
Y 67k
Z 37k

Going to say X = Serdoa, Y = Krill and Z = Amelia

Land Area

Hippus 105k
X 168k
Y 112k
Z 46k

Going to say X = Serdoa, Y = Krill and Z = Amelia although I think this stat is one in which we are doing very well. Consider that Serdoa was CRE for 70t and his empire is pretty spread out (he has 2 cities in Sidar lands) meaning not much overlap between cities. We are very close to Krill which would make me guess that he has ~7 cities also at this stage.


Hippus 1,362k
X 1,694k
Y 1,191k
Z 412k

Going to say X = Serdoa, Y = Krill and Z = Amelia again. Hippus ROAR

I'm not going to look at the other stats as I have nothing to draw from them really.

Not too bad then but we need to keep up in the expansion race! Sanitation will help a lot as will more cities reaching the happy cap and churning settlers/workers. Markets will be built over the next few turns too, again aiding the GNP. Exciting times!

I think you 2 can be proud of your work. Hampered by no FIN, no warrens and the stasis-turns your econ is still quite strong.

Rowain Wrote:I think you 2 can be proud of your work. Hampered by no FIN, no warrens and the stasis-turns your econ is still quite strong.

Thanks Rowain! In your honour Rowain the Ruthless has been born - only my screenshot failed so I can't show you just yet!

Turn 93

Festivals in, 2 barbs warriors dead, Illios in place to kill the remaining 2 and saving gold. Sanitation will take 4t once tech is turned on.


Lets have a look around the tech tree and see what we need/want.

[Image: T93%20Tech%20choices.jpg]

Red - Have
Green - Need
Yellow - Want

So The Greens

Sanitation - simply a must have tech for the +1 food on farms and Public Baths.

HBR -> Archery -> Stirrups - Horse Archers - nuff said.

Warfare - FotT if it is still unavailable and Civics

Masonry - we have marble

With the above techs we could roll. However I think we need a secondary plan that just "Biuld Horsies, bonk heads" as we are likely to be coming up against shit like Ogres, PoW and much worse so that brings me to:

The Yellows

These form ultimate goals:

Unit Production:

Military Strategy - the great commander and a command post for +2xp and increased build speed on units. Hero Epic - same as before.

Gold Generation:

Currency -> Writing -> Mathematics - Gambling houses, money changers, trade routes, Bazaar, consumption, guild of the nine, great library, wealth

Blinding Light:

Trade -> Philosophy -> WotW -> Honor - more trade routes and all the Empyrean goodies. Horselord Rathas anyone???

Square Leg Wrote:Horselord Rathas anyone???

Your enemies will never see what hit them lol

This is totally of the back of a fag packet and just a concept but:

We could build the great library and run City States - Consumption - Mil State/App - Conquest whilst running some scientist to tech in cities not building troops.


Got T94. I won't touch it in fear of messing up worker micro. Great job with eco so far thumbsup

Serdoa built TGL. Oh well. I'm not a great fan of the wonder anyway. It would've helped generate some beakers at 0% slider, but no biggie. Hopefully it'll distract Serdoa away from FotT.

Another 4 warriors from the east. Moar xp!

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