Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Sweeeeeet looks like everything is going well. We can capture vienna this turn, prague and aachen next

I did some test sims. Looks liken assuming fierce whips a spear in vienna, we can expect to lose between 5 and 10 units taking that city. If we're lucky, our horse archers will damage the spears enough that his axes will defend against our chariots. Leading off with our shock HAs seems to yield the best results.

Alson if he doesn't whip an axe in prague we have the option to attack it with our impis next turn and then capture it with HAs.

Yeah, it really depends on what Fierce does. If he just whipps troops in towns and leaves everything as it is, I kind of like us moving towards his capital with the stack while we move up axes, impis & HAs towards Prague.

I mean, I don't think he can prevent us from taking any town we choose, but I'd leave Vienna be because we can mop it up whenever we choose, all those 1-movers aren't any immediate threat, and there's no chance Sian beats us to taking Vienna.

I feel sorry for Fierce. We didn't mean for him to be teamed up like this, i think we've just gotten really lucky that Sian attacked when he did. It drew all his stuff south at just the right time.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Yeah I do feel sorry for fierce. Bad timing for him, but perfect timing for us smile. With his army damaged from fighting sian, I feel like we might as well just hurry and take vienna this turn before he can whip more units there.

If the save comes in soon, can you hold it for a while? I should be able to play in like 12 hours.

Save is in, and I am holding it.

Aside from being a good teammate I am not playing it b/c I am blitzed. Hopefully my pbem26 turn didn't suffer this status effect.

Edit: Okay, I'm not blitzed enough to realize that Fierce sent us the wrong save.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

We have the correct turn! And I'll save you the suspense of opening the turn and seeing for yourself, but I think I'm on board with your plan of hitting the border cities first.

Edit: I'll actually be out for the next 4 or so hours, so if you want to play in that window then go for it. Just document your moves really well because I want to learn.

Oh, and if you do play then be sure to have the capital work its second cottaged plains instead of the unimproved plains. The micro for building Parthenon had that little detail wrong.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Ok sounds good. I can play it in like 3 hours. Sorry for making this so difficult.

Alright, finally got the chance to play again. But it's a good one! Here's the situation at the beginning of this turn:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0335.jpg]

After some thought, we decided to be aggressive and attack Vienna this turn. If all goes well, we'll still be able to take Aachen next turn, while our small axe stack takes Prague.

I led off with our two shock HA, at low odds:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0325.jpg]

The results were ok. Both of them died. One spear was reduced to just 0.8 strength, the other just scratched at 3.2 strength. However, that meant that our other Horse archers could take another crack at him.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0326.jpg]

With 3 combat 1 HAs attacking, the result was: one more spear knocked down to 0.8 health (good) one down to 2.2 health (annoying) and the 3.2 strength one destroyed (very good! just 20% odds on that one).

Now it was time for the chariots to do their thing:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0329.jpg]

Here we got lucky. Our first chariot died attacking the 2.2 health spear (that was why it was so annoying) at 20% odds, but the rest all won at 68% odds!

After that it was just clean up. There was one last full strength axe, which did kill one of our horse archers. But then the only thing defending the city was three badly wounded units, so I finished up with two unpromoted HAs and an impi:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0331.jpg]

Not a bad haul! And this leaves 10 HAs and 3 impis ready to attack Aachen next turn. Unless he has more reinforcements coming, that should be enough.

One thing Pin noticed up above: NoSpace left a city undefended! Unfortunately we don't have a boat there, but I moved one up. If it's still undefended after 2 turns, I'm totally going to attack it.

We got graphs back on Fierce. Looks like his power is way, way down, while yuris is way up:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0334.jpg]

Our demos, with 100 Civil Service research:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0333.jpg]

Overall, you gotta love that Horse Archer/Chariot combo. We lost only 6 units, while killing 8, which were fully fortified in a 40% culture city and we had no siege.

That's a turn to be excited about!
Like luddite said, we lost 5 HA and 1 chariot (185 hammers worth of troops) and we killed 4 axe and 4 spear (184 hammers worth of troops). Of course, we also got a city out of it, so I am very happy about that exchange.

I liked oledavy's tally of units in pbem17 so I'm going to do something similar for our war with Fierce. The current balance is:

Fierce's losses - 217 hammers
1 horse archer
4 axe
4 spear

Our losses - 185 hammers
5 horse archer
1 chariot

Another thing we did this turn was start the Parthenon in the capital. It should be a 3-turn build if the micro is right.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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