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Mapmaker looking for players - Indie picks

What do you think of Justinian, Lewwyn / Commodore? Not a very strong leader, but Imp instead of Cha should address the problem of no early game traits

yuris125 Wrote:What do you think of Justinian, Lewwyn / Commodore? Not a very strong leader, but Imp instead of Cha should address the problem of no early game traits

“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:Sold. (Justinian)

Well, that also meets the indie-cred check, haven't seen Justinian around much either. I'm cool with that...Noble or Gaspar, you mind Mao of Babylon?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Not to spoil the party but I think we're going to have to drop. NH and I have been talking about playing a game together and this looked interesting so we sort of jumped at the first opportunity, but I'm over-booked at the moment. Need to wait for a couple of my games to wind down.

That and honestly, if I took Exp/Pro Babylon in this game I know my whole instinct would just be to chop out a couple Bowmen and sit on Sevenovice, and that's not fair at all before the game starts to base that sort of thing on the caliber of player.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Ach, wheel, I've already told Gaspar and thus Noble my sorrow and dismay. Need one more volunteer to take Mao, I've updated the first post with the combinations.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

What's the expected turn rate? I can do one turn a day reliably, if the plan is for two turns a day I will have to opt out. Otherwise I might be interested.

Any chance of a different leader and civ? Is Washington (EXP/CHA) of America too strong? Good leader, weak civ. Makes use of another two traits (seems to be a priority to Commodore) and it's a restricted combo smile

Mackoti, SS, Novice, & Lewwyn all in the same game.....

I'm looking forward to lurking this one smile

Catwalk Wrote:What's the expected turn rate? I can do one turn a day reliably, if the plan is for two turns a day I will have to opt out. Otherwise I might be interested.

Any chance of a different leader and civ? Is Washington (EXP/CHA) of America too strong? Good leader, weak civ. Makes use of another two traits (seems to be a priority to Commodore) and it's a restricted combo smile

Huh, yeah, Washington has actually gotten a fair amount of press, and his traits work really strongly together. I was okay with swapping to Justinian because he's still an unshowcased leader. Mao has Exp paired with the generally junk Pro, which in the the range of fair I'd say when combined with Babylon's Agr/Wheel (for Exp particularly a boost) and Bowmen. Catwalk, any possibility of finding a teammate? The skills of No7/Mackoti/Lewwyn would have me worried about vanishing like spit on a griddle, although Mao is probably the newbie-friendliest of the leaders. Can't speak for the players, of course, but generally if you can manage 1t/day consistently things are pretty good, better if you can swing a dedlurker/teammate during the dull early turns.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

I can teammate/dedlurker catwalk if he wants, can't promise im anywhere near the level of the players in this game. But at least our forum names have synergy. :P

I'm up for a challenge smile That said, I do think CTON (as much as I'm looking forward to that as well, much less hassle) will most likely lead to a faster demise of the weaker players. Two turns a day early on should be doable.

[Image: 2077504444_bc43cd96d0.jpg]

The cats will not go down without a fight (or at least a whole bunch of scratching)!

Commodore, could you be persuaded to toss us Mao of Mali? They both start with an M, and we're meowbies smile

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