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[SPOILERS] Novice and SevenSpirits play Suleiman of Korea

With Novice covering domestics and scouting, I'll turn my head to more important matters.

Naming things.

Here are a few options:

* Broken Magic cards. (ref: Legacy banned list)
* Books we like (no reference needed)
* Great historical figures (chosen arbitrarily by us)
* RB naming conventions (man, I am not doing the legwork for this)


With this setup (only 4 teams, islands, last in player order) we can pretty much write off any benefits we might get from open borders early game. OB deals will simply benefit our opponents so much more than us that it's not even a gain on average, unless they're willing and able to pay us gpt for the OB.

Since we're screwed on that anyway maybe we should just try to build GLH and use internal overseas routes to match the other players' international routes.

Alternate plan:

Oracle Metal Casting. Build two Forges. Pop two engineers over the next 23 turns. Research another 1200ish raw beakers of tech:

Iron Working
Horseback Riding

Bulb machinery and most of guilds (remainder is included in the 1200b estimate).

Yeah, probably a terrible idea. I started thinking about going for Colossus instead of GLH and got a bit carried away. But I am interested in going up the guilds path. It leads to Mercantilism. (And in the above plan, Banking would only be a few techs away! Math, Currency, Banking tongue)

darrelljs Wrote:Exactly. PHI is like IND, the passive trait ability is pretty useful but the free building is what you should focus on. It just so happens that in both cases the passive ability let's you get to the free building faster.


I didn't understand this, can you elaborate?

Let's go for circumnavigation too. We might be able to get it.

I checked and it should be available as it's less than 2/3 land tiles.

SevenSpirits Wrote:Let's go for circumnavigation too. We might be able to get it.

I had the same thought. With your t22(?) settler plan, we'll build 3 warriors, so our current explorers can go depth first.

Second city is then founded at a suitable time to found Meditation, which also synergizes with an oracle build.

@Ceil: Ind lets you oracle Metal Casting for cheap forges, Phi lets you bulb your way to Education for cheap universities.
I have to run.

SevenSpirits Wrote:Alternate plan:

Oracle Metal Casting. Build two Forges. Pop two engineers over the next 23 turns.

So there you are, with a great engineer and the Pyramids available. Will you have the willpower? smile
I have to run.

novice Wrote:So there you are, with a great engineer and the Pyramids available. Will you have the willpower? smile


novice Wrote:So there you are, with a great engineer and the Pyramids available. Will you have the willpower? smile

The question is just whether the guy we conquer with knights will have been a good fellow and built them for us, of course. wink

SevenSpirits Wrote:* RB naming conventions (man, I am not doing the legwork for this)

That's fine, you don't have to. Btw., any other suggestions for naming themes? tongue

Or, if you want to stick with themes that have actually been used, here are a few off the top of my head:

Songs of Doom
Board Games
Football Venues
Olympic Cities

... and there are lots and lots more to choose from. Maybe you should try to keep it cryptic and see if your opponents can guess the theme. smile
If you know what I mean.

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