As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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FDR,lets play.

pindicator Wrote:I'm goign to say agriculture.

Mack started with Ag/Wheel. Otherwise I'd have to agree!

Well, score one for people who pay attention tongue I change my vote to pottery. Go go cottages!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

well i setled on the plain hill near the 2 flood plains.

Whats Happening comodore here??
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0148%20%286%29.JPG]

This is soposed to happen?
I supose sultan got hereditary rules.
I will not sent the save until this is not clarified...

Congratulations to Stonehenge!

Quote:Congratulations to Stonehenge!
Thank you.
Other got the magelan think, i think that one should be banned.
Why Stonehenge?Are you such a noob Mack?
Well i had 2 nice flood plains which i wanted cotages on, and to stat to work those fast so i wanted to grow i had 2 options build wariours or build a very good wonder which gave me something to compete with others(half creativ), becasue as you know i am the only one without any erly traits we have 2 imperialisn and from what i discovered till now we have space for 15 cities easily, and one expansiv.So asuming just 10 cities i will save 200 hamers , and the cities will get developed faster.

You can say i can loose the snowbal efect, dont forget that maintenace will be problem at some point so I think i can be competitiv.

Second reason for stonehenge fast: Comm didn't put near me any great sites i hope its same for everyone.

Third reason with the bordrs poping very fast at the capitol i can to have some resouce already improved whn i buil a city.
4.Because i realy like the wonder.

Hard to ban an exploration action, but Seven mentioned that he wished it was possible to turn it off in games like this.

Ultra-early Stonehenge isn't necessarily weedy, but it's definitely not fundamental civ (what I call Sullla's preferred play style).

Whats wrong with lewwyn? He declared war both on me and Gaspar,he just wants to destroy microplans or is he looking for long time enemies?

I think this was his strategy from begging but he forgot Seveno which will have just to win for this.

Great play lewyn.

Turn 82, just perfect for a small update.

Got artist from music,doing aestethic 1 turn, lit 1 turn and music 1 turn.

Science at max 300/turn, gold at max 266/turn.
I have 13 cities ,2 less than the big boys but i will setle 2 next turn and another 1 in 3 turns. So i think i am ok.

I bet they will be pissed about great artist having literature for 6 turns and loosing great artist hmmm.

I am second in food and third in production but its false(well the productionstuff) i builded alot of double speed things so i have more than that.My score its lower becasue my cities are smaller(this way whip it more eficient).

I cant bet i have more infrastructure than anyaone, almost evry city has a forge, courthose, granary ,lighose ans 5 of them libraries.

No one else has courthouse , they have some markets but you see courthose makes money when run 100% science or 100% taxes not like markets.

I will finish a market next tur in capitol.

You are an artist thief! Nice job sneaking that in. I don't think double speed stuff (like EXP granaries) shows on mfg... could be wrong though.

mackoti Wrote:Turn 82, just perfect for a small update.

Got artist from music,doing aestethic 1 turn, lit 1 turn and music 1 turn.

Science at max 300/turn, gold at max 266/turn.
I have 13 cities ,2 less than the big boys but i will setle 2 next turn and another 1 in 3 turns. So i think i am ok.

I bet they will be pissed about great artist having literature for 6 turns and loosing great artist hmmm.

I am second in food and third in production but its false(well the productionstuff) i builded alot of double speed things so i have more than that.My score its lower becasue my cities are smaller(this way whip it more eficient).

I cant bet i have more infrastructure than anyaone, almost evry city has a forge, courthose, granary ,lighose ans 5 of them libraries.

No one else has courthouse , they have some markets but you see courthose makes money when run 100% science or 100% taxes not like markets.

I will finish a market next tur in capitol.

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