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[SPOILERS - PBEM29] spacetyrantxenu - Mao of Babylon

We have lurkers??

You're probably right about sending Neal back home to garrison. Going for circumnavigation this early isn't as important as living to see T10. Also, we can send a bowman out exploring before too long. I'd rather do that since it would be better equipped to take advantage of any opportunities it may find than a warrior would be.

Mechanics question: how pissed do players typically get if you do a worker steal? shhh

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Mechanics question? lol

How would you feel? Enemy for life. Question becomes, do you think that matters? Handicap with worker steal + follow up choke = (perhaps) enemy for life/castrated * war of attrition

Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote:We have lurkers??

One can always hope. There is a lurker thread, so there are people watching someone in this game. On that topic, if anyone actually is reading this thread I'm not above asking for a hello world post, if only to keep up with Slowwalk's thread post count. Spam away!

More than likely my long, boring turn reports in the Greens SG probably have readers either wanting TL;DR updates or skipping this altogether. I guess I could always do like Rego in PBEM 17 and offer to name cities for lurkers, but that kind of bribe is rather obvious, don't you think?

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote:Mechanics question? lol

How would you feel? Enemy for life. Question becomes, do you think that matters? Handicap with worker steal + follow up choke = (perhaps) enemy for life/castrated * war of attrition

Well, when someone screws with you in the early game if you don't kill them completely they can undo you in the end. Ref: Whosit vs. Plako, PB2, Luddite vs. Mackoti, PB4, probably multiple other games I haven't read.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote:We have lurkers??

I'm lurking, and enjoying so far. I'll continue lurking only if you DONT name a city after me. I have neither Presidentia ambitions nor a wandering willie!

The Cat thread isnt getting much worker love either if that makes you feel better.

The decision to choke really can be a mechanics question. Assuming you've addressed the psychology and diplo implications, the analysis has to be: Who will gain from this?

If you can afford to keep cities, or if the empty land benefits you more than others, then it's a net win.

If you cant keep the cities, but can get some pillage gold, it may STILL be a win. (see my pbem25 experience)

If your hammer investment benefits everyone equally, it's not worth it.

If you dont bring enough power, and the choke gets broken, your chances actually go DOWN. But that's avoidable with proper planning.

(this response in a second post to pad your stats) alright

If you don't care and just want to run in and do some damage, then go for it.

(I choked Sareln and set him back far enough that I could dominate the land between us, letting me win the game).

I'm glad to see we have a (small!) viewership, hopefully you'll be entertained by this thread.

I'm doing diplo in the style of Mao Zedong so if nothing else some miscommunication will probably happen at a vital time and cause no end of problems for someone. Speaking of diplo, we met team Slowwalk last turn and encountered Sian this turn.

[Image: T6-ContactSlowwalk.jpg]

[Image: T7-ContactSian.JPG]

I always enjoy reading the diplo chat that people post, it gives more detail (sometimes) into the game. Other times it can be a lot of fluff =) wink frown especially when encumbered by Way Too Many Smilies. We'll walk a fine line there and make use of as many angry smilies as possible, in the spirit of Mao. As always if you don't care for the diplo minutia feel free to skip.

Greetings to Catwalk and Slowcheetah:
Quote:Hail, Catwalk & Slowcheetah, Glorious Dictators of Korea!

As one Great Dictator to another, it is wonderful to make contact with your scouting party. Our man, Steve Inskeep, has made many pleasant introductions in hopes of future cooperation. We shall slaughter 50,000 peasants in your honor, once we have that many!

May our relations be friendly, lest we should find it necessary to build a Great Wall (filled with the bodies of our enemies) between our two great nations.

Hail Ronald Reagan!

Mao (Meow),
Republican Party

PS: I take it you seek the G-G-G-Grail?? We already got one!

Their reply:

Quote:Greetings Chairman Meow.

It is a delight to meet our fellow asian kitties at last, you're welcome to help yourself to our catnip stash anytime. You may have heard in the news lately that we've gone and died. Rest assured that this is but yet another fascist ploy against our great nation, and those pictures don't even look properly photoshopped.

Do you have any interesting tales to tell of the world? We have done a fair bit of exploration ourselves, and would be interested in letting our cartographers share their findings. We do indeed have a grail, and ours is the holy one! Make sure to pay its splendours a visit. Should you prove reliable and cooperative, we'd also be very interested in closer coordination of early plans.

Best regards,

Catwalk of team slowwalk, proud advisors to Suleiman of Korea

I'll send out a greeting to Sian later today once our bureaucrats have had time to craft it. whip

Current world map:
[Image: T7-KnownWorld.JPG]

Current Demographics:
[Image: T7-F9.JPG]

I plan to catch up on C&D from the last few turns and figure out who researched what. I'm last in score right now as I believe everyone has researched a tech but me. Current score:

Everyone else: 39
Me: 33

AH due in 1. Also, first worker due in 1. If I get a chance later I'll post some further musings.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Our bureaucrats have submitted this greeting to the State department for approval and after eighty-three revisions it has been approved by the Party for submission to the Sumerian delegation:

Quote:Hail, Sian, Glorious Dictator of Sumeria!

As one Great Dictator to another it is wonderful to make contact with your scouting party. Our scout Steve Inskeep reported back to our legion of state bureaucrats about our meeting and conveys on behalf of the Republican Party many pleasant words, in hopes of future cooperation and electoral success. We shall slaughter 50,000 peasants in your honor, once we have that many! If we can't find 50,000 of our own we will slaughter someone else's, again, in honor of the great Sumerian state.

May our relations be friendly, lest we should find it necessary to build a Great Wall (filled with the bodies of our enemies) between our two great nations.

Hail Ronald Reagan, the paragon of Party virtue!

Republican Party

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

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