Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Swamplings wesnoth SG 3

Looks like nice work, Sian. thumbsup

Yeah, at Hard we just don't have the numbers I would really prefer for a swarming strategy. Losses accumulate rapidly. frown

If we have enough units left after dealing with the horsemen, attacking the bowmen could be useful. They are the only enemies our level 0 guys actually match up against strongly. lol

ran a few test runs on the horses and it shouldn't be to hard because of night ... feels somewhat like going up against roughly even units at night,specially if using our crowned lvl1s ...its 'just' a question of managing a attack/retreat daily pattern

Player 3?

I'll pass for this week, quite busy.

noone daring? ... Haphazard? F&I?

Sian Wrote:noone daring? ... Haphazard? F&I?

I can take tonight, but like I said I was busy this week

[Image: 2yzmzq0.jpg]

I think I should have been more agressive when the goblins where strong enough to take out horseman 2v1

The xp is all focused on our heros

we should be getting 2 or 3 more income this turn and I lost 1 goblin overall

the save

The next person with a night phase needs to do what I did not

just charge and get to the land

edit: updated the the turn order so far

Looks like pretty decent turns, f&i. We are so weak it is very hard to be aggressive, but hopefully we will not be hurt too badly during the daytime.

I can play some turns tomorrow, maybe 15-20 hours from now depending on some errands I need to run. If someone else wants to grab it before then, feel free -- just post that you are taking the save.

Sketchy plan: continue to play defensively while the sun is up, set up for some aggression come night fall.

OK, errands completed (for the moment, anyway). Time for some swampling action! jive

Hopefully I won't get too many of our people killed.

Since we seemed to be off the usual 3 turn cycle for some reason, I got greedy and played 4 turns. smile

Turn 11

- Pull back units in the north and south to defensive terrain. We don't have enough troops in either area to fight.
- Kill the wounded horseman in the center with one of our level 0s. I could have gone with a hero to get them more XP, but we could really use some more actual (non meat shield) units. Also, I would have been forced to leave a hero exposed to counter-attack if they made the kill, and charging horsemen can insta-kill our heroes for an insta-loss. frown
- Keep recruiting one new level 0 per turn.

IBT we lose a level 0 in the south, usual insta-kill. 60% village defense did nothing. frown But our high-XP level 0 survives and even lands 2 hits on the attacking horseman! jive

Also, Shining recruits another horseman.

Turn 12

- Claim 2 more blue villages. Cutting down Shining's income will help slow his recruiting.
- In the middle, Eeep and Misris get minor XP for safe missile attacks, weakening the horseman so Grurk (our promising level 0) can finish it off. hammer He promotes to level 1, and I choose to make him a rouser as we could really use the leadership bonus for our level 0s without having to risk Clammie.
- Start advancing in the middle. There is another horseman coming, but we need to start pushing forward so we can attack Shining's keep. I put a goblin in the keep at the edge of the water.

[Image: 01T12.jpg]

IBT we lose another goblin in the south, usual 1 hit. frown The horseman down there is wounded and will probably claim some villages from us, but there is no one left to attack unless he comes after our main force.

In the middle our keep defense works! The horseman has to fight from the water and fails to kill our goblin, while we land all three blows to seriously wound him. smile

Turn 13

- Eeep finishes off the wounded horseman for more XP. Getting him promoted would be a big help.
- Advance across the water in the middle.
- Continue playing it safe in the north and southwest, claiming villages when we can but staying out of range of enemy charge attacks.

IBT the southern horseman claims a village to heal, as expected. He should be occupied with that for a couple turns, leaving him out of the fight as we head for Shining. The northern horseman retakes a village and threatens Wolfie.

Turn 14

- Continue advancing in middle while playing it safe with Wolfie in the north. I start moving Clammie forward, as I don't think any more new recruits will make much difference at this point.

IBT Shining recruits another horseman. frown The northern horseman moves towards our advancing forces in the center.

The current situation:

[Image: 01T15.jpg]

That horseman can reach the blue village in the north (which Wolfie could retake). Force him to fight in the water if he attacks, and use the available meat shields to keep our heroes protected. And remember to position Grurk to provide leadership bonus to as many meat shields as possible.

Overall we kept even on units, with new recruits balancing losses. And Grurk promoting means we are a bit ahead on quality. Shining is recruiting every few turns, but the path to attack him is as clear as it is going to be. Keep moving forward, carefully when the sun is up and aggressively at night.

Good luck!

The Save T15

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