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[spoilers] pindicator goes off the deep end

well, those cities will be a pain for you,in my game with lewwyn he gave a city i build there all culture posible,but his culture reamins there when cuzco will expand again borders will take all your tiles.
Just a pain.

mackoti Wrote:well, those cities will be a pain for you,in my game with lewwyn he gave a city i build there all culture posible,but his culture reamins there when cuzco will expand again borders will take all your tiles.
Just a pain.

Yeah, I am probably going to finish the deal as soon as the NAP ends on t135 if I can't get the culture situation going my way. But what may work in my favor is that I will have several cities putting culture into these tiles were he just has one. Does anyone remember the formula for putting culture into tiles? IIRC it's the city's culture + 20 for every ring in you go from the outer-most.

If that's the case, I think once I get to 3rd ring in these cities I'll be able to hold on to the first ring around them. So we are going to get theaters in those cities right away. Since I'm going the religious route, I'll be putting temples and monestaries up as well, so that can only help.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:If that's the case, I think once I get to 3rd ring in these cities I'll be able to hold on to the first ring around them. So we are going to get theaters in those cities right away. Since I'm going the religious route, I'll be putting temples and monestaries up as well, so that can only help.

The Sistine Chapel might help to that end, and it meshes well with running a priest economy. Has anyone taken the Music Great Artist yet? I can't remember for this game.

Yep, that great artist is the source of Rego's golden age.

Music is an interesting thought, but where to fit it in? I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable with Divine Right (6) -> Nationalism (8) as my tech path, and using that time to get infrastructure up in my cities. 14 turns is a high-end estimate; if anything that will decrease as I think I'm low-balling my break-even tech rate at 200bpt. And I'm already committing on building Apostolic Palace, Spiral Minaret, and hopefully Taj and Parthenon (starting that next turn), so while Sistine's would be nice, I don't think it's going to be necessary enough to tech Music.

Hmmm... wonders... I'm going to want to figure out when my next few great people are coming. It'd be nice to get a golden age sooner rather than later.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 106

More domestic stuff. I'm saving gold, but I did put my overflow into Divine Right. Once again, should have saved that great prophet, it would probably save me a couple turns here. DR will be done in 7 turns but maybe I can squeeze that down to 6.

Started Parthenon in FAP, due to finish t110.
Apostolic Palace will finish t111.

I switched NIRA to a theatre; it starved down a population, but next turn we'll be able to 2-pop whip it. Figured this was better than 2-pop whipping a courthouse this turn and then waiting forever for the theatre.

Whipped forges in NRA, NLRA, and NLRB. NLRA will start FP next turn, and it should finish t110. Aside from the maintenance help, it also generates 4 culture per turn. NLRA is goign to get a buddhist missionary to help the FP along.

I guess if I wanted to I could try to figure out the best way to get all these missionaries built and moved around.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:I guess if I wanted to I could try to figure out the best way to get all these missionaries built and moved around.

So you're saying missonaries arent as exciting as Berserks? Who'da thunk.

Ceiliazul Wrote:So you're saying missonaries arent as exciting as Berserks? Who'da thunk.

I'm a sucker for micro, what can i say?

Looks like we can get buddhism spread to 10 cities (FCA, FCC, FDIC, FLA, FMP, FHA, FSRC, NIRA, NLRA, NRA) within the next 10 turns (t116). 10 turns is significant because if I'm right the economic fireworks start happening on t118. If I can get buddhist buildings in most of those cities by t118 we should get a very nice jump out of Spiral Minaret.

And there's a good chance I'm wrong.

But what I shouldn't be wrong about is our next great person: due in 10 turns, if we land Parthenon. That will be golden age #1
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 107

Sian's pissed. He guessed at Rego and I being buddy buddy and I admitted to it. Now he's yelling at me for handing rego the game. I'm going to stop talking wtih him in chat, because he's starting to push my buttons and I'm going to get mean if I don't stop talking.

[SIZE="3"]PBEM 23 spoilers within.[/SIZE]
Sian: 26 on the way?

me: yeah, i'm about to hit enter in fact smile
12:11 PM
Sian: then i won't start up another game not looking for a few hours :D

me: yay smile

save's on th way
12:12 PM
Sian: issues in 23? ... its been sitting at luddite and you for a day and some

me: i'm trying to get a hold of luddite
12:13 PM
we got attacked by mackoti and i think it deflated him

Sian: ouch

me: yeah, our very slim chance at coming back just disappeared
12:14 PM
but maybe that's karma for stabbing you
12:15 PM
Sian: from what i can see Mackoti and No7 haven't been in actual combat for 2-3 turns before their peace
12:16 PM
me: yeah, the turn before mackoti attack luddite mentioned that he hadn't seen any battles in the power graph. we just didn't put 2 and 2 together

Sian: and you stabbing me before even rolling the last bits of Fierce up is also somewhat hanging a neon sign flashing that you had dedicated everything remotely armylike in his direction
12:17 PM

me: we got greedy i think

Sian: specially because i whip longbows and/or maces and/or pikes
12:18 PM
hell i actually managed to dent Yuri's blitz army

me: grats!
12:19 PM
Sian: combat workers roaded a tile they had pillaged, so i could get in with my pikes and attack their stack, without leaving my cities open for attack (sitting on the tiles they had to use to get to them

btw ... about 26
12:21 PM
me: yeah?

Sian: given that i guess its an open sercet that Rego allready won ... did you make a monstereously long NAP with him? ... its the only thing that fits the facts i have without actually going in and reading the assorted threads?

me: frown

i feel really dumb for it right now

can you keep it a secret?
12:22 PM
Sian: i've been suspecting something in that lines since i had a epephiny in ~t70

me: oh?

Sian: you knew to much about what his plans was
12:24 PM
had the epephiny when i remembered you saying that you knew he was aiming for early Feudalism, while i was trying to talk Gaspadore out of attacking me so at least i could try to put a stop to him

noticed that you was to unwilling, hence i tried figuring out that you had to have created some kind of deal with him.
12:25 PM
me: heh, i wanted you to attack him though smile

just wanted you to know what you were up against

Sian: hard to do when you have Gaspadore on the other end more than willing to play hardball

me: yeah, rego had a couple dominoes fall his way

Sian: even if i blatantly noted to them that it would mean the Regoarr would win
12:26 PM
me: i really didn't get that move by them

why attack you and not yuris?

i mean, i still had a cakewalk over yuris about 20 turns later

Sian: best guess`? ... peeved that my Confusist holy city was on their doorstep

with them settling a city smack next to it one turn before it spawned
12:27 PM
me: same thing happened to rego & i. guses that shows personality type; i just said "that sucks" and moved on
12:28 PM
Sian: then again ... they did know that it was an creative city with a 'old' lib in with ~5t to expand to ring 3 so they hardly should be surpriced that it was going to be culture pressed
12:29 PM
i believe, that if they had looked at Yuri they would actually have been in a comfortable position now, instead of being forced into a trench warfare with me

me: yeah, i was trying to encourage them to go that way too

i would have joined in a bit smile

Sian: and i would have been able to at least pull out some of Rego's teeth
12:30 PM
me: hey, actually... i take back what i said about keeping it secret. Tell everyone you have a guess, but don't let anyone know i've confirmed it. Is that cool?

i made the deal before he became a monster

Sian: but yeah ... i've guessed that you two had a deal for quite some time ... largely yelling at deaf ears both at gaspadore and Yuris
12:31 PM
me: tell them to watch, and if i really wasn't in a deal with rego i'd be attackign him with my army that i didn't use on yuris

Sian: Rego is undistrubedly the strongest player of the bunch in that game, so it was hardly a surprise
12:32 PM
me: yeah, i was thinking if i secure one flank with a NAP then i can just focus one way

Sian: what you failed to pay in mind was that he effectived secured himself against a dogpile which would be the only way he wouldn't be able to outmicro everyone
12:33 PM
me: yeah, live and learn... frown

any chance gaspadore gets peace?
12:34 PM
i think that's the only shot of slowing him; rego is honestly worried about gaspadore

Sian: no ... from when they had a long streak of stupid luck, i've commited myself to trench warfare not letting them out of it
12:35 PM
i directly said to them, and i quote "if you attack me, Regoarr wins" unquote

me: so much for reason...
12:36 PM
gaspar is a pretty volatile guy though

maybe we have to try another approach. tell him we can really stick it to rego for playing us all

Sian: to be completely honest Regoarr can thank you and Gaspadore in equal parts for what effectively is a free win

me: yeah
12:37 PM
i really am tempted to break my NAP, but i don't want to

principle i guess

Sian: you won't be popular if you'd do so and would be watched carefully for quite some pbems

me: true. so no more NAPs!
12:38 PM
Sian: NAP's in themselves are no problem ... its how they're used

me: yeah. how about no more absurdly long NAPs?
12:39 PM
Sian: that and i'd say you should probably have used you're supperior naval mobility to cherrypick most of yuris cities
12:40 PM
me: i dunno about that... i'm still not sure if that would have worked out better

yes i would have won in teh end

but rego definitely wins that way

at least now i have a chance to try to play catch up

small as it is
12:41 PM
Sian: Rego got more cities, less of an army, noone breathing down his neck (directly or indirectly) and have used the hammers you used on an army to gobble wonders and tech
12:42 PM
me: i did get 8 cities out of the war

Sian: Regoarr have allready won, hell he won back in ~t70, its just a question about the map figuring it out
12:43 PM
me: i'm looking forward to the next game, and not making the same mistake twice
12:44 PM
Sian: fool me once, shame on you?

me: exactly, except i only fooled myself

dunno, we made the NAP around t50, before he beat me to the Oracle

Sian: if he beats you to the oracle after t50 you're not even trying
12:45 PM
me: didn't say i played it well

Sian: you're industrious for heavens sake ...

me: tech was my issue, not hammers

Sian: from what i can see you've completely misplayed that trait

me: i could have gotten it and picked up monarchy, but i wanted MC
12:46 PM
Sian: bare techs->Priesthood->pottery while building it

didn't yuri get it (and MC) ~around t35-40 in 23?
12:47 PM
in 29g i resigned to getting Monarchy for it, since Catwalk/Slowcheetah just won't back down from it
12:49 PM
me: well, you can rant in my thread when gaspadore finishes you off

like i said, i didn't play it very well

and it's biting me now
12:50 PM
Sian: at least i can blame stupid luck for me losing
12:51 PM
me: that's the fun part about CIV. everybody can smile
12:52 PM
Sian: their first capture ... they had 8 units, only 2 of them on land, defeating 4 entrenched defenders, with 6 of the attacks having less than 25% chance of winning
12:53 PM
they didn't have anymore units around from what i can see (and Seven as far as i can read all but confermed

Too late.

Yes, I effectively lost the game within the first 50 turns. I misplayed the opening, tried to get cute with building nav-galleys instead of granaries, and didn't even get circumnavigation for it. Then I tried to pick up MC with the Oracle instead of realizing I was in a race and going for the sure thing. Have I learned from it? Damn, I hope so. (Edit: I play to have fun, not to min/max for a win. I don't regret that I lost out on some of my objectives, but I'm still having fun with the game. I'm sorry that Sian isn't, I really am.)

But can't you make the same argument that Sian lost it by failing his diplomacy with Gaspadore? (Otherwise he attacks Rego.) Or gaspadore lost it by fighting a failed war against Sian? The only one I wouldnt' blame for Rego winning is Yuri - he just had the bad luck of being next to me.

Anyway, the turn.

All that forge overflow went into the FP, and I can whip FP next turn for 4 pop, so I probably will. Yuri gifted me the first of our 2 settlers; he's going to refound on the ruins of Ica. Anybody know an agency that ends in -ICA?

I'm going to ask Rego for a loan. Or I'll sell him some galleys. Otherwise I don't see how I get to DR on time. Maybe the FP helps when I whip that. Maybe I don't whip it. It's hard to care now. Thanks Sian, there's your revenge.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:I'm going to ask Rego for a loan. Or I'll sell him some galleys. Otherwise I don't see how I get to DR on time. Maybe the FP helps when I whip that. Maybe I don't whip it. It's hard to care now. Thanks Sian, there's your revenge.

Let me prefix this with I have nothing against Rego, and am not making this post to try and change the course of this game.

However, I humbly submit that you can always break off your alliance with Rego - just outright tell him it's not working anymore and end it.

My priorities in a game of civ are:

1. Having Fun
2. Being An Honorable Player
3. Winning

If this game is no longer fun for you because there's a good chance you're playing towards an inevitable Ottoman victory, change your course. There's a big gap in my mind between NAP-stabbing someone and breaking off an alliance with a runaway.

oledavy Wrote:My priorities in a game of civ are:

1. Having Fun
2. Being An Honorable Player
3. Winning


I still am having a lot of fun with this game, the recent session with Sian not-withstanding. Right now I'm out drinking coffee and surfing employment ads so i can clear my head. (That and I need a job.)

I really admire how you've kept battling on in pbem17, davy. How when things went wrong you reassess and find new goals to shoot for. For me, that is how i want to play. That was one of the things that drew me to this site, back in the civ3 days when it was more to do with variant play and people really stressed the "never give up" philosophy. I think I've done well at showing resilience in this game, and i don't plan on changing: there will be plenty more crazy plans that don't work in the future, and hopefully even more that do. I'll get cute with my plans again (e.g. Divine Right >> Nationalism) and maybe i pay for it, but maybe it pays off. Most of all, it will be fun. Fun to plan, and fun to see how it plays out.

But getting beat over the head by Sian's Flaming 2h Optimal-Play Stick of Frustration is decidedly un-fun.

I actually have thought about talking to Rego about dissolving the alliance. I wouldn't do anything like stab him, considering the alliance was my idea to start with I think if we did speak about it and come to an arrangement about how to wind it down then that would be fine. The thing is I am having fun working with Rego. The whole be allies but secretly undermine via other parties without getting caught thing is fun. (There's also a fine line there as to being dastardly, like stabbing him in the back, which i hope I haven't crossed. If you lurkers see something you think is across the line, I'd appreciate you speaking up, if only to have a conversation about it.) Also, the idea of catching Rego is fun. It may even be more playing catch-up with an obvious goal of what to shoot for than it would be for me to be in a commanding lead. Edit: I've pulled it off once already, catching him in tech and passing him in gnp before starting on the war prep! Who says i can't do it again?

Okay, so back to fun. I think I'll start tracking culture in the tiles around The Gift, as I've taken to calling the cities gained by my war with Yuri (yes, I've stolen that phrase from Mr. R. R. Martin). We can see if the progress and how much culture needs to be put in place there. I'm more and more confident I have can have a lot of Buddhist buildings in place by turn 118 -- at least 30 -- but I'm less confident that I can have Spiral Minaret by then. Whipping FP next turn will help, but I'm going to ask Rego about a loan. And then we'll see. Wheh, I'm a already feeling better.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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