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EitB Bug Thread

Stygian Guard no longer have demon race, which should be returned to them.

Selrahc Wrote:Stygian Guard no longer have demon race, which should be returned to them.

Did they, perchance, have Hidden Nationality as well?
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1


Selrahc Wrote:Yes.

Right now HN strips racial promotions, you get them back when you reveal (or at least you should, could you hit the button and confirm it does that correctly? :P)

This is b/c racial promotions give the game away to human players on hidden nationality elves/dwarves/orcs etc. An evolution of this mechanic at some point would be to give certain traits the "hidden" tag, which would mean such things are only visible to their owners.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Sadly I'd already moved on from that game when I reported it. Building Stygians fresh and they have the Demon promo though, so it's probably working as intended. Gave me a fright when I tried to use a stack of Stygians to fight Buboes and they all failed to attack due to fear.

I've got a doozy of a bug for you from another game. Near as I can figure, summons with a duration are killed at the end of that duration. If an immortal unit takes the Black Mirror and creates an illusionary double, that illusion will be killed at the end of the turn... and return to the capital due to immortality, removing duration limits. You can thus create infinite illusionary immortal units at a rate of 1/turn.

And in further "Selrahc plays around with endgame tech" news, Immortals with Great Commanders attached who merge with a flesh golem, create a new great commander on the flesh golem who can be detached and used as normal. 4 great commanders/turn is a little insane. Particularly since they can be used to recruit an instant army.

I'm getting the impression the whole Flesh Golem/Immortal interaction is not one that was really anticipated. While I haven't tested it yet, I'm foreseeing other issues like creating 4 super experienced angels/turn for Basium or multiple manes for Hyborem if given the right religion.

Perhaps immortals should be given non-living races like Avatar, Angel or Demon. That would immediately close off pretty much all the shenanigans. No flesh merging. No use of black mirror. No creating angels.

On another note, I'm wondering if the HN Noxis shrine combined with the race stripping ability of HN is giving Hyborem the means to mass manufacture manes for himself. I'm not sure it's a massive issue, since at most that gets him 1 mane/turn provided he can get the unit killed. But it's something to consider when thinking about HN implementation.

I thought they fixed the Immortal-> infinite flesh golems bug with Ice? (final FFH2 version)

It's definitely possible in EitB V008 with Vamp Lords.

Although.. "Infinite Flesh golems"? I'm not seeing a way to get limitless flesh golems other than by using the Black Mirror bug.

When Sheut Stone promotions happen it comes up with TXT_KEY_UNIT_PROMOTIONS_SHEUT-STONE or something like that instead of a nice "Unit Promoted with Sheut Stone" message. Not a game affecting bug, but it would be nice to have it fixed.

Immortals joining Flesh Golems is an easy fix. In fact, it looks like Kael tried to stop it but he didn't account for the Immortal units (or they were added later).

In, in the reqAddToFleshGolem() function , change

if caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_IMMORTAL')):

if caster.isImmortal():

The Eternal Immortal Illusion fix requires an SDK change to the kill() function to block illusions from being reborn (again, it looks like Kael tried to take care of this in the python Mirror function by setting immortal to false, but it's not working for some reason).

I would also recommend blocking Great General promotions from being mirrored.

All of the above changes will be included in the next release of More Naval AI.

More Naval AI (an AI mod for FFH2) - focusing on bugfixes, stability and AI improvement

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